View Full Version : I hope this isn't real!

06-13-2010, 01:59 PM
This was relayed to me and I haven't any idea if there's anything to it, but some real coverups... running the press and anyone with cameras away from some or most of the oil-damaged areas of the Gulf, has been going on and reported.
If your head is comfortable where ever it is and you don't want any more worries, then don't look at this. It's more than I want to consider, since there's nothing we can do about it... the ecological disaster in the Gulf and soon to be elsewhere.
Again, I'm just passing on what I got as an email. It could be bogus as hell and someone is laughing their a$$es off.:mad:

I hope very much it is B.S.

I do worry that this disaster will be the crisis that our Progressive leaders have been dreaming of to take away most of our rights, or indefinitely suspend most of the Constitution.

Not my words and I submitted this to FactCheck.org:

"I'm not sure how much of this I believe but I'll pass it along anyway. These could be the same guys who swore the world would end when the computers came up against the year 2000 (y2k). Not much happened then but we were all wearing tin foil hats. But what if they are right?

Ecological armegeddon in the making....A MUST READ
The Silver Bear Cafe (http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/06.10/toxicrain.html) "


06-13-2010, 03:43 PM
Wynn, I would not be surprised if it were true. I don't know about the earth breaking up part, but the rest I could see quite easily. I too hope that like the Y2K bug, that it is a bunch of crap, but then again we are talking about the same people who have been quoted as saying never let a good disaster go to waste.

06-13-2010, 05:46 PM
Jeez... I did it again. I had a long post written up to this point and then I went to get this link and blew it all away.... I have done this too many times and it's so hard to reconstruct what I lost.

Here's the Progressive Party's Handbook on this "evolutionary" revolution. You can download the STORM .pdf file. Oh, the STORM bunch wrote the basic Economic Stimulus Bill and is among Obama's closest advisers.

"STORM Handbook

June 11, 2010 - 8:32 ET

The radicals have infected the Democratic party. Just today, Van Jones was speaking at the America's Future Now conference for progressives, energized because “this week will mark a historic inflection point when progressives decided to be progressives again in this country." Jones used to be affiliated with a group called STORM. That stands for Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement. A group whose members included anarchists and communists. This is why I've said that the president is in danger - he's got revolutionaries all around him who believe in these tactics. GB"

Download the STORM handbook (PDF File)

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - STORM Handbook (http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/41671/)

There IS a conspiracy in this instance, and they haven't been real secretive about their goals. The Lame Stream Media is very comfortable with their self-donned "blinders" to anything negative about their "chosen one" and his closest allies, so they haven't acted on any of the "facts" like videos, audio, and print exposed by Glenn Beck on his TV program. He has researched and found mountains of proof of his claims... videos, especially.

I wish that everyone would search for and watch GB's Thursday night program(June 10th)... YouTube or whatever, and listen to the 1981 interview of the only FBI agent to infiltrate the Weather Underground. He talked of being in a room with about 25 people with advanced degrees from institutions like Columbia University and listen to them make plans for their revolutionary change of this country. They talked of establishing re-education camps in the Southwestern U.S. to indoctrinate the populace. When the agent asked them about the people they couldn't convert, these people said that up to 10% of the U.S. population of about 250 million people then, or 25 million people would have to be "eliminated". The agent asked for clarification on "elimination"... killed.
One of those guys was the un-repentent terrorist bomber John Ayers, one of the co-founders of the Weather Underground... now prominent in Obama's inner circle as well as many other overt and radical leftists who've been outspoken about these same goals. Many of these close relationships were vehemently denied by Candidate Obama as he ran for our country's highest office. Now many of these people are Czars or have positions of great power that control all aspects of our society.

That bunch (the Weather underground) didn't have the following or the power to fulfill their plans then... but they sure as hell do now. They hold the Executive Branch and have bought the votes of the willing Democrats in the House and the Senate with promises of power... economic and political. They almost have the Legislative Branch in their control... just one more justice after this.
When they pass this Financial Reform Bill awaiting vote now, they will have about 70% control over our economic system.

Yeah, it is scary that they have this perfect crisis to impose those emergency powers that suspend many of our basic freedoms. We don't have any idea how far-reaching the Homeland Security laws or powers extend... some being secret... National Security and all.

Several STATES already have laws that suspend basic freedoms like due process and the 2nd Amendment during disasters. The Feds have a lot more power than that.
We have been hearing of the press and other people with cameras or wanting to see how things look being turned away by unknown people from the areas affected by this oil spill.
I think they have their perfect crisis... and yes, I'm feeling a little paranoid and I fear for our republic's future.