View Full Version : Fathers day Gift

06-19-2014, 05:57 AM
Not Bawanna grips, but pretty nice. From my Daughter and Son-in-law for Fathers day.

Raasco Amboyna Burl grips panels and Altamont screws.

The Citadel compact tactical in 9mm was my Christmas gift to myself. These grips look better on it than any tie would on me!

Before and after shots. Have a good one guys.

06-19-2014, 07:33 AM
What a beautiful upgrade. The screws set off those grips perfectly.

06-19-2014, 07:37 AM
Very nice wood.

06-19-2014, 08:08 AM
Your daughter clearly appreciates you!

06-19-2014, 10:20 AM
Beautiful thing! I agree on the tie. Who ever invented those things should be hung.

06-19-2014, 04:29 PM
Beautiful thing! I agree on the tie. Who ever invented those things should be hung.

^^^^ now THAT's funny!!!

06-19-2014, 04:53 PM
Beautiful thing! I agree on the tie. Who ever invented those things should be hung.

John Holmes.....? :eek: Not sure though....:yo:

06-19-2014, 04:55 PM
Hard to beat a nice 1911 with nice grips!

06-19-2014, 06:16 PM
John Holmes.....? :eek: Not sure though....:yo:

Yeah.....and look where that got him.

06-19-2014, 06:48 PM
Not Bawanna grips, but pretty nice. From my Daughter and Son-in-law for Fathers day.

Raasco Amboyna Burl grips panels and Altamont screws.

Very nice!
I didn't know Altamont was offering 1911 grip screws. I need to check their site out again. I've some of their revolver grips and like them quite a bit.

06-19-2014, 06:56 PM
I'm sure it's blasphemy for me but I have Altamonts on my wifes Smith 638.

Also put a set on my Aunts 638. Real nice.

06-19-2014, 09:47 PM
Now that's some good looking wood! The kids have great taste.

06-19-2014, 10:07 PM
Yes they do have good taste, I was humbled and impressed.

I like the Altamont grips for the wheel guns, almost picked up a set for my J frame carry as they look great at an easy on the wallet at their price point. For me though the Craig Spegel J frame boot grip is the best. The palm swell at the top of the right grip makes the little 642 point right. Much as I preferred them my J wears the VZ grips copies in a black and white composite. Not near as pretty as Craig's woodies, but I bought them at the gun show and had them on within 2hrs of seeing them. The Spegel grips would have been at least a six week wait...
The citadel is not a carry gun for me, just a hooter for the range and a intro 1911 for new shooters. The biggest problem now? With such pretty grips, the flat black-ish finish no longer looks "acceptably utilitarian"... The gun now cries for a simple carry melt, smooth polishing and a deep charcoal blue finish.
So much for a cheap range gun.

Thanks for looking. have a great day.

06-20-2014, 08:48 PM
What else can i say? Like everyone else, I am impressed more by your kids than the grips!

06-21-2014, 10:48 PM
What else can i say? Like everyone else, I am impressed more by your kids than the grips!

Me too...

Earlier today my Son-in-law and I went over to our favored indoor range for some shooting. When I handed the nice lady my range card and tried to pay for my fee and targets, she smile sweetly and informed me that "according to him" ( points to the Son-in-law) "my money was no good".

Made even my gruff old arse want to say "awwww". My daughter is a lucky lady and I'm riding her coat tails.


06-22-2014, 09:37 AM
I was expecting the obligatory FD card and maybe breakfast or lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. That would be just fine. Although having recently landed full time employment, being employed only part time caused my son to become somewhat "financially challenged". I was extremely surprised to be presented with five 100 round boxes of American Eagle range ammunition. Since firearms is an interest we both share, it didn't take long for us to burn it up during a range session. Great father / son time.

06-22-2014, 12:43 PM
I'm sure it's blasphemy for me but I have Altamonts on my wife's Smith 638.

Also put a set on my Aunts 638. Real nice.
Picture time, sir!

I have a 638-2 (magnum frame with no lock) on its way to my favorite FFL as we "speak". Being cheap, I will probably install an existing pair of Altamont "combat" grips, but I am curious to see your choices and hear how the shooters like them. :o


This picture is from the Altamont website http://www.altamontco.com/experimental/products/pistol/smith_and_wesson/#Smith_and_Wesson_jframe.php