View Full Version : CM45 still a mirage?

06-22-2014, 06:21 PM
Has anyone seen a CM45 in person yet? I love my CM9, so much so that I would like to get my hands on a subcompact .45 from them. I don't want the Springfield Armory XD-S so I'm holding out hope on the Kahr. (I gave up on Glock......)

06-23-2014, 01:35 PM
Iv'e got a CM40 and the .45 XD-S . The Springfield is 10x the quality of the Kahr.

06-23-2014, 02:15 PM
I sent an email to Kahr, asking when it was going to be available. I haven't heard back, Probably won't just like the other times I've asked about it.,

I got tired of waiting and ordered a CW45 from grabagun while they have them at such good prices, under $300 shipped. I figure if they ever DO come out with the CM45, I can sell the CW45 and easily get more than I paid for it.

06-23-2014, 03:03 PM
CM45 is STILL vaporware...:confused:

I would have bought one in a heartbeat back when they announced them (like almost 2yrs ago at this point) But now I don't know what I will do when and if they ever show up. I still want a small, thin, lightweight .45 CCW. Just not sure which one?

Tman, I almost pulled the trigger on the GAG CW45 deal myself. And I'm still considering it. But then I seen that thread about the front rails being too short! That is just not acceptable... I would really check it out before accepting it at the FFL.

The right deal on a XDS would swing me that way, of coarse that gun has had it's share of problems too!

06-23-2014, 03:30 PM
What happened to the enhanced triggers.

06-23-2014, 08:01 PM
I waited a couple years on my Boberg. In return I got one with a very low serial number that should enhance it's value some. We were updated weekly, once in awhile they would miss a week or two, but they were very open about what was going on and the various failures and shortcomings. They posted quite a few videos of the various generations of the pistol. I think it was the 11th, that went into production, it was agonizing once they hit a new generation, and it didn't quite work out, but they got there.

When asking about the CM45, all you hear is crickets.

06-24-2014, 06:01 AM
Iv'e got a CM40 and the .45 XD-S . The Springfield is 10x the quality of the Kahr.

Actually, test after test has shown that the XDs is 11.3x the quality.... but only on Tuesdays


Someplace recently on this forum, there was a posted an informational release by Kahr that said current production demands for other models and the setup of their new factory has made the release of the CM45 (and other model that I can't remember) substancially delayed, with a new pending release of fall of 2014.

Here's one thing y'all got to know too - there is damn near zero, and I mean zero difference in production cost between the PM and CM. The idea behind the CM was to keep up production, get the cashflow to continue to move, stay in the black, etc. The PM is the upmarket product, the CM is the "entry level" model of the same exact gun, with minor differences. They sell both profitably, and the PM series is more profitable, obviously. As long as PM45's are moving, are in the getting through distribution channel to dealers and shooters, there is very little incentive to produce a competing model at a greatly reduced price. Marketing... not 101, but maybe 102.

06-24-2014, 12:40 PM
Beardog, I had a CW45, that I sold to finance a purchase from my widow friend.
I sold it because it would not feed from the 7 round mag, even after 2 trips to Kahr.
I thought I might have better luck with another one. And I sent it back when the trigger quit functioning, and I couldn't see anything unhooked or anything I could fix.
Unless they have shortened the rails, I don't see the problem. Guess I'll have to dig up that thread. And see what the fuss was about.

The CT45 is back up to $328. The CT40 was still on sale at $269.

06-24-2014, 12:50 PM
Iv'e got a CM40 and the .45 XD-S . The Springfield is 10x the quality of the Kahr.
That's a post recall XD-S correct?;)

To be fair, my CW45 (which I'll reference below) had to go back for an issue that required frame replacement to fix.

I also own an XD-S (.45ACP). I've actually owned two; the current one is a replacement that SA sent to correct a mistake that occurred when the original gun was back there for a cosmetic issue.
I don't own a CM40, but did own a CM9 and currently own the aforementioned CW45 and a CW9.

My thoughts about the "10x better quality" thing go like this:

I do think the XD-S comes with better accessories, but it also costs more.
Hard to factor in the costs here, because I believe for the money you also get better sights on the XD-S. Final take: the extra magazine, mag pouch, and holster you get with the XD-S are better that what you get with the "C" series Kahrs. 10x better,?...not for me...I'm not a big fan of plastic holsters.

The OEM front sight on the XD-S is more than 10x better that the OEM sight on Kahr "C" series pistols. Overall, I think the fiber optic sights on the XD-S are better than the "C" series sight set. That's a moot point for me as I've changed out the sights on my XD-S and Kahrs for tritium sights.

The XD-S is quicker to disassemble...I'd even say easier. 10x?...not to me.

The trigger on my CW45 (and Cw9) was more than 10x better than the post recall trigger on my XD-S. The XD-S trigger can be "fixed" so, I'll call that a wash as well.

The quality of the materials used on both pistols seem about the same to me. I'd give the XD-S a slight edge in the cosmetic finish of parts. No 10x edge here for either brand.

Ergonomics: the XD-S has two back straps; I like the larger one. The pistol points and shoots well for me. The CW45 fits me perfectly. I'm giving the CW45 the edge here (a subjective thing).

Accuracy and reliability: I'm satisfied with both on all accounts.

Bottom line; I agree the OEM front sight on the XD-S is "10x the quality of the Kahr" "C" series OEM front sight.

The CW45 is my preferred choice for carry, but I'm not disarmed if I have to carry the XD-S:)

As the XD-S is about the size of what a "Covert" CW45 would be, I wonder if I'll find the slightly shorter length CM45 worth having.


CC Hoosier
06-24-2014, 12:50 PM
I've been looking for the same thing. The CM45 must be real cuz I saw it advertised on Youtube by Kahr reps. That's all I've seen of it! I'm torn between the single-stack XDS and a Kahr 45, myself. I'm sure the CM45 will be the best value if I can just find it! :19:

CC Hoosier
06-24-2014, 01:01 PM
I gotta say I like the looks of the XD-S 45 better. If I can find the CM45, and it's a couple hundred cheaper, I'll buy better sights for it with the savings. It's still a toss up for me. I would like to hold the CM45 in my hands first! BTW, Good looking holsters, my friend! :001_tt2:

06-24-2014, 02:19 PM
Beardog, I had a CW45, that I sold to finance a purchase from my widow friend.
I sold it because it would not feed from the 7 round mag, even after 2 trips to Kahr.
I thought I might have better luck with another one. And I sent it back when the trigger quit functioning, and I couldn't see anything unhooked or anything I could fix.
Unless they have shortened the rails, I don't see the problem. Guess I'll have to dig up that thread. And see what the fuss was about.

The CT45 is back up to $328. The CT40 was still on sale at $269.

Tman I sure hope you get a good one this time!:)

Here is the thread I was talking about.

I see Greg did a short version in the Tech section about it as well. He also has a "check" you can easily try before accepting the new one from your FFL.

06-24-2014, 02:32 PM
Let's not forget about the pos grip safety on the xds.........................;)

06-24-2014, 04:06 PM
Iv'e got a CM40 and the .45 XD-S . The Springfield is 10x the quality of the Kahr.

Yeah, my XD45 was of such a high quality that when it was stolen I never bothered to replace it, and when it was recovered, I traded it the same day for a Kimber. I guess I'll keep carrying my CW45. I've had two and neither has ever failed from the first shot. The XD did to the point that I put it away and never carried it.

CC Hoosier
06-24-2014, 04:15 PM
Yeah, my XD45 was of such a high quality that when it was stolen I never bothered to replace it, and when it was recovered, I traded it the same day for a Kimber. I guess I'll keep carrying my CW45. I've had two and neither has ever failed from the first shot. The XD did to the point that I put it away and never carried it.

What problems did you have with the XD or XD-s 45?:confused:

06-24-2014, 06:30 PM
What problems did you have with the XD or XD-s 45?:confused:

It was a Compact XD 45. Failure to feed at least once out of every mag, not always the same position, with both mags. I tried with four or five different ammo brands, all FMJ, but it didn't make much difference. It was worst with HP. It seemed to be getting a bit better after 500 rounds, but it was stolen soon thereafter, so I don't know for sure. I do know I never trusted it enough to carry. Other than a couple of Tauruses, this was the only modern pistol I ever had problems with. That includes Kahrs, SIG's, HK's, S&W's, two Springfield 1911's, a Kimber, Detonics, and STI 1911, and a couple of Rugers.

06-27-2014, 03:35 PM
According to this post, the CM45 is shipping:
