View Full Version : Ohhhh Chicago, you've got it so wrong for so long!
06-20-2014, 07:32 AM
Chicago Liberals Outlaw the Firearm Industry
Michael Schaus | Jun 20, 2014
Michael Schaus
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Chicago Liberals have decided to do what they do best: kill businesses and ban firearms simultaneously. The new gun laws proposed by the city of Chicago are being described (by admitted leftists) as the “smartest in the Nation.” Needless to say: They’re pretty dumb.
A Federal Judge recently demanded that the city develop an actionable plan to allow gun sales within city limits. Of course, not all (or any) of the city council members seem on board. Ald. Water Burnett Jr said of the gun stores, “I don’t think we want these kinds of things in our communities at all.”
Well, sure… I can understand that. And the city’s absolute ban on firearm dealers within city limits has been such a rousing success so far (sarcasm font), it only makes sense that we limit lawful businesses from the utopia-that-is Chicago.
Among the provisions are a slew of discouraging requirements: Dealers will be subjected to a $3,800 yearly fee; all transactions will be videotaped and subjected to arbitrary waiting periods; all shops will be subjected to quarterly inspections; Police supervised training will be mandated for all shop employees; all owners will be required to maintain a $1 million liability insurance policy; safety plans (whatever the heck that is) will be a requisite; and various ammunition will be banned altogether.
Oh yeah, and no gun store will be allowed in a private residence or within 500 feet of a park, school, or any building used for city, state, or federal purposes… In other words: There’s about 4.73 inches of Chicago that can house a gun store. (Okay, that’s an exaggeration. But 99.5 percent of the city will be effectively off limits to the industry.)
The ironic part of this 30 page plan, is that the only people it keeps from gaining access to lawfully provided firearms are the impoverished and disadvantaged. I mean, let’s face it: A rich guy can easily venture outside of Chicago city limits and avoid getting his purchase videotaped (not to mention foregoing the city-mandated 72 hour “waiting period” for a purchase). It’s the very people plagued by inner-city violence that are the most likely to suffer as a consequence from limited access to lawful tools of self-defense.
06-20-2014, 07:50 AM
I think all handguns have a 72h wait period in Hellinois.
Mean while 43 were murdered on the streets of Chicago last month. "The city of brotherly love"
06-20-2014, 08:14 AM
"The city of brotherly love"
That would be Philly, but who's counting?
Cue Frank Sinatra:
Chicago, Chicago, that liberal town.
Chicago, Chicago, they'll screw you around. They love it!
Bet your bottom dollar you'll lose your life in Chicago, Chicago.
The town Jeremiah Wright couldn't shut down...
Bob T
06-20-2014, 08:51 AM
The new gun laws proposed by the city of Chicago...
Anyone who has lived in or near Chicago for any length of time knows that laws and ordinances are proposed all the time, many of them quite wacky, and they rarely get passed as written. Even in the unlikely chance this passes as written, the firearms lobby will take it back to court, and the city will likely lose again.
06-20-2014, 09:23 AM
That would be Philly, but who's counting?
Philly Lot's of Brother not a lot of love.... Just go to an Iggles Game and root for the opposing team :D:behindsofa:
06-20-2014, 09:58 AM
Would anyone here really want to own or work at a gun shop in Chicago? Hmmm.
If they had one and I was there which of course I never will be, I wouldn't go in.
I'm sure sales would be brisk and no doubt alot of money to be made especially on Kel Teks, Bryco's etc.
Not me though. I don't want to play.
06-20-2014, 02:29 PM
On the Southside of Chicago, Bad Bad Leroy Brown had a .32 gun in his pocket for fun.
06-20-2014, 02:42 PM
And a razor in his shoe.
06-20-2014, 03:19 PM
We need razor control!
06-20-2014, 06:05 PM
A friend of mine went up to chitown years ago, after his meeting he decided to go to the horse track on the south side.
Was at a traffic signal. Some townies decided that that they wanted to take him out. He took 2 rounds in the face and drove away while sitting on the floor. He survived.
I wouldn't go back to Chicago although I had lived there for years in the 50s and in the 70s. Nothing good comes frome there
Bob T
06-20-2014, 07:46 PM
A friend of mine went up to chitown years ago, after his meeting he decided to go to the horse track on the south side.
Was at a traffic signal. Some townies decided that that they wanted to take him out. He took 2 rounds in the face and drove away while sitting on the floor. He survived.
I wouldn't go back to Chicago although I had lived there for years in the 50s and in the 70s. Nothing good comes frome there
Just went to the wrong part of town....
I love Chicago...The wife and I go down there all the time. Mostly, we go to see bands we love and eat great food...
It is a world class city, with beautiful architecture, great museums, good food, fun bars, an awesome lake front and wonderful people.
All the violence and unhappiness happens in a few, small areas...the rest of the city is a joy.:)
06-20-2014, 08:17 PM
Sorry, no excuses for any city in the USA to have an area where you fear for your life. World class, not in any shape or form unless you are including near record breaking crime. Not sure if it has changed but chicago doesn't follow FBI crime reporting statistics and their crime for the most is left off of FBI comparison data.
The guy I mentioned never went back there without a 357 on his lap. He is a law abiding citizen but chose life rather than being a victim.
IMO residents of those cities should clean house of the elected officials. As well as not tolerate criminal activity in their neighborhood.
We moved from down state illinois years ago because we couldn't stand being treated like children. With the issues being driven by chicago politics.
Bob T
06-20-2014, 08:29 PM
Sorry, no excuses for any city in the USA to have an area where you fear for your life.
Pretty much any major city in the world has areas best avoided...that's just the way it is.
I've been visiting Chicago a few times a year since I was 16, and I am 58 now. Never once did I feel threatened or scared, even when walking around late at night. I've enjoyed it, learned from it, and do not regret a single trip down town.
I respect your decision to stay away, that is your choice, but it is a shame for anyone to miss all that is good about it.
06-20-2014, 08:55 PM
Bob, be careful when you travel there. Always stay aware and be prepared for the worst.
I have had 2 family members killed in metro areas both while doing nothing wrong except being there.
When I retired, I knew that il was not for me with horrible leadership which includes being in debt by 100 billion bux with no solution.
It is refreshing now to go to a gun shop, buy a gun and the clerk helps you load your mags before letting you out the door. No waiting periods.
Bob T
06-20-2014, 09:02 PM
Bob, be careful when you travel there. Always stay aware and be prepared for the worst.
I have had 2 family members killed in metro areas both while doing nothing wrong except being there.
When I retired, I knew that il was not for me with horrible leadership which includes being in debt by 100 billion bux with no solution.
It is refreshing now to go to a gun shop, buy a gun and the clerk helps you load your mags before letting you out the door. No waiting periods.
I hear ya...And I am careful. But like I said, I've been visiting the city for over 40 years and have never felt threatened or scared. I know the politics and politicians are not to my taste, but the city and it's people are awesome.
Where do you live now? Just curious...
Take care...:)
06-21-2014, 10:13 AM
I'm gonna go out on a Limb and say Tibet!:D
06-21-2014, 10:26 AM
Friggen pithole......................................
06-21-2014, 11:51 AM
Oh, Chicago is OK if you are careful and stay in the safer parts of town (as is any city). But I have friends and family right here at home and there is no place I'd rather be. Maybe that's the old man in me shining through. Just sayin'.
06-21-2014, 11:52 AM
Sad and useless.
Bob T
06-21-2014, 12:06 PM
Oh, Chicago is OK if you are careful and stay in the safer parts of town (as is any city).
From my point of view, it is more than OK. It is a great place to see and do things. Fantastic music scene, which is the main reason the wife and I go there. The safer part of the city is most of it. The dangerous places are small and few. And you can carry there now, if you feel the need.;)
But I have friends and family right here at home and there is no place I'd rather be. Maybe that's the old man in me shining through. Just sayin'.Yup...I hear that. I have friends and family right here at home too, but I only live about 20 miles out of Chicago, and some of those friends and family live there. Just sayin':)
06-21-2014, 12:18 PM
From my point of view, it is more than OK. It is a great place to see and do things. Fantastic music scene, which is the main reason the wife and I go there. The safer part of the city is most of it. The dangerous places are small and few. And you can carry there now, if you feel the need.;)
Yup...I hear that. I have friends and family right here at home too, but I only live about 20 miles out of Chicago, and some of those friends and family live there. Just sayin':)
Yup -- that's what freedom is all about. And Chicago is free to pass all the (what I think are stupid) laws that they want as long as the citizens really want them. And those of us who disagree are free to stay away. I went to a great Dave Mason concert in Kent, Ohio recently. Freedom is all about options. Unfortunately there is a great push to right now to eliminate options and make everyone conform.
Bob T
06-21-2014, 12:23 PM
Yup -- that's what freedom is all about. And Chicago is free to pass all the (what I think are stupid) laws that they want as long as the citizens really want them. And those of us who disagree are free to stay away. I went to a great Dave Mason concert in Kent, Ohio recently. Freedom is all about options. Unfortunately there is a great push to right now to eliminate options and make everyone conform.
I just get frustrated by people, and usually people who have never been there, criticizing Chicago based on it's politics. The politics suck, this is true, but the people and the city itself are fantastic.
(Note: I am not putting you in the above category;))
06-21-2014, 12:29 PM
:yo:And you are free to get frustrated but I recommend you don't. Life's too short!
What frustrates me is when people forget what freedom is all about (on both sides of politics). So I welcome the opportunity to jump up on my soapbox. I'll get down now and try to follow my own advice. :o
Bob T
06-21-2014, 12:42 PM
Good advice! Thanks and have a great day!:biggrin1:
06-25-2014, 06:37 PM
A friend of mine went up to chitown years ago, after his meeting he decided to go to the horse track on the south side.
Was at a traffic signal. Some townies decided that that they wanted to take him out. He took 2 rounds in the face and drove away while sitting on the floor. He survived.
I wouldn't go back to Chicago although I had lived there for years in the 50s and in the 70s. Nothing good comes frome there
They tried to hi-jack a trucker friend of mine in ChiTown. He was shot through the neck with a .25 auto. He rubbed the attacker off the side of his eighteen wheeler on a stanchion supporting the El. Squashed him like a bug.
07-02-2014, 11:29 PM
I was in Chicago many years ago, when I was in a drum and bugle corps, for a competition. We stayed at some American Legion or VFW hall, We were told not to go more than a block in a couple directions from the place, but a group of us decided to check it out, we got a few of the bigger guys to go with us, maybe about a dozen of us in all, most aged 16-20 and wandered off for a few blocks. What I remember is mostly beer joints and pool halls and pawn shops, and some very rough looking characters. We didn't stay long, but got a taste of the rougher side of town. Back before there were so many street gangs and such. We also visited some museums and things that were pretty impressive. And got to see a spectacular fireworks show. The place we stayed was pretty close to the bay or lake or river or whatever it was. The fireworks were shot off from an island, or pier, or boat or something. It was a fantastic show. The nicer parts were pretty cool, and the rougher side was no place I would want to be alone in. I never had a desire to go back. I remember something about the place we stayed being near Lake Shore Dr. and I heard "The Loop" mentioned quite a bit.
07-03-2014, 08:34 AM
Those gun shop restrictions sound racist to me. Keeps protection out of the hands that need it the most.
Ive been to Chicago quite a few times. Saw a few good museums and if you like entertainment I guess its ok. I perfer the open quiet places my self. The fewer the people the better but thats just me.
It amazes me how a state can be so far out of tune with the rest of the country. And on another note the new page looks great
Bob T
07-04-2014, 08:26 AM
It amazes me how a state can be so far out of tune with the rest of the country.
Well IL has CCW now, shall issue. No magazine restrictions, no assault weapon ban, pretty standard 24/72 hour waiting periods...
So I am not seeing how "out of tune" IL is compared to most. Seems kinda average.
07-04-2014, 10:31 AM
Chicago is a lot like Cleveland only larger. There's no place in Cleveland that I won't go with a gun. A lot of great people and a lot of scum. Situational awareness is a must.
07-04-2014, 10:44 PM
my wife was in Chitown a couple years ago and had to stay the night at a hotel. She was so scared she put a dresser behind the door and slept with her Sig right next to her. It takes a lot to rattle her cage but she couldn't believe how dicey the place was. I'll stay the heck away.
07-04-2014, 10:44 PM
Yup -- that's what freedom is all about. And Chicago is free to pass all the (what I think are stupid) laws that they want as long as the citizens really want them. And those of us who disagree are free to stay away. I went to a great Dave Mason concert in Kent, Ohio recently. Freedom is all about options. Unfortunately there is a great push to right now to eliminate options and make everyone conform.
07-05-2014, 07:15 AM
Yeah the Il CC although an improvement in the status quo, is still a test to see if you have money, Where in Chicago can you even purchase a gun. The waiting period is just the tip of the iceberg. How long does it take to get a FOID card 2 maybe 3 months, when you may need a gun sooner rather than later. They still want the "less well to do" to rely on cops to draw chalk lines.
Read that, Friday 13 more were shot. Some Illinois cities have outright bans on weapon ownership or did that change?
07-05-2014, 08:14 AM
:40: Let's just say if the world was getting an enema....the hose would go in Chicago [or Newark N.J.].:40:
Bob T
07-05-2014, 08:17 AM
my wife was in Chitown a couple years ago and had to stay the night at a hotel. She was so scared she put a dresser behind the door and slept with her Sig right next to her. It takes a lot to rattle her cage but she couldn't believe how dicey the place was. I'll stay the heck away.
Weird...she must have picked one of the few, tiny areas that are dicey...
My wife and I stay in the city all the time, go out for shows, dinner, drinks, and walk back to the room in the dark. Never a problem, never a worry.
Yeah the Il CC although an improvement in the status quo, is still a test to see if you have money...
Sure it's costly, but everything is costly in IL. It's not because it's a gun.
Where in Chicago can you even purchase a gun.
The suburbs...:)
The waiting period is just the tip of the iceberg.
Same waiting period we've had since I was in my 20s. Don't most states have a waiting period for hand guns?
How long does it take to get a FOID card 2 maybe 3 months, when you may need a gun sooner rather than later.
Renewed mine a while it in a month or so. The FOID has never been a big deal...good for 10 years, only cost $5. When I lived North Carolina, you had to go and get the local sheriff to sign a form before you could purchase a pistol...what a pain that was. Rather have the FOID.
They still want the "less well to do" to rely on cops to draw chalk lines.
This I agree with. Owning guns is not a poor mans game. That goes all the way back to banning "Saturday night specials" and stopping the government from selling surplus weapons. But I don't think this is exclusive to IL.
Read that, Friday 13 more were shot.
Shootings and violence in Chicago are limited to a few, small areas of the city. The actual amount of it has been decreasing for sometime.
Some Illinois cities have outright bans on weapon ownership or did that change?
A very few did, but when the Supreme Court struck down the Chicago ban, it basically struck down bans in the rest of the state.
Hope you had a great fourth!:amflag:
Bob T
07-05-2014, 08:36 AM
Would you guys be scared to stay in Memphis, TN or even Flint, MI? Chicago has a murder rate of 7.1 per 100,000 people as of last fall. But it is no where near the worst.
Looking through the FBI’s statistics (, there seems to be at least a dozen places that have higher homicide rates than Chicago.
It seemed unfair to include small areas in this list, so I tried to stick to bigger locales, looking at areas that have more than 200,000 inhabitants.
With that in mind, here’s a list of areas that have higher homicide rates than Chicago, in no particular order:
Detroit, MI (Includes the Metropolitan Divisions of Detroit-Dearborn-Livonia and Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills): 10.9
Philadelphia, PA (Includes the Metropolitan Divisions of Camden, NJ; Montgomery County-Bucks County-Chester County, PA; Philadelphia, PA; and Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ): 8.6
Baltimore, MD (Includes Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard, and Queen Anne’s Counties and Baltimore City): 9.5
Stockton, CA (Includes San Joaquin County): 12.7
Memphis, TN (Includes Crittenden County, AR; Benton, DeSoto, Marshall, Tate, and Tunica Counties, MS; and Fayette, Shelby, and Tipton Counties, TN): 11.5
Jackson, MS (Includes Copiah, Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Simpson, and Yazoo Counties): 13.4
Montgomery, AL (Includes Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes, and Montgomery Counties): 13.9
Mobile, AL (Includes Mobile County): 11.1
Birmingham, AL (Includes Bibb, Blount, Chilton, Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby, and Walker Counties): 9.4
Baton Rouge, LA (Includes Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St. Helena, West Baton Rouge, and West Feliciana Parishes): 11.8
One locale that keeps coming up, besides Chicago, is Flint, MI. The city proper has 101,632 people, while the city including the surrounding area (Genesee County) has 422,387 people. According to the FBI’s numbers, Flint has the highest homicide rate of 16.3.
So basically, the highest frequency of homicides, according to FBI statistics, occurs in Flint, MI.
Full article here:
07-05-2014, 10:41 AM
Would you guys be scared to stay in Memphis, TN or even Flint, MI? Chicago has a murder rate of 7.1 per 100,000 people as of last fall. But it is no where near the worst.
Full article here:
There are many unsafe cities....most run by ultra left wing save the world from themself types. However as a known fact Chicago does NOT REPORT ALL CRIME TO FBI. Soooo it does not show up on reports. Let's say skews the numbers a bit. Oh and if in Minnesota stay clear of North Minneapolis at night if you value life.
Bob T
07-05-2014, 04:03 PM
I do so love you guys...enjoy the weekend.:)
07-07-2014, 06:58 AM
The July 4th weekend is always filled with the loud booms of fireworks. But in Chicago, residents are far more likely to hear the bangs of gunfire.
More than 60 people were shot in the Windy City over the long holiday weekend (, leaving at least nine people dead, ABC7 Chicago reported.
The bloody weekend began around 2:30 a.m. Friday when a 34-year-old man was fatally shot in a drive-by. From there, the violence intensified (
A teenager was shot in his car.
A woman in her 60s was grazed in the head by a stray bullet while standing on her front porch.
A man was struck by a falling bullet.
A teen was standing on the sidewalk when her ex-boyfriend allegedly walked up and shot her in the legs (
A man sitting in his car was killed when a gunman fired shots into the vehicle. A woman who was also sitting inside was injured by glass.
Two people were killed and another three wounded in police-involved shootings (
The shootings were so numerous this weekend that the Chicago Tribune ended uppublishing a roundup of attacks (,0,7038311.story), focusing on just a four-hour period Sunday afternoon.
Tribune staff has been diligently following Chicagoland's shootings (, mapping the incidents and listing the most recent victims by date, gender, age and location.
Since Jan. 1, more than 1,100 people have been shot in Chicago.
Two years ago, when the city's murder rate topped 500, authorities launched a campaign to turn the tide of this violent trend. According to ABC World News,hundreds of police officers have been dispatched ( to patrol dangerous neighborhoods and authorities have been working with community leaders to stem some of the gang activity.
In 2013, this effort appeared to be working as homicides dropped to 415. But that rate was still higher than those of many major American cities, including New York City, which recorded less than 350 murders that same year.
Police spokesman Martin Maloney told the Chicago Sun-Times that since Jan. 1,Chicago has had its lowest homicide rate since 1963 ( And the toll from violence over the July 4th holiday weekend was actually lower ( than last year when 12 men were killed and at least 60 others wounded, NBC Chicago reported.
However, police also noted an 8 percent increase in shooting victims ( through the first six months of the year compared with the same period in 2013.
To those Chicagoans affected by shootings, the city has not done enough.
"We're celebrating independence, but we feel like we're in prison," Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina Catholic Church told ABC7. "It's unacceptable. We wouldn't accept it in Iraq, we shouldn't accept it in Chicago."
07-07-2014, 08:45 AM
Yep it is unacceptable. The police need to work smarter. Courts need to quit cycling the criminals back onto the street.
07-07-2014, 02:36 PM
Yep it is unacceptable. The police need to work smarter. Courts need to quit cycling the criminals back onto the street.
Exactly!!!...This article says one suspect arrested had 21 prior arrests for violent crime....What ever happened to 3 strikes and you're in the slammer for good?...They keep wanting to blame guns and lax gun laws but guns are only the means to an end....The way to stop this problem is to lock up the punk gang bangers and throw away the key because as soon as the courts turn um loose they go right back to killin again...Lax gun laws are not the issue, it's lax Judges!!!
More gun control! Yay!
NO!!!! More criminal control, Chicago LE brain trust!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
07-07-2014, 08:56 PM
Just heard on the news that criminals shot 82 not 60 as was reported earlier.
I wonder how many were stopped by the police and concealed carry holders.
Be safe when you are there. Carry...
Speaking of Chicago, the city has been ordered to pay NRA's legal fees. This is not small potatoes, either. Nearly a million bucks. Check it out.
07-08-2014, 08:50 PM
I love it RRP.
07-12-2014, 12:26 PM
:crazy:Sure I want to go to Chicago NOT!!!!
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