View Full Version : Remington Ultimate Home Defense

gun papa
06-24-2014, 02:40 PM
We have a new Sportsmans Warehouse that finally has some selection over Wal Mart.
I had bought some Hornady Critical Defense ammo, and on Sunday, some Remington Ultimate Home Defense .380 to try out in the CW380.
It was not until I got home when I realized that the bullet weight was 102 gr.

In the 1990's I had some experience with different bullet weights in the 380acp. While the CZ83, a larger handgun in the caliber would feed and print good groups, with 100gr. bullets, the Walther PPKS, a smaller gun, while the ammo fed okay, the gun strained to group worth the damn .

I thought that the CW380 may have similar issues as it is an even smaller and lighter gun than the PPKS.

When I went to shoot the CW380 and the Remington Ultimate Home Defense 102gr. projectiles, was something entirely different, and possibly not conclusive, but probable.

I leaded 4 rounds into the magazine. The gun fed all 4 rounds, and at 15 yards the ammo grouped quite nice, about 2 in. or less. Here is where trouble comes into paradise.

There was about 30 or more granules of unburnt powder in the chamber and in the ejection port. Could it be that the short barrel cannot consume all of the powder from launching the heavier bullet? I fired no more of this ammo. Generally, I have a poor view of Remington ammo anyhow. Just par. Papa

06-24-2014, 02:48 PM
I used to shoot that ammo from my Bodyguard...............never had any issues.

06-24-2014, 08:10 PM
They have a newer version with a redesigned Golden Sabre-it is called "short barrel" and is in similar packaging-I got some at Academy here
It shot about 5 rounds into an inch and a half at 7 yards freehand for me
I shoot the Privi Partisan also and it has unburned powder in it all the time

06-29-2014, 04:16 PM
I had problems in my cw 45 with that Hornady critical defense. if I had a rnd in the chamber it was real hard to eject it manually. I called Hornady and they told me they had a few calls about that for the Kahr pistols. They also told me they make all there ammo to spec and they don't know why it is happening. I like Hornady ammo but I don't use it in my Kahr cw 45.

07-02-2014, 03:44 PM
Back in 2010 I tried Golden Sabers in my P380 and they ran perfect. When the Ultimate Home Defense came out I tried those . They look and shoot exactly the same as the Golden Sabers. I phoned Remington and asked if there is a difference or are they just branded differently. Their answer was Golden sabers are made to penetrate four layers of drywall and Home Defense two layers. That was the only difference.