View Full Version : Taking Wife and Son to the Range Today.

06-13-2010, 06:55 AM
I always look forward to the time I get to spend with my Family, but add a range and it makes everything that much better. I think it's time to buy my wife her pistol, she wants a p380. I'll let you guys know how it go's.

06-13-2010, 01:04 PM
Good times there. May you have many more. We'll be here to see how it all went.

06-13-2010, 06:09 PM
Awesome! My wife started with a .22 and quickly went to a 9mm. She has an XDsc9 and loves it.

06-13-2010, 06:29 PM
I always look forward to the time I get to spend with my Family, but add a range and it makes everything that much better. I think it's time to buy my wife her pistol, she wants a p380. I'll let you guys know how it go's.

they are hard to find to even test out, but I would do my best to see if she can test out a P380. they are small, they are IMO a real bugger to hand rack. As cute as the P380 is, it just might not be the proper gun for a woman. Just not alot of grip to hold on to and if u don't get the proper grip on that P380, issues will arise.

Not saying she cannot master it either, just giving you my two cents worth..

06-13-2010, 07:14 PM
they are hard to find to even test out, but I would do my best to see if she can test out a P380. they are small, they are IMO a real bugger to hand rack. As cute as the P380 is, it just might not be the proper gun for a woman. Just not alot of grip to hold on to and if u don't get the proper grip on that P380, issues will arise.

Not saying she cannot master it either, just giving you my two cents worth..

I know I'm gonna get tagged as scenting but I'm glad you said this. I wanted to but was scared.
She may indeed be able to handle it just fine or get to that point. I've ran into guys that have a hard time with them and a couple all ready that couldn't work my PM45 so it's not all together a gender issue either. (hopefully that will save my life if his wife comes hunting me) I guess worse case scenario is ole JK gets a p380 for hisself. Not the end of the world.

06-13-2010, 10:30 PM
My wife also has a problem racking the slide on my P40.but she can work the slide on my G23 without too much trouble.I am still looking for a 380 that she can use without too much trouble on the slide.

06-14-2010, 07:23 AM
Well it seems she is leaning on me to get her a PM9. The P380 was to small for her. I wish I would of kept my first one instead of selling it. Now question is if she gets a new gun, then shouldn't I? I could use a nice new MK9 elite......:)

06-14-2010, 08:24 AM
Hey! If she doesn't prefer the shiny version, there's an opportunity. Don't forget the MK9 Elite is a tad heavier for CCW. But, whatever makes you both happy.

06-16-2010, 12:43 AM
When I bought my CW40 I went to show my wife how to handle it. She had no interest. My 10 year old son was very upset and told her you need to know this. She walked right back to the bedroom and returned with the S&W 686, and stated this is all I need!

06-16-2010, 05:12 AM
I constantly hear and see folks, especially those that sell guns for a living steering the ladies to the smallest thing they have, both in caliber and size. Frankly, it kinda irritates me. Let them make the choice about what fits their hand better. On the flip side of that I have had some female shooters head straight there only to discover that 1 a larger gun feels better to them and 2 they can handle much larger than they originally thought. Why do we do that to them. It took forever to get my wife away from the tiny stuff and into full size, now she loves to shoot my stuff, even my 1911. I'll end this rant by saying let them make the choice as to what is right for them, give them the education, and let them decide.

06-16-2010, 09:40 AM
I agree, they should definately choose for themselves. The only reason I suggested the p380 was she wanted something small to conceal in her purse. And believe me, she has some tiny purses.

06-17-2010, 09:31 AM
Tiny purse aside make sure she handles the CW9. I convinced my wife to get a hand gun, had one in mind but let her look at anything she wanted. What she chose was to big for her to conceal in my opinion so I asked her about that and she agreed. She chose the PM9 which I thought was a bit small in the grip and thought she might object to the recoil so we waited a bit longer. She finally decided the CW9 was the better fit and even tho I do not like purse carry thats where it goes. I liked her CW9 so much I chose a K9 for myself which she decided she would carry so I had to then go find another one. I dunno if it is lucky or what but she has an issue with the slide on the K9 but can run her CW9 just fine, she will get to where she can run the K9 just as well and when she does she can decide to carry it but I think she will prefer the CW even then.