View Full Version : How many spare magazines ?

06-12-2010, 07:18 AM
I have just purchased a new CW9 with its one magaizne and I also purchased one additional magazine.

I was wondering how many more magazines you might think would be adequate. I was thinking about three more, that way two can be loaded at all times and three would be " resting' so to speak.

I do have a total of 5 for my new P380 that I bought two weeks ago.

The Kahr website offeres the mags at $40 each and I have seen some on gunbroker at $33 plus shipping..

If you know where I can find them at a lower price, I would appreciate the info.

06-12-2010, 12:41 PM
I have just purchased a new CW9 with its one magaizne and I also purchased one additional magazine.

I was wondering how many more magazines you might think would be adequate. I was thinking about three more, that way two can be loaded at all times and three would be " resting' so to speak.

I do have a total of 5 for my new P380 that I bought two weeks ago.

The Kahr website offeres the mags at $40 each and I have seen some on gunbroker at $33 plus shipping..

If you know where I can find them at a lower price, I would appreciate the info.

I think the general rule of thumb is you can never have enough magazines. Having a huge pile of them just makes me feel warm.
That being said I subscribe to a similar plan for each new gun till I can accumulate the pile. I like 6. 1 for the gun, 2 for spares on occasion and 3 resting although many say no rest needed in modern times with modern springs. I agree with that also but I still rest them. When I carry my kahrs as backups I don't carry an extra mag, since my PM5 will accept and function with my Para Wilson mags, this is sweet, when carried alone, I usually have at least 1 extra. Only to fix a malfunction if I'm still alive to address the issue. I figure 1 mag that doesn't fail will bring me to the end of the bad experience either alive or dead.

06-16-2010, 12:20 AM
I think it is extremely important to carry at least on additional mag when you carry a semi auto.

Added fire power? Nope!

The number one thing that goes wrong with semis is mag failures. Bent lips and spring failures be two types of problems that a second mag can resolve.

About 6 -7 months ago I was shooting a friends Springfield 1911. It was one of the mini ones I forget what they call it. I am NOT a big 1911 shooter so I wanted to shoot it some. I put the mag in, racked the slide took careful aim. Next thing I knew I had stuff bouncing off my feet. I thought in my ignorance I had hit the mag release. NO! The WELDED mag base on a new Colt mag had broken and dumped the ammo, spring and follower on my feet!!

No exactly something you would want to have happen in a fight with out a back up.

06-16-2010, 01:15 AM
Kahr p380 magazine - Google Search (http://www.google.com/search?q=Kahr+p380+magazine&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)
Check for lowest price, In Stock, and shipping cost. plus any add-on for CC.
Add all of these things up to get the total price at each business. In your state there is also sales tax possibly. Watch out for fixed shipping for EACH item. Magazines don't weigh much and it shouldn't cost any more to ship or mail 2 or 3 at a time. You could mail about 4 in a Priority envelope.

I've bought quite a few at Cheaper Than Dirt, but only after searching for better deals.

06-16-2010, 07:52 AM
I buy mags when a good opportunity arises in an attempt to reduce the overall cost. I have as few as one mag for one gun, (which is hard to find and out of production), to as many as 14 for another. I bump into Kahr mags for $20 from a local gun show vendor, but his supply is spotty.

As a rule of thumb though, I like to have enough mags to load a box of ammo, or close to 50 rounds. For most of my guns that's four or five mags per gun.

"Resting" mags is more myth than not. That said; I do rotate my carry mags, but more to even out use, not to allow rest. I keep only my CCW loaded. I've never preloaded mags and stored them that way, I see no reason to do so. The day I shoot is the day I load extra mags.

I don't carry an extra magazine.

06-16-2010, 08:07 AM
When I bought my CW9 I ordered one spare magazine and a Hogue slip on grip from Kahr. I decided I needed a magazine holder and ordered the dual G&G and another spare Magazine. So now I have three. Thats enough for now, next year I plan to order two more. For me 5 or 6 is the number I seem to to end up with for my carry pistols. I will add that my more enthusiastic shooting friends seem to like having a round dozen and always buy six when purchasing a new pistol. This of course can equal the cost of some guns when other accessories such as holsters, belts and magazine holders are added to the price.

-- Richard