View Full Version : Had a FTF at the range yesterday

07-07-2014, 09:58 AM

I went to the range yesterday to add my MK9 to the ccw (CA) and had one FTF using Winchester 100pk 9mm ammo. Upon inspection the primer was barely dented and there was a black smudge on it. My instructor put the round back in several times and it still didn't fire. He it was a bad primer but he also said here's some crud with the firing pin that could be an issue too. The rest of the box shot just fine.

When I got home I used the Glocktalk Kahr slide disassembly guide and found a bunch of tiny brass shavings inside the firing pin area..is that normal to have any shavings in there? I wish I took some pictures of the little brass shapes.

07-07-2014, 10:33 AM
That's pretty normal if you haven't been cleaning out the striker & its tunnel/channel with the non-chlorinated brake cleaner.

I would advise taking the slide apart at least once and making sure it's clear of debris. There's a lot going on forward of the breechface during the firing and ejection. The cases are really banged about and small pieces are knocked off. With the blast and pressure, some of this stuff is blown wherever it can find an outlet. Some is blown back through the striker pin hole and can gum up the works... cushioning the forward motion of the striker... or stopping it completely. This can be intermittent and hard to diagnose, but a thorough cleaning of the striker tunnel, including the small pin hole, can clear things up.

I hold the striker/spring back and spray the NCBC in the bottom hole as well as the striker pin hole in the breechface. Do this outside and wear gloves and eye protection. The NCBC is very NASTY stuff and flammable, too!

Here's a thread on the detailing of the slide:



07-07-2014, 10:55 AM
Yep, what Wynn said. It's not uncommon to find metal particles in that area on striker fired guns, especially (IMO) those where "primer smear" is part of the normal operation of the pistol (see Google "glock striker metal shavings (https://www.google.com/search?q=glock+striker+metal+particles&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=o766U9jnFImwoQSfmoGoBQ&ved=0CAUQ_AUoAA&biw=1280&bih=806&dpr=1#channel=sb&q=glock+striker+metal+shavings&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official)").

07-07-2014, 12:44 PM
Thanks I appreciate the help! I did disassemble the whole slide but used CLP, rags and q-tips.. I'll have to give the NCBC route a go next good cleaning.