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06-19-2014, 05:52 PM
Hillary: Those Second Amendment Supporters Are a Minority Terrorizing Americans or Something
Katie Pavlich | Jun 19, 2014
Katie Pavlich
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During a town hall style interview with CNN earlier this week, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and highly possible 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton essentially declared that those who support the Second Amendment and gun rights are in the minority. She also said they're terrorizing Americans.
Hate to break it to you Hil, but you're wrong. Gun owners and Second Amendment supports aren't a "minority" and to say they're "terrorizing" Americans is absurd. If anything, law abiding gun owners in America are keeping our neighborhoods safer, after all, as gun ownership has skyrocketed crime has plummeted.
There are roughly 100 million lawful gun owners, hardly a "minority" as Clinton suggests. Who's really terrorizing Americans? Gang members, but Clinton and her gun control allies don't want to talk about that.
Also, as a reminder President Obama's gun control agenda failed last year. It was thanks to Democrats, not Republicans.
Assault weapons ban failed 40-60: This is Sen. Dianne Feinstein's legislation, which we've known for weeks has no chance of passage but that Reid promised to bring to a vote. It failed with 40 senators in favor and 60 opposed. Kirk was the only Republican to support the ban. Sixteen Democrats voted against it -- Baucus, Begich, Michael Bennet (Colo.), Donnelly, Hagan, Heinrich, Heitkamp, Tim Johnson (S.D.), Landrieu, Angus King (Maine), Manchin, Pryor, Tester, Udall, Udall and Warner. (King is an independent but caucuses with Democrats.)
Considering Bill Clinton doesn't actually "agree with the right to bear arms" according to documents from the Clinton Library, Hillary's comments aren't surprising but serve as another reminder about why she should never be President.
Thanks to SooperMexican for the video.:80:
06-19-2014, 06:02 PM
I just threw up a little in my mouth........
What sayeth the colonel?
06-19-2014, 06:08 PM
Sorry I was throwing up a little bit in my mouth too.
I can't stand the very thought of her myself. Totally brain dead yet they claim she's the most respected woman in the world. Where the heck does that come from. Hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak.
We really need to clean out the whole mess. Start from scratch.
06-20-2014, 05:20 AM
These AR open Carry guys are NOT helping the perception. However in Israel, it's common practice....
06-20-2014, 10:20 AM
These AR open Carry guys are NOT helping the perception. However in Israel, it's common practice....
I agree but choose your response carefully because a while ago I put up a thread" and I was accused of not supporting the RKBA by some members for stating they were not making good choices by proving a point. We all have our opinions:behindsofa:;)
06-20-2014, 10:24 AM
She needs a saddle, and to be ridden off into the sunset................................" WWWWIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLBBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR RRR...............
06-20-2014, 11:17 AM
She is an unmitigated b##ch. When she was first lady she was surrounded by secret service trying to protect her worthless ass and all she did was cuss them out and treat them like dirt. She really has a foul mouth. Of course her admiring public, and the press, don't know about all this or won't admit it...
06-20-2014, 11:59 AM
06-20-2014, 12:17 PM
???....If you are calling BS about the Hilldabeast mistreating the security teams read "Unlimited Access" by former FBI agent Gary Aldrich....Agent Aldrich who is a Democrat and served in the White House under both H.W. Bush and then under Clinton and saw first hand the outlandish behavior of Hillary...
This is just one of many books on the subject which show the true nature of the woman and tells the story of her physically attacking Bill and having to be restrained by the Secret Service when she found out that she wasn't getting the White House office normally reserved for the Vice President...
Hillary absolutely loathes the Secret Service and Military security teams and made her opinions absolutely clear about it....Hillary is a &itch Witch in the first degree, make no mistake about that!!!
06-20-2014, 12:56 PM
I've heard that too.
I just finished a book written by a very long term white house usher. 38 years as I recall. Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and a few months of Nixon.
It was a great book. All about his dealing with first ladies, and redecorating and what they could and couldn't do.
Jackie Kennedy was the one that went to the warehouse and wanted to make the White House like a museum and bring out all the really old stuff.
I'd love to read an Ushers book on the years since. What a change there's been in recent times.
They used to get 50,000 dollars to redecorate, I'm sure that number is right out the window anymore.
Used to have a tight budget regarding 1st lady assistants too, nothing like now.
Most of the White House budget has been dumped on the National Parks and the Navy.
On second thought I probably shouldn't read a book like that, it would probably just really pizz me off.
06-20-2014, 01:16 PM
She comes across on TV as a motherly type to me and certainly not Presidential Material. There is no way in he!! that I would vote for her if she decides to run. I am wondering how many people on this forum actually think she would make a good President. I sure don't.:Amflag2:
06-20-2014, 01:19 PM
If she was my mother I'd hang myself or move to the opposite coast.
I doubt theres anyone here who would admit they would vote for her. That's why I'm shocked that they consider her such a shoe in.
I can see ole Willy as the First man. The White House staff catering to his every desire.
Dealing with the wife's of heads of state from all over the world. Afternoon tea with the queen.
Excuse me, gotta go clean up. I thought it was just a little throw up in my mouth but I underestimated.
06-20-2014, 01:41 PM
If I had a dog that looked like her I would shave its butt and make it walk backwards
06-20-2014, 01:52 PM
I can see ole First Letch Billy giving tours to the new interns and giving them a first hand view of President Johnson and an intimate inspection of his Capital Dome....:rolleyes:
06-20-2014, 02:20 PM
I can see ole First Letch Billy giving tours to the new interns and giving them a first hand view of President Johnson and an intimate inspection of his Capital Dome....:rolleyes:
Let me show you where Monica was on her knees praying......:2eek::2eek::2eek:
06-20-2014, 02:53 PM
These AR open Carry guys are NOT helping the perception. However in Israel, it's common practice....
How do law abiding citizens openly carrying ARs in a peaceful manner hurt the cause? The liberal socialist democrats don't care if you carry openly or concealed they want your guns banned, period. Quit bad mouthing open carry and start bad mouthing the liberal socialists. They are the enemy.
06-20-2014, 03:18 PM
I just minutes ago discussed this with a detective here.
We both agreed that what's gonna happen is the open carry folks are going to generate enough concern and alarm to create new laws to stop open carry. Much like many of our stupid laws now. They were brought on by stupid people doing stupid things so they create a stupid law to prevent it.
Case in point- Monday or Tuesday night I'm on the way home, still in town. As I approach a stop sign a fella gets out of his car with a gun on his hip in plain view. Now this is legal and I'm a gun guy and I want everyone to have a gun but I was alarmed. Not panicked but concerned. Reason being is you just don't see that very often.
I'm far more agreeable with a pistol on the hip than an AR on a single point sling in front as they walk down town or into the store.
Just don't make sense and we're so far removed from the time when everyone wore a six gun and carried a winchester that it's just not the norm anymore.
Out in the woods, fishing in Alaska, perfectly acceptable.
The argument that we need to exercise the right or we'll lose it don't hold water with me. I support open carry. It's darn nice if your covering garment has a wardrobe malfunction and it shows. It's still legal. Cause a new law banning open carry and that will probably go out the window too.
Walking around with a rifle especially in front, especially by dirt bag looking types is a huge in your face to the fence sitters and even some of our own.
A pistol is gonna draw alot of calls and concern but far more palatable to me. I still like concealed, round in the chamber. Just like the detective said, when something happens it's gonna happen fast and no two events will ever be the same.
06-20-2014, 04:32 PM
I am of the opinion that if a group campaigns to enact or promote an open carry law, they should also campaign their members and supporters to open carry once the law is passed.
The biggest problem with open carry is that it is not the norm. If everyone who supports open carry also performs open carry, it would become the norm and no big deal. IMHO.
06-20-2014, 04:37 PM
Forrest Gump said, "stupid is as stupid does". You wont see me carrying an AK strapped to my back while walking downtown.
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