View Full Version : Galco pocket holster opinions.

06-25-2014, 09:32 PM

I really want to like this little holster but I'm just a bit concerned about trigger exposure. As it sits, it'd be difficult to get to the trigger but if I have it in my pocket all day it could I suppose change it's position enough to give me some grief and medical expenses. What do you think?

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06-25-2014, 09:45 PM
I think you already know the answer. I use the DeSantis for my Kahr CW9. My every day pocket carry for the past 3 years. Inexpensive, proper fit. Welcome to the forum. You will find many threads on the search for the one perfect holster.

06-25-2014, 09:54 PM
I see nuthin wrong with it. Some might prefer a bit more coverage but I gave carried a handgun in my pocket on many occasions sans holster. The trigger pull was stiff enough on them it wasn't going off unless something real drastic happened. Been thinking about makin myself a couple of them kydex trigger covers.

06-25-2014, 10:01 PM
I think you already know the answer. I use the DeSantis for my Kahr CW9. My every day pocket carry for the past 3 years. Inexpensive, proper fit. Welcome to the forum. You will find many threads on the search for the one perfect holster.

Thanks...I'm enjoying the forum. I have already acquired several holsters for the CW380 and have two more on the way. I'm going to give the Recluse a try yet for pocket carry and a Crossbreed Micro Clip for IWB. This Galco is extremely comfortable, horsehide, very easy to acquire the weapon but they just left a little too much material off of it. I was also disappointed to see that it's a multi-fit type of holster designed to accommodate several different guns which probably explains the trigger guard exposure on my CW380.

Anyhow, the DeSantis has been on my list as well and I may yet take a look at one.

06-26-2014, 04:24 AM
I don't like the fit. Not enough gun in the holster. I pocket carry a CM9 with a Desantis Super Fly that covers the slide right up to the rear sight and completely covers the trigger.

06-26-2014, 05:24 AM
I tried it and didn't like it. I carry my PM9 in a Desantis Nemesis size MK.

06-26-2014, 06:03 AM
While I do like leather over anything else, the Nemesis fits my P380 and spare Mag just right.

My "all summer long" carry kit.

Welcome and good luck with the search.

06-26-2014, 08:14 AM
I've been using the Nemesis for a couple of years, keeps the trigger fully covered, and is comfortable for front pocket carry.

06-26-2014, 09:52 AM
As someone that makes his own leather gear. I agree that the trigger is a bit too close to being exposed, in that pic.

I can't tell from just the one pic you posted for sure...
But it looks like you maybe could have some extra holster length to push the gun down into before the muzzle is flush with the end of the leather?

If you do have the extra room, and if it is good, firm horsehide you can try to wet the holster in warm water, it could take a min. or two for it to absorb enough water to soften up enough. Then (WITH AN UNLOADED PISTOL!) push the gun farther down in, well past the trigger. When you get it where your happy you can also try to mold around the features of the gun with your fingers to make a more custom fit molded holster. Then let it dry with the gun in it for a few hrs.

Edit; Before molding you can tightly wrap a piece of plastic wrap around the gun to keep it dry.

06-26-2014, 11:30 AM
Old El Passo is the one I use with my MK9 and CM9. Covers the trigger.


Call them about the cw380.

06-26-2014, 02:41 PM
I've used a Galco 460 since 2010 without issue...I just cut off that metal crap.
I do like it more than the Desantis.
That gun is not in the holster correctly or it's the wrong holster.
You may need to shove it in to break it in.
Galco has the PRO436 listed for the P380...I assume it would be the same for a CW380?

07-06-2014, 03:20 PM
My Galco holster fit just like yours when it was new. I did exactly what Beardog suggests above. Notice how much more of the triggerguard is now covered. Also notice that the rear sight is now even with the top of the holster. I have found the Galco holster to be exactly what I wanted for pocket carry.http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx338/Tslepebull/p380_zps9c08823d.jpg (http://s769.photobucket.com/user/Tslepebull/media/p380_zps9c08823d.jpg.html)

07-07-2014, 04:30 PM
I have one Nemesis for my 642 and a "Tuff" brand for my CW380. Both work like a charm and are nylon(ish). I especially like my Tuff one. Somebody traded in a P380 at my LGS with the holster. I got it for $5, basically new.