View Full Version : 9mm 1911's

06-11-2010, 03:33 PM
I have the bug for a 9mm 1911. What are some of the best available ones out there? Are they Massachusetts compliant? How about some pictures?

06-11-2010, 08:05 PM
Springfield Armory full size.
Or for the BUG (back up gun) get the EMP


06-13-2010, 07:10 PM
Love my emp. Fun, accurate, and full of quality.

06-13-2010, 11:16 PM
http://www.stiguns.com/guns/Trojan5.0/images/Trojan50_Main_320x240.jpg (http://www.stiguns.com/guns/Trojan5.0/images/Trojan50_Main.jpg)

The STI Trojan......Oh man this is a sweet sweet 9mm 1911.


06-14-2010, 08:29 AM
Those are beautiful Guns. I would like to add a 1911 to my collection as well. Can you even call it a collection without one?

06-14-2010, 01:39 PM
mrsig239, I know exactly what you mean! I took a stroll through Riley’s Gun Shop with the money from my G26 sale burning a hole in my pocket. They only had (1) 1911 9mm...or so the salesman thought. Stuck out of the way in the corner of the cabinet was a 1970-something Colt Commander. Now it's my Colt Commander. Took it to the range waiting to be disappointed and boy was I surprised. What a #@%& fun shooter. It ran flawless. Cant wait to try it out on Steel Challenge. I'll take & post some pix tonight.

06-16-2010, 05:42 AM
Its not perfect, but I wasnt looking for a safe queen. Very balance and gets right on target quick. Oh, and I can see the front sight!

06-19-2010, 02:03 PM
medezyner, you got that right about those sights. I had those on a Springfield Defender and I fix'in to put them on my Kimber.

06-19-2010, 02:20 PM
Looks like none of the new 9's are legal to purchase here as they haven't been submitted for our stupid safety laws!:mad:

06-19-2010, 09:05 PM
Looks like none of the new 9's are legal to purchase here as they haven't been submitted for our stupid safety laws!:mad:

I think when it comes to alot of these 9mm 1911's older is better anyhow and you guys can buy grandfathered stuff still can't you? A series 70 Colt would be a wonderful thing. I personally see no good in a 1911 with a small diameter barrel but many folks love them to pieces. If it's good enough for medezyner it's good enough.

06-20-2010, 12:39 PM
Thanks Bawanna, I was going to ask and say that. Call me old fashioned and what not. I like my 1911's caliber to start with a 4 and end with a 5. I might like a 38 super but that is an old school load with that platform as well. Just sayin...

06-21-2010, 08:50 AM
Thanks Bawanna, I was going to ask and say that. Call me old fashioned and what not. I like my 1911's caliber to start with a 4 and end with a 5. I might like a 38 super but that is an old school load with that platform as well. Just sayin...

I couldn’t agree with you and bawanna more. The 1911 in .45 is the way it should be, almost sacrilege to have it in 9mm! But I think the original Commander was designed around the 9mm. So I figured, why not have 1 in 9mm and 1 in .45? I like the 1911 platform, my wallet likes the price of 9mm and I shoot it better at Steel Challenge. Then again, if I just upgraded the sights on the GI, I’d probably do a whole lot better!

06-21-2010, 10:20 AM
I couldn’t agree with you and bawanna more. The 1911 in .45 is the way it should be, almost sacrilege to have it in 9mm! But I think the original Commander was designed around the 9mm. So I figured, why not have 1 in 9mm and 1 in .45? I like the 1911 platform, my wallet likes the price of 9mm and I shoot it better at Steel Challenge. Then again, if I just upgraded the sights on the GI, I’d probably do a whole lot better!

Absolutely correct, in fact I said that mostly so you wouldn't be so anxious to sell your GI but then you were talking getting a different 45 so guess it's all ok. Your Commander is a gem for sure, just keep the 45 too.

12-03-2010, 06:10 PM
I want one of these really badly right now so I can shoot in the Custom Defense Pistol IDPA class and share ammo with my SSP and ESP guns. I've been looking at Kimber and Wilson. I didn't think about Springer. I'll have to check them out.

12-03-2010, 06:36 PM
Here's the MA approved firearms (http://www.mass.gov/Eeops/docs/chsb/firearms/approved_firearms_roster.pdf) list and generally what will be available new through an FFL. However, in the People's Anti-Gun Republic, you aren't done yet because this list gets winnowed down further by the Attorney General's super secret approved list. It's kind of like being on Dean Wormer's "double secret probation" in Animal House. The AGs list is why you can't buy new Glocks in MA. *sigh*

However, Bawanna is right in that there's a lot of stuff pre-1998 that's available for purchase. Plus, there is a stream of stuff that's brought into the state by people who get unlucky enough to move here. Those items generally have to be done in a face-to-face transaction on a FA10 because an FFL can't transfer it to you.

I'd check out the for sale forum at North East Shooters if you're looking for something a bit exotic. You can get a few out of the ordinary items there in face-to-face transactions.

12-03-2010, 06:39 PM
I'm also with the 1911 45 guys. I find the recoil on a 45 very manageable.

12-03-2010, 06:55 PM
This is the only MA compliant 1911 in 9mm - a S&W 1911 Pro Series #178017. It lists for $ 1,489.00. I've seen them at just under $ 1,100.00 in MA. They're as good as many "boutique" brands that sell for much more.

The new "list" should be out this month, but as you know that still doesn't mean than guns on the list comply with the AG's requirements.

Your only alternative is to buy a frame and have one "gunsmithed". You can do this at Remsport in Ludlow - they make frames, slides, barrels for some high end 1911 manufacturers.


12-03-2010, 07:05 PM
Good call, robmcd. I forgot about Remsport although I see his ads on North East Shooters a lot. All the feedback there is very positive, and if I recall correctly he's having a frame special too.

12-03-2010, 11:18 PM
Lets say it's armegeddon and the last habitable place on earth is MA, so I load up the truck and move there. Can I bring guns I already own or does the AG have to give me his blessing at the border.

I admit this is rather a nightmare of a scenario so those with weak constitutions should probably not stay tuned any longer.

Obviously people who owned regular nice guns like everyone else before 98 or whenever your state legislature lost their minds have to be grandfathered in correct.

12-04-2010, 09:25 AM
Lets say it's armegeddon and the last habitable place on earth is MA, so I load up the truck and move there. Can I bring guns I already own or does the AG have to give me his blessing at the border.

Let me say that I am not a lawyer and this should not be construed as any kind of legal advice. With that said, you can bring most things with you when you come. You just have to register them on an FA10 with the state. So, for example, you could bring brand new Glocks with you and register them although you would not be able to purchase said items through an FFL.

In fact, you could make a nice little profit bringing a few Gen4 Glock 19s with you, and selling them face-to-face although individuals are only allowed 4 of those transactions per year.

Most people misunderstand MA compliance. It primarily effects what an FFL dealer can transfer to you, not what you can bring if you're moving to the state as an individual or what you might be able to purchase from another individual in a face-to-face transaction assuming they have the right class of License to Carry (LTC) for said weapon.

There are 2 things that you should be aware of though:

Any high capacity mags, defined as holding more than 10 rounds, that were made after 9/13/1994, assuming you aren't a LEO, need to be ditched. Possession of such is a felony. Any mags that were made prior to that date are legal, and there's a nice little market in selling them. :angel:
We also live with a lot of restrictions on assault weapons. If you're going to bring anything like that into the state, you want to do some research on it so you don't get yourself in trouble.

I'd recommend that anybody moving into the state contact the local constabulary to get themselves right with the law ASAP.

12-04-2010, 10:48 AM
Let me say that I am not a lawyer and this should not be construed as any kind of legal advice. With that said, you can bring most things with you when you come. You just have to register them on an FA10 with the state. So, for example, you could bring brand new Glocks with you and register them although you would not be able to purchase said items through an FFL.

In fact, you could make a nice little profit bringing a few Gen4 Glock 19s with you, and selling them face-to-face although individuals are only allowed 4 of those transactions per year.

Most people misunderstand MA compliance. It primarily effects what an FFL dealer can transfer to you, not what you can bring if you're moving to the state as an individual or what you might be able to purchase from another individual in a face-to-face transaction assuming they have the right class of License to Carry (LTC) for said weapon.

There are 2 things that you should be aware of though:

Any high capacity mags, defined as holding more than 10 rounds, that were made after 9/13/1994, assuming you aren't a LEO, need to be ditched. Possession of such is a felony. Any mags that were made prior to that date are legal, and there's a nice little market in selling them. :angel:
We also live with a lot of restrictions on assault weapons. If you're going to bring anything like that into the state, you want to do some research on it so you don't get yourself in trouble.

I'd recommend that anybody moving into the state contact the local constabulary to get themselves right with the law ASAP.

I have a better idea. I'll just stay out of that area. Good advice though.

12-04-2010, 10:58 AM
I was thinking of taking orders and loading up the truck and helping my friends in MA out. Figure I'd probably have to live there at least 6 months to get resident status. I'm sure the ole AG wouldnt take kindly to me driven in selling a bunch of nice toys to my friends and then driving out.
Making me stay there for 6 months would be asking alot though.
Anyway I can help you guys out though, let me know, I'm your man. Gotta be relatively legal in a kind of sorta way.

12-04-2010, 12:53 PM
Since I've completely switched to 45, partially thanks to the theft of three 9's, I didn't have to make the choice of a little hole or a big hole in my two new 1911's. I still haven't had a chance to shoot the new Citadel, courtesy of CNN, but the SIG 1911 C3 runs great. I suppose with modern ammo 9mm is OK, but I prefer 45.

12-04-2010, 01:08 PM
Haha...Wish you could help us out Bawanna. One day they'll change these laws, or I'll move to a state with much nicer gun laws.

12-04-2010, 02:13 PM
Haha...Wish you could help us out Bawanna. One day they'll change these laws, or I'll move to a state with much nicer gun laws.

Or, get active about changing the laws.

Never stopped me. 11 states introduced legislature due to the work of myself and 5 friends.

Students want chance to defend themselves - CNN (http://articles.cnn.com/2008-04-14/us/campus.guns_1_college-students-main-university-campus-virginia-tech-shootings?_s=PM:US)

12-04-2010, 03:36 PM
Or, get active about changing the laws.

There are several organizations that work on changing the laws. However, this is moonbat central and too many pro-gun folks have voted with their feet.

12-04-2010, 03:44 PM
"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke

I find myself watching V for Vendetta (the movie) a fair amount lately, and there is one line that rings true to many, many things in life, and nothing will ever change unless people realize how true it is.

How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.

Letting others take up causes without putting forth effort to change things in the direction you want will always lead to disappointment.

12-04-2010, 06:25 PM
WARNING !!!!... OPINION TO FOLLOW...........................

RE: the state of MASS.
The residents there have consistently for decades voted & re-voted in the likes of TED KENNEDY, JOHN KERRY, & BARNEY FRANK.
The state of MASS gets EXACTLY what they DESERVE !!! PERIOD!!!
I feel no pity or sorrow for people who live there. There are 49 other states. Go try one.
I give Mass. the same advice I would give to California , Michigan . or any other LIBERAL MECCA.
YOU screwed your state up ! So either live with it or, move to a RED STATE.

I am sorry if this offends ANYONE here but, AMERICANS need to put on their BIG BOY pants and, fix this crap ! Start at the VOTING BOOTH.

Thanks for the friendly advice and encouragement.

12-04-2010, 06:30 PM
Lets get back to 1911's and happy thoughts. Save this stuff for the RCKBA section which I try to avoid like the plague.
Be nice or we drain the bath tub.

12-04-2010, 08:18 PM
This thread really went off the rails. Holy smokes, you can't just lump everybody together like that man.

12-18-2010, 12:26 PM
Back to the 1911 style framed 9mm.

I acquired a Colt 1991A1 in 9mm some years ago. Shoots just fine, sort of ho hum almost like a 22. I tend to get lazy and don't concentraate on proper grip when shooting it.

Recently acquired a complete upper assembly in 38 Super, which I promptly attached. Now that is a combination I really like.

SO, if you decide to get a 9mm, don't forget the opportunity to "switch slide" it to the 38 Super, a more "lively" round.


12-18-2010, 03:15 PM
Is there a spacer that has to come out of the magazine or mag well for that to work? Last time I checked, the 9mm is shorter than the 38 super in the OAL category, in fact the 45 is closer to that length than the 9mm is. Or am I just completely off base and forgetful?

12-24-2010, 06:13 AM
You have to purchase .38 super mags, but the good news is that most (not all) pistols will feed 9mm out of a .38 super magazine just fine.

1911's in 9mm are among my favorite pistols. I have or have owned the following:

Colt 1911 Combat Commander ran great. It was a great pistol, but was too close to perfect condition so I sold it to someone that wanted a like new Colt.

Kimber Tactical Pro also runs perfectly and is very accurate. I am considering having a 38 super barrel fitted to make this a three caliber pistol with my .22 conversion

Para Ordnance LTC is the most accurate on all of them but has been a little picky about feeding reliability. I am considering using this as the basis for a customization project and possible 38 super conversion as well. I love the light weight.

Para LDA Carry 9 is my everyday truck pistol. This one has been ultra reliable and I love the LDA trigger. Very accurate for such a small pistol and very comfortable to shoot. My wife likes it almost as much as her Sig P6.

Last but not least, I had a Rock Island Armory full size 38 super for a while to try out the caliber. It was super reliable and had good accuracy. I am not going to carry a full sized steel pistol, so this one was sold, but I highly recommend them.

01-25-2011, 07:25 PM
I'll throw in the PT1911 9mm, I just picked one up and it runs great. No recoil at all, even the wife likes shooting it.

01-25-2011, 07:38 PM
You can buy the Smith at Four Seasons in Waltham. Great gun I shot one that a fellow Club member has. Karl at Four Seasons has some but they are not cheap. $1350+++. I built mine from a Series 70 Colt upper and barrel and a Rem Sports Lower. The internals came from Brownells. Total cost around $900.. Good luck