View Full Version : Do you carry ... at home?

06-11-2010, 03:59 PM
For those of you fortunate enough to live in a "shall issue" state and have a CCW permit I was wondering something. Do you carry just when you leave the house or do you also carry at home?

Reason I ask is because since I live in MD we can't carry. I have a non-resident FL CCW permit and plan to use it the next time we leave the state a few weeks from now. Until then, however, I've been carrying around the house some of the time after work or on weekends. I tell myself I'm really doing that so that I can get used to the holster, find out what clothing combinations "print" or don't work well, what's comfortable for me, etc. And that's all true up to a point. But I must admit I'm also doing that in part because it is borne out of frustration that we can't carry here in this state. Makes me feel as if I'm doing, well, something.

But on that latter point, I must further confess that I sorta feel a bit silly doing this. It probably is a bit more symbolic than actually required. (We live in a nice cul de sac where all of the neighbors know each other so there is only a slight chance of crime where we live.)

So I got to wondering, should I bother? Do other people do this? What is the common practice?

Just curious.

06-11-2010, 04:23 PM
Life comes at you fast sometimes and while your home is your castle it is not a safe haven. I carry at home. I carry when I mow my lawn. I'm at a disadvantage there on account of I can't get off the mower and run. I'm forced to be a stand and fight kind of guy.
I know I'll probably earn a place on Americas Most Wanted but the fact that your state doesn't allow CCW carry would not influence me one iota. It would take CCW to the next level to insure neither the good guys nor the bad guys know your carrying a gun.
Firearms are forbidden on city campus where I work in the police department except for commissioned officers. My PM45 affectionately refered to as "Tiny" is on my ankle as we speak. If caught and pursued it is a firing offense. I'd rather have it on my ankle and take the chance than not have it. I've been here 13 years, what I do is common knowlege and blessed by the officers, I've applied for a special chiefs approval nearly every year and failed. But not one day has gone by when I didnt have a gun on me. My full size 1911 is on my desk in a city provided safe that only I know the combination too. It goes on my belt when I leave the building and usually but not always comes off when I get home depending on what I'm doing. As dept armorer I have access to 40 45 cal glocks, 45 AR 15's, a couple MP5's, numerous shotguns, and a pickup full of ammo. Makes no sense to be rolling around nekkid for stupid liability reasons.
I've really softened in recent years, I use to put my gun in a double ziplock bag when I was in the shower. Since I can't hear a B52 flying 20 ft over my head now, I see no need to do so any longer.
Last one out of MD, turn out the light.

06-11-2010, 04:24 PM
I started trying to carry my P380 all the time around the house, so that I will always have something on me when I'm not near my other guns lying about the house. When I'm watering the yard, taking the trash out, or just talking with the neighbor or mail carrier, I feel a lot better. It's like insurance. You can't buy some after an accident or as a hurricane is battering your house... though Obama is trying to do just that... get sick and then buy insurance because you can't be refused over an existing condition.:D
When I'm popping in and out at night to move the hoses or the trash, I also carry my dim LED light with the 1 million-volt surprise, so that I won't have only one choice for pets or other animals roaming about.
It does seem like overkill since I have loaded pistols at my main positions about the house -- computer/dining area. TV chair, kitchen microwave cart, master bath's toilet, and bed. I will take the P380 off when I'm trying to get comfortable in the recliner... Boomer and a 7-round reload are right there.:D
The house has really become cluttered with gun-related stuff since I joined this forum and got back into guns and shooting.
I hope to never be at a disadvantage if any BG(s) come looking to share our/my stuff. The stun gun isn't for them. If I never need the guns, that 's good, but if I do... I want no regrets for not being prepared. You might think your neighborhood is pretty safe, but a lot of home invasions occur in places like that.
There's always Murphy, too, when you're lax or relax that one time....
Remember, you're not paranoid if they really are out to get you!

06-11-2010, 04:31 PM
It hit 95.9° on our back porch around 1PM and it just got below 90°, finally. And the two hours of thunder is finally producing a tiny bit of rain to further cool us off. 10 or 11 days to summer. I'm looking forward to late fall now.

06-11-2010, 04:38 PM
Gosh darn Wynn, you sound like Taxi Driver. You got land mines or ***** traps too. Scratch the ***** traps, I know you go to the mall to cool off and check out scantily clad babes...................

06-11-2010, 05:06 PM
You can't say 'b00by" or Naz!, but a$$ is okay and the "censor/spell-checker" thinks Kahr is a misspelling.

06-11-2010, 05:08 PM
Life comes at you fast sometimes and while your home is your castle it is not a safe haven. I carry at home. I carry when I mow my lawn. I'm at a disadvantage there on account of I can't get off the mower and run. I'm forced to be a stand and fight kind of guy.
I know I'll probably earn a place on Americas Most Wanted but the fact that your state doesn't allow CCW carry would not influence me one iota. It would take CCW to the next level to insure neither the good guys nor the bad guys know your carrying a gun.
Firearms are forbidden on city campus where I work in the police department except for commissioned officers. My PM45 affectionately refered to as "Tiny" is on my ankle as we speak. If caught and pursued it is a firing offense. I'd rather have it on my ankle and take the chance than not have it. I've been here 13 years, what I do is common knowlege and blessed by the officers, I've applied for a special chiefs approval nearly every year and failed. But not one day has gone by when I didnt have a gun on me. My full size 1911 is on my desk in a city provided safe that only I know the combination too. It goes on my belt when I leave the building and usually but not always comes off when I get home depending on what I'm doing. As dept armorer I have access to 40 45 cal glocks, 45 AR 15's, a couple MP5's, numerous shotguns, and a pickup full of ammo. Makes no sense to be rolling around nekkid for stupid liability reasons.
I've really softened in recent years, I use to put my gun in a double ziplock bag when I was in the shower. Since I can't hear a B52 flying 20 ft over my head now, I see no need to do so any longer.
Last one out of MD, turn out the light.

Life comes at you fast sometimes ....

Well how true that statement just is, I just got back from riding my Harley to our local Dairy Queen for a shake, and some fella on a HONDER was riding his in front of me. I knew him not. anyway nice bike (if ur a honder fella) this guy was minding his own business going down our main street and damn if some broad just shot right out of a parking lot and nailed him big time. Scared the wheaties out of me. and the b--ch was on a damn ********* to boot. No one hurt seriously, except this fellas bike just plowed into her left front fender and tore the crap out of his bike. Yes Indeed: LIFE COMES AT YOU FAST SOMETIMES.:banplease:

06-11-2010, 05:13 PM
Somehow I'm gonna have to get out of my mind the image of Bawanna nekkid in his shower with a B52 on a low level bombing run screaming over his house. Not a mental image conducive to a good night's sleep... :)

06-11-2010, 05:31 PM
I didn't let that image in. I was thinking about all of the low-level bomb runs I've made in B-52's... most as the bombardier... training, though. I remember tossing a few "training aids" around Avon Park one night here in Florida... late 70's or early 80's. Ground guys couldn't find them. Nothing untoward reported... whew! I found the aiming point on radar late in the run and assured the pilot I was giving him good direction toward the "target". Close counts for handgrenades and nukes.:D

Longitude Zero
06-11-2010, 05:33 PM
I do not "carry" at home. I do however have concealed weapons secreted around my home that are instantly available.

06-11-2010, 05:34 PM
Somehow I'm gonna have to get out of my mind the image of Bawanna nekkid in his shower with a B52 on a low level bombing run screaming over his house. Not a mental image conducive to a good night's sleep... :)
Aray; I really, really dislike you at this moment for putting that image in my head :7:.
That was uncalled for, never mind a good night's sleep I don't I'll be able to have dinner.

06-11-2010, 05:39 PM
Somehow I'm gonna have to get out of my mind the image of Bawanna nekkid in his shower with a B52 on a low level bombing run screaming over his house. Not a mental image conducive to a good night's sleep... :)

That image is rather alarming isn't it. I guess I never put it all together quite as effectively as you have. I think I'll refrain from using that analogy in the future. Jocko, analogy is like comparing something to something else for reference. Least ways that what I think it means, I reckon it could mean anything you want.

Although you've cleansed yourself of your Wheaties I'm glad you were clear of the little vehicle collision incident. Some of those close calls can really take the wind out of your sails. Car vs bike, car almost always wins but not always.

We had one couple years ago, an elderly gentlemen pulled in front of a scooter (good one Harley), Harley hit right in the drivers door so hard it rolled the car on it's side. Rider went over the top of the car and walked away with bruises and scratches. Car driver died in his seat, course both car and Harley were totalled. Wasn't pretty. Rare occasion, like a husband winning in a divorce case.

06-11-2010, 05:41 PM
Aray; I really, really dislike you at this moment for putting that image in my head :7:.
That was uncalled for, never mind a good night's sleep I don't I'll be able to have dinner.

Maybe add a little Mr. Bubble to the image and it'll all be ok? Maybe lots and lots of Mr. Bubble?

06-11-2010, 06:49 PM
I do carry at home as does my wife as we firmly believe that bad things do just happen somewhere else or to someone else. We live in what I would consider a very safe area with a very low crime rate. It is even rare to have an occasional breaking and entering in the area in the 16 years I have lived here. But this is not to say that it doesn't happen here, About 10 years ago there was a contract murder only about 2 miles away a husband had his ex-wife killed as she left the local library (amateur was caught the next day), and about a mile away there was a woman grabbed in broad daylight going to her car from a K-mart store she was found murdered and raped the next day. My point is there are bad guys out there and they are not limited to the bad areas of town. We do defensive drills on a regular basis in our home, we have a plan and we practice our shooting skills weekly. We believe it is much better to be prepared and never need it than to be lax and need it just that one time and loose your life or the life of a loved one. Just my two cents worth!

06-11-2010, 07:00 PM
I pretty much carry all the time. If my Kahr or Seecamp isn't in my pocket, then I usually have a 1911 or Sig within arms reach.

Funny story for you: I was in the backyard watching my little girl while she played in her sandbox. Our neighbor stopped over with her little girl. So, her mother and I start chatting while our girls play. Anyway, the mother starts talking about how her little girl picked up some gun play from the little boys in her pre-school. She was pretty unhappy about it and starts telling me she's anti-gun. Wonder what she'd said if she knew what I had in my pocket? :D

06-11-2010, 07:05 PM
I pretty much carry all the time. If my Kahr or Seecamp isn't in my pocket, then I usually have a 1911 or Sig within arms reach.

Funny story for you: I was in the backyard watching my little girl while she played in her sandbox. Our neighbor stopped over with her little girl. So, her mother and I start chatting while our girls play. Anyway, the mother starts talking about how her little girl picked up some gun play from the little boys in her pre-school. She was pretty unhappy about it and starts telling me she's anti-gun. Wonder what she'd said if she knew what I had in my pocket? :D

Sometimes in cases like that your sorely tempted to show them. How do you pickup gun play in preschool unless of course you were in my kids class long long ago? Probably finger cops and robbers?

06-11-2010, 07:16 PM
Probably finger cops and robbers?

Exactly right. The little boys were making guns with their hands and making noises when they shot. A totally natural thing for little boys to be doing.

Oh, lol, that reminds me of another funny anti-gun story. So, my wife's parents are huge liberals, what the sane people in MA call moonbats.

My father-in-law hates guns and my mother-in-law is not too keen on them either. Knowing this, my wife makes me promise not to CCW when we visit them. Reluctantly I agree to keep peace, but that didn't help my wife out too much.

See, I had taken some pictures of my daughter on my **********, which just so happens to be what I use to take pictures of my targets so I can track my improvement at the range. While we were home, my wife grabs the memory stick in my ********** so she and the mother-in-law can print out some pictures at Wally World. Guess what pops up about 5 pictures into their review? :p

My wife went into this mad scramble to fast forward through the target pictures. To my mother-in-law's credit, she never said anything about it to my wife or I, but my wife was still not real happy with me. :D

06-11-2010, 07:39 PM
Why was she unhappy. Don't you keep your ********* parked in the garage?

06-11-2010, 07:44 PM
No, not sure why they block out the word B-l-a-c-k-B-e-r-r-y.

06-11-2010, 07:51 PM
Unless I am actively working, or riding my motorcycle on a racetrack, there is a gun at the LEAST within reach of me at all times, if not on me. Even at home

used to not be that way at home. I live in a VERY rural area, and the neighbors I do have I know them all well.

But I have been shocked to have some random crack head come wandering up my long driveway, even out here. Bad things happen to good people in good places all the time. I am no different.

*stated as I pat the P40 sitting on the couch next to me right now, on the opposite side of my trusty dog*

06-11-2010, 08:06 PM
And funny enough, my mother was just at my house, and I am wearing only a tank top undershirt and shorts........ my pistol was on my hip, and she said "I think you are safe now" with a sideways glance at it, insinuating I could put it away now. She knows I carry outside of the home, I guess she didn't realize i carry in the home too basically.

I just sortof blew it off. There really is no reason to even discuss it LOL

06-11-2010, 09:13 PM
I found that the safest place to keep a loaded gun is on my hip.
We have all kinds of people, even kids, over here all the time.

If it is not locked up in the safe, it is hidden on my hip.
Its just safer that way.

mr surveyor
06-11-2010, 09:25 PM
I got off my Mom's couch last Sunday afternoon and she pointed out that my shirt tail had ridden up over my pistol..... she's 82 and loves the fact that I carry 24/7. And, yes to the original question, I carry at home. I live outside the city limits of one town less than a quarter mile from the county line, and the county seat (sheriff's office) is 15 miles away. Normally, there's not a deputy within 20 minutes of our neighborhood. Every house in my immediate area (including mine) has either been broken into or had outside stuff stolen/ransacked... riding mowers, four wheelers, boats, etc. The perps aren't "local", but obviously case the neighborhoods well.

I refuse to be a "victim" in my own house. One well placed size 10 will open most home doors, even with a bolt lock, and the wearer of that size 10 can be over the threshold in about 5 seconds.... with his buddies close behind. With a sidearm on/in my belt I think I can effectively react within that time frame. Although I do have a trusty doberman, she neither likes loud noises, nor firearms, and would vacate the room where the door was kicked in faster than I could draw. She (my trusty guard dog, Guinness....she's black and tan:D) even leaves the room when I clean guns.... heck, she even leaves the room when she hears me loading a magazine. She obviiously had some bad experience in her "youth" regarding firearms from her previous owner.

I never answered the door after dark without a firearm in my hand after 1986 (our home invasion/burgurlary), and about three years ago decided to never be disarmed at home. I will not be a victim in my own house!

Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.


06-11-2010, 09:32 PM
Do you carry at home?

No, my pistol goes into a small safe minutes after I come home.

Aray, just because you live in Maryland, don't give up hope of ever having a carry permit. I had one issued there prior to moving to Virginia. It took an effort but it paid off.

06-11-2010, 10:47 PM
I carry at home. Alway care never tell.


06-11-2010, 11:53 PM
I live in a gated sub division with active security patrols, so crime is not an issue 'for most people'. However, I'm not that trusting, because there are 252 houses, and I only know the families in six of them. We even had an incident last year where a lawyer went berserk and shot two members of his household.

I live alone so a loaded gun in the house is only a threat to me. As I sit at my desk right now there's a loaded CW9 and a PM45 within reach. In my kitchen, there's a XD45 and an M&P 45. Next to my recliner in the den there's a S&W 9mm and a 9mm carbine. And in my bedroom there's a 24/7 45 and P225 in the night stands on either side of the bed. All are out of sight but easily reached. No, I don't carry at home, but I'm never more than a couple of seconds from a loaded gun.

06-12-2010, 09:26 AM
I carry any where, at home or not. I look at it like this, as I have a two year old who is a very busy and active little girl, I keep my street weapon on me, and my closet stays open. I have no rounds in the chambers of my long guns but everything has ammo. Since my street weapon of the day is also my night stand gun (when I don't just sleep with the thing), I worry not about little hands or BG's. I also have a CHL and carry everywhere. I found that when I have to leave to run errands and such that if I don't have to put my weapon on then I can get my daughter out and going that much faster.

06-14-2010, 05:19 AM
I don`t carry around the house much but I can see why you do.If I were in the same position as you,I would do the same.It`s also a good thing that you`re finding out about what works and what doesn`t as far as your wardrobe goes. By all means continue to carry around your home so that you will be comfortable doing it when you get somewhere you can cc in your travels.Just be sure to check out the laws of the state you are in.Each has their own little differences and you will be well served to know what they are.Best of luck to you.

06-14-2010, 07:01 AM

Looks like you can carry in Maryland only if "(f) Personal Protection: There must be documented evidence of recent threats, robberies, and/or assaults,
supported by official police reports or notarized statements from witnesses."

I carry around the house out of habit because I may go outside. It's easier for me to put things up at night. There have been 2 instances recently when I was carrying outdoors where I was surprised by a salesman. In the first case, I was using electric noisy hedge trimmers and cutting bushes up against my house. The street is approx 75 feet from where I was. After turning off the trimmer, I was startled to see a guy standing 10 feet behind me (on my property) and wanted to know if I would buy something (peddler). The other case, I opened my garage door, walked inside the garage and put my daughter in her car seat in the car. As soon as I buckled her in and shut the door, there was a guy standing in my driveway (on my property) 30 feet away and wanted to know if I would buy some furniture. Apparently, opening my garage door got his attention. I am in code yellow all the time, so I was a little mad at myself since those guys snuck up on me. But I was armed in both cases with the PM9.

I also carry while riding the lawn mower. The problem here is that dust, dirt, and grass clippings fly around and get down in my pocket and get all over the gun. :(

06-14-2010, 08:07 AM
I have had a ccw since I was twenty-five and still in the service. I was in Georgia when they first allowed them. It took a judge to sign off on them back then and only could carry a specific weapon which was listed on you license. After moving to Florida in 1979 I carried in my vehicle for many years...was legal here. Then back in the late eighties, Florida was one of the first states to isssue CCW's....since then I have renewed mine at least four times.
I can't ever think of a time when I either having a gun on my person, next to me on the end table or under my pillow at night. Having a firearm on or around me is just like putting on my pants.
I have been around guns all my life and is just second nature to me. My wife even keep one in her night stand and "Judge" in a quick access vault, right beside her lounge chair in the family room. Being prepared is a mind set and a way of life.

06-14-2010, 11:17 AM
I have had a ccw since I was twenty-five and still in the service. I was in Georgia when they first allowed them. It took a judge to sign off on them back then and only could carry a specific weapon which was listed on you license. After moving to Florida in 1979 I carried in my vehicle for many years...was legal here. Then back in the late eighties, Florida was one of the first states to isssue CCW's....since then I have renewed mine at least four times.
I can't ever think of a time when I either having a gun on my person, next to me on the end table or under my pillow at night. Having a firearm on or around me is just like putting on my pants.
I have been around guns all my life and is just second nature to me. My wife even keep one in her night stand and "Judge" in a quick access vault, right beside her lounge chair in the family room. Being prepared is a mind set and a way of life.

It still requires a Probate Judge to sign off in Georgia, but the other restrictions have been considerably liberalized. I too, have had a CC permit in GA for many years.

06-14-2010, 03:34 PM
Sometimes yes sometimes no. Depending which pistol I have with me that day. The little P3at I forgret I have on me sometimes so yes I carry that one, but one of the larger pistols I take off. One is never that far away where I can't get to it in a hurry though..

06-14-2010, 03:55 PM

Looks like you can carry in Maryland only if "(f) Personal Protection: There must be documented evidence of recent threats, robberies, and/or assaults, supported by official police reports or notarized statements from witnesses."

Yes, technically Maryland is a "may issue" state but practically is a "no issue" state. Unless you are politically connected of course, in which case you can get your permit. I'm also sure there are a few instances where private citizens can satisfy the requirements above, i.e. "recent threats, robberies, and/or assaults, supported by official police reports or notarized statements from witnesses." Domestic violence springs to mind, but even then it is in the hands of the MD State Police who are not normally inclined to issue permits.

It is well known and documented that in this state, proactive individual self defense does not meet the criteria for CCW. And applying for the permit is a waste of the non-refundable application fee.

Looking forward to retiring some day and moving to a more sane state. Like maybe TN, where we go camping from time to time. We'll see.

Until then, we'll keep trying to change the status quo here in MD. Like Winston Churchill said "Never, never, never give up."

And oh, of course, thanks to all who have provided your opinions on your carry practice. It has been very educational for me, and I don't feel quite so silly doing it around my house anymore.

06-16-2010, 12:06 AM
In Maryland it is very hard to get a LTCF. I lived there for over 18years and I still work there. I was turned down, even though I was working as a bail enforcement agent for a bondsman in Annapolis. I got my LTCF right after moving to PA, but I never carried at home. I was still working in Annapolis and staying at a friends house in Severna Park. I was blown away by how many home invasions there were in the news and that is when I started to carry in the home. I just made an active dission, not to be a victim. When I was younger I used to think that I could handle any confrontation with my hands and feet (many years fo MA training). I now know that this idea was far from the truth. The CW40 on my hip right now, doesn't solve all problems, but I'm darned safer with it, than without it.

06-16-2010, 05:55 AM
nosloIo, I with ya on the MA training and done some kali knife work, but as the years pass this tired body needs other options around the castle. I live on a quiet street/neighborhood with zero crime, but have found myself carrying around the house more and more since getting the PM9. You just don’t know when a rabid coyote or worse, a zombie, might present itself.

06-16-2010, 09:24 AM
i dont normally carry @ home. i live in a suburb that is fairly low crime and have a doberman that would give her life before letting someone hurt her family. i have a small safe in my bedroom that i keep my pistols in and can get access to within 30 seconds. we have had a couple of home invasions and b&e's locally lately so i am getting a quick access nightstand safe to keep my .40 glock in. i wont leave guns out of a safe because i have kids and in mass. you are responsible for your firearms even if someone stole them.

mr surveyor
06-16-2010, 04:51 PM
you're in the lazy boy watching tv, and the magic gun safe is in the bedroom. You ain't gonna access the gun within 30 seconds.

Also, if the gun on your hip gets stolen or otherwise taken from you, you have plenty more problems to worry about.

Pay particular attention to the details of the cases of home invasion where folks were severely injured, or killed. You do NOT have much time to react when the size 10 is planted squarely on the door.

But, to each his own:)


06-16-2010, 05:11 PM
Just got to thinking and when I said I didn`t carry much at home I didn`t mean that I don`t have easy access to a handgun.There`s one on the bedpost,one in the remote caddy on my armchair and even one hidden in the reading material next to the "throne".Don`t want to get caught with my pants down! Har de Har Har!!

06-16-2010, 05:54 PM
i guess if i felt threatened while sitting in my lazy boy id have a gun on me but i cant say i've ever been in that situation. if my neighborhood gets that bad i'm moving my family out of it. if i happen to be carrying that day it would be on me but come sunday when i wanna watch football i dont go for my gun. now i was in the bronx this past weekend & if i lived there i'd carry in the shower. nothin nice about that place, the yankees can have it.

06-16-2010, 07:10 PM
This statistic may be alarming, but did you know that one hundred percent of all home invasions occur in someone's home?

07-19-2010, 02:11 PM
This statistic may be alarming, but did you know that one hundred percent of all home invasions occur in someone's home?

Very good point. :D