View Full Version : Another CM9 Broken Follower?

06-17-2014, 01:21 PM
I understood this going in that the CM9 would likely break followers, my question is why do I need to send in the entire gun, my past exp with Kahr was they wanted me to pay shipping on my CW45 that blew an extractor into orbit, so I can only assume they will again ask that I pay the shipping.

If this is a common issue, why do they need the whole gun to just shorten the ramp, I will assume again that they need to check clearence with your particular gun right?

Do they not know how much needs to be shaved off? Can they not use a gun at the shop? I mean won't that barrel break followers in all frames if it's too long?

And I'm not really comfortable messing with the barrel ramp other than whipping it down with a cloth covered in flitz.

I just got my 7 round mag today so I'm sure the follower on that will be broken soon too.

I really love this little gun, I'm going to continue shooting it until a problem arises, I don't know when the follower broke during my initial break in, that was last week and I just noticed the crack in it today when comparing it to my new mag.

Gun has 118 rounds through it right now.

06-17-2014, 01:53 PM
U should not have to pay to send it back. U should contact Jayt at kahr state it has broken followers and now it is doing it again and have them issue a pre pair pick up on thegun. they want the entiere gun back to that they mod that they willdo will work. Normally one broken follower kahr will send u anutter new one but after u break the second one IMO it should go back. This is not ur issue it is kahrs, if a CSperson tells you , u hav eto send it back then just be nice and ask to speak to someone higher up, that normally gets results.They canb send it baqck much much cheaper than u and I can, Don't settle for less. The cm9 should not be breaking followers anymore than the PM series, it just seems tht way for IMO it is due to the cm9 now outselling the PM9....

I wpould not recommend u doing the mod eiyhert, kahr made it, let them fix, it, so u hav eto be without it for a few weeks, u will feel better once it cvomes back..

call kahr or email kahr, attn. Jay, state ur case and ur past issues with this gun and ask for a pre paid pickup.. Jay is an OK guy.

06-17-2014, 01:55 PM
I think since this is such a known issue that if you call or email and talk nice to Jay and explain the problem he will be glad to send you a pre paid shipping label so it wont cost you a dime and they can test fire the gun....

06-17-2014, 01:58 PM
Dang, Quick draw Jocko Mcgraw beat me to it again....:D

06-17-2014, 04:22 PM
ur slower than milk out of the t*ts on a boar.Just sayin

06-17-2014, 05:06 PM
I was all set to do the work myself, I even purchased a Dremel 3000 on Father's Day :) But I figured if I was going to fix the feed ramp, it would also be nice to have a follower that wasn't broken so I called Kahr this morning and asked for another follower, Ian told me that he was sending me a pre-paid FedEx label instead.

I asked what he wanted me to send - just the barrel, or the whole gun and the magazine and everything and he told me to send it ALL - the whole gun and the magazine.

06-17-2014, 05:26 PM
Man, keep seeing these post with broken followers. I've been fortunate enough to have put 1000 flawless rounds out of my stock 6 load mag. Loving this little gun(CM9) I'm sure they will take care of you. Once you get this sorted out you will not be sorry. Hang in there and take these guys words on this site. Lots of knowledgable people here . Good luck sir

06-17-2014, 05:30 PM
I sent kahr an email right after I posted this thread, I'll send it back if they issue me a label to do so, I'm going to shoot it again sometime in the next 3 days, want to see if it will damage the follower on the 7 round mag I just got .

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06-17-2014, 06:07 PM
I was all set to do the work myself, I even purchased a Dremel 3000 on Father's Day :) But I figured if I was going to fix the feed ramp, it would also be nice to have a follower that wasn't broken so I called Kahr this morning and asked for another follower, Ian told me that he was sending me a pre-paid FedEx label instead.

I asked what he wanted me to send - just the barrel, or the whole gun and the magazine and everything and he told me to send it ALL - the whole gun and the magazine.

is what I call good customer relations. Ion did the rigtht thing in sending u a prepaid on ur gun. Let them do it right and then u can put this all behind u and u can then shoot it like u stole it..:amflag:

06-17-2014, 07:19 PM
Yep, I'll save my Dremel for making the slide stop look like this:



06-17-2014, 07:26 PM
That's what I used my dremel for on one of my CW45's

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06-17-2014, 09:18 PM
I understood this going in that the CM9 would likely break followers,

Well... I take a little raised eyebrow on the "likely break followers" part of your post. Most do no, it is not likely, but I am sorry that you have one that does. Luck of the draw.

They need/want the whole pistol because they want to check the entire set of tolerances. They may still correct the situation with a barrel trim, but... what if the frame is a bit off? They'll replace it. Or any other part that is not quite on spec.

Insist on them paying shipping.

06-18-2014, 12:06 PM
Got a reply back from a gentleman named Eoin Pryal :

On this occasion we will be able to send out a new part, should it continue to break followers we will need to have it sent in to be seen by one if the gunsmiths.

I asked if a label could be sent out if it needs to go back

Right now my follower is just cracked, the new 7 round mag has not seen any action, I'm hoping it will not break the new follower or the 7 round mags follower , I don't want to be without this pistol for ANY amount of time

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06-18-2014, 12:22 PM
A quick fix to the problem that wont void the warranty is to take a little material off the plastic follower where the ramp is hitting it...Doesn't take much as the part is pretty thin there but as long as the ramp doesn't make contact with the plastic then the problem is solved...

Lock the slide back and press the barrel to the rear as far as it will go during recoil with an empty mag in the gun and see where the tip of the ramp is hitting the follower and sand or dremmel off a small amount of plastic only in that area....If you want to you can order a couple spare followers to have on hand in case you mess one up but if you go slow and check your progress you should be able to correct it yourself without being without your pistol...

Others have done this mod and say it works fine and it saves a trip back for the rampectomy job which is taking 4-5 weeks at this time....Good luck...

06-19-2014, 11:21 AM
I ran another 50 rounds through the CM yesterday (damn it shoots and functions fine) I had one issue with the new 7 round mag .

Looks like the follower didn't push the round all the way up after a round was fired, the gun was completely locked up, the mag would not drop and I couldn't move the slide.

I ended up slapping the bottom of the mag and the round popped up and the slide flew closed and chambered that round.

I ran out of solvent, this mag feels like it has some sort of residue on it, it does not drop free of the gun like the 6 rounder does .

The follower in the 7 round mag has not developed a crack and the cracked follower in the 6 rounder has not broken yet.

Kahr replied that after I get the new follower, if it does break as well we would go from there, Eoin did not say if they would send me a label.

I'm hoping it won't break anymore followers and will probably take getsome's advice and mod the followers .

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06-19-2014, 01:25 PM
If it has to go back u insist on a prepaid label. I would suggest dealing with Jay at kahr over eion...

I would also suggest taking the advice of getsome to,

06-19-2014, 01:30 PM
I ran another 50 rounds through the CM yesterday (damn it shoots and functions fine) I had one issue with the new 7 round mag .

Looks like the follower didn't push the round all the way up after a round was fired, the gun was completely locked up, the mag would not drop and I couldn't move the slide.

I ended up slapping the bottom of the mag and the round popped up and the slide flew closed and chambered that round.

I ran out of solvent, this mag feels like it has some sort of residue on it, it does not drop free of the gun like the 6 rounder does .

The follower in the 7 round mag has not developed a crack and the cracked follower in the 6 rounder has not broken yet.

Kahr replied that after I get the new follower, if it does break as well we would go from there, Eoin did not say if they would send me a label.

I'm hoping it won't break anymore followers and will probably take getsome's advice and mod the followers .

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that 7 round magazine apart to see that the spring is in OK, and while it is apart, polish with some fine paper under the feed lips of the magazine tube. U never know how little things can add up to be helpful.

06-20-2014, 09:39 AM
Thanks Jocko

06-21-2014, 08:39 AM
Just for an update on my CM9. It broke 2 followers so Kahr had me send the gun in on their dime. Since I got it back I took out shooting a few times with no problems. Really like the gun. Mark