View Full Version : Wmd?

06-19-2014, 05:28 PM

Time to get out the tinfoil!!!...I would like to know why the CDC had samples of anthrax out playing with it....Are we about to have a new false flag incident to get the American public on board to go back to Iraq?....Hmmmmmm......Whats the scoop Tman?

The CDC is a scary place and since I live about 10 miles from there it's a little worrysome knowing what kind of stuff they have in that building...I wish they would move it to DC where it belongs so when Malaysia flight 370 shows up again and crashes into the place it will spread the zombie apocalypse up there where the rest of the brain dead people already live and work....

06-25-2014, 06:57 AM
I'm more concerned about the chemical weapons that ISIS is now in control of in Iraq. Apparently Saddam hadn't got rid of all of his WMD and WMD was found after the Iraq war. Did anyone else notice this in the news lately?

06-25-2014, 09:58 AM
That story came out right about the same time as the CDC anthrax accident did but I really don't think the two had anything to do with each other and the CDC deal was just a stupid mistake by a lab worker but there some things you dont want to make stupid mistakes with like hand grenades, milking cobras, and messing around with anthrax...Hope they learned some lessons but probably not....

The Iraq chemical weapons dump now in control of radical ISIS extremists is a scary thing alright...News says the stuff is so old and obsolete that it's nothing to worry about BUT what if they're wrong and why in the he!! wasn't that stuff destroyed while we were in control of the area?...

Just shows that when the liberals whine that GW and Cheney got us into a war for no reason because there never was any WMD in Iraq they were dead wrong...Saddam had tons of chemical weapons and had already used them against his own people and simply shipped them to friends in Syria when we invaded....Hopefully the Russians will destroy those chemicals like Putin promised to do, we can trust Putin cant we?...Man is this world in a cluster mess or what???

Stay tuned, Baghdad will likely fall by this time next week and look for gasoline prices to skyrocket all while President Urethra Mouth does nothing but play golf and go on another fund raiser trip....:mad:

mr surveyor
06-25-2014, 10:01 AM
I'd have sworn I made a post to this thread :confused:

06-25-2014, 11:17 AM
WMDs WERE found in Iraq by our armed forces. They were deemed too old and obsolete... and UNSTABLE to mess with and then the Left poopooed the findings and declared there were NO WMDs found, though Hussein used SOMETHING on the civilians that they gassed.

A lot of knowledgeable people said that Hussein had transferred his WMD's to Syria before we got to them. All of the LEFTist politicians were clamoring for us to invade and strip Hussein of the WMDs that THEY thought he had. Afterwards, the Left denied saying things like that, though there were video and written records to the contrary.


06-25-2014, 11:18 AM
I'd have sworn I made a post to this thread :confused:
Maybe it got nuked? :p

06-25-2014, 11:55 AM
I'm more concerned about the chemical weapons that ISIS is now in control of in Iraq. Apparently Saddam hadn't got rid of all of his WMD and WMD was found after the Iraq war. Did anyone else notice this in the news lately?


06-25-2014, 01:28 PM
"See you in New York" that's what the ISIS head said upon his Gitmo release....

06-25-2014, 01:34 PM
Should be a easy trip. I'm sure ovomit has a room set aside for him at the White House. Probably the Lincoln bedroom.

Longitude Zero
06-25-2014, 02:07 PM
http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/19/health/cdc-possible-anthrax-exposure/The CDC is a scary place and since I live about 10 miles from there it's a little worrysome knowing what kind of stuff they have in that building...I wish they would move it to DC where it belongs so when Malaysia flight 370 shows up again and crashes into the place it will spread the zombie apocalypse up there where the rest of the brain dead people already live and work....

I have friends who used to work at the CDC in Atlanta. Anthrax is a positive organism considering what else they have in that facility! Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever for one.

06-25-2014, 03:22 PM
Roger that...If some toxic substance will kill you in the most horrific way you could possibly imagine the CDC has a warehouse full of it over there......Unfortunately like all Government controlled agencies the CDC is a bureaucratic management top heavy waste of tax payer money for the most part....Even with their many many layers of management, rules and redundant safety systems in place they still managed to somehow expose over 80 people to deadly anthrax spores....unbelievable....

06-25-2014, 04:00 PM

Really???? Under the Obama administration.

I just hope the wind wasn't blowing NE - I live about twenty miles in that direction from the CDC.

06-25-2014, 05:45 PM
As to higher gas prices! I clearly remember when the oil companies were fighting with the "tree huggers" to get the Alaska pipe line ok'd.

We were told "If you allow this pipeline we (USA) will NEVER need oil from other countries again" :rolleyes:

So why the heck do we care about "the sandbox" :31::31:

mr surveyor
06-25-2014, 06:21 PM
As to higher gas prices! I clearly remember when the oil companies were fighting with the "tree huggers" to get the Alaska pipe line ok'd.

We were told "If you allow this pipeline we (USA) will NEVER need oil from other countries again" :rolleyes:

So why the heck do we care about "the sandbox" :31::31:

maybe because we're not allowed to tap into the vast reserves still in Alaska, and many, many other locations on our own soil!