View Full Version : New CW45

07-09-2014, 11:52 PM
Just had my new CW45 to the range today. I'm new to the Karh-pool, and I was smitten by the PM9, followed by the CM9. Both were outstanding weapons, and I've put about 200 rounds through each with narry a burp. I was looking for a concealable .45 ACP and found a CW45 for 379.99 and couldn't pass it up. I received an email from Kahr stating that my complimentary magazine was on the way before I was even able to get to the range. I went to the local range today, and sent 150 rounds of Remington white box and Aguilla downrange with narry a burble. I'm new to Kahrs, having been a Sig and HK aficionado previously. The design of the Kahr is elegantly simple, and I had a "blast" today at the range. I'm impressed with the reliability and functionality of the Karh design. Used Frog Lube for the first time, probably running the pistols a little wetter than necessary, but it was a blast, and cleanup was the easiest I've ever had. I'm new to Kahr talk, but I'm a convert. The front checkering on the CW45 was "aggressive" to say the least, but I found the recoil very easy to control, and I was soon hitting consistently in the 9/10 ring. I have a few more rounds to go before the magic 200 number, but I've had no malfunctions whatsoever, and I'm extremely please with my latest acquisition.

07-10-2014, 09:04 AM
Great report and welcome to Kahr Talk!

07-10-2014, 09:30 AM
Great first post! Welcome to the forum.

I made a grip cover out of a 1.75" bike tube for all of my polymers. When I got my PM45 I knew that I had to do something because those nibs were like cheese graters. I then put the covers on the rest of my polymer Kahrs... nice feel... and free!


07-10-2014, 10:37 AM
Congratulations on your new CW45 and your other Kahrs as well. The CW45 is what convinced me to join the "Kahr-pool" and it led to finding an MK40 that I really enjoy, but I am still waiting on loading dies and a couple of molds so I don't have to keep shooting factory loads for plinking. They are both very good carry pieces.
And Welcome to the forum:D

07-11-2014, 09:21 PM
had mine a few months now. not as many rounds thru it as I would like, but it shoots so well. I bought a hogue jr slip on, very easy to put on. widens the grips just enough for my large hands. Need more range time before I can give you an accurate idea of any softer recoil with it on. But I do love the pistol. It is my EDC

07-11-2014, 09:41 PM
had mine a few months now. not as many rounds thru it as I would like, but it shoots so well. I bought a hogue jr slip on, very easy to put on. widens the grips just enough for my large hands. Need more range time before I can give you an accurate idea of any softer recoil with it on. But I do love the pistol. It is my EDC

I put this Pachmayr Tactical Grip on my CW45. It feels good in-hand, but does twist a little on the grip after 50 rounds or so. Very easy to twist back.
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d138/shlike48316/CW45WITHPACHMAYRGRIPGLOVE1_zps2336890a.jpg (http://s34.photobucket.com/user/shlike48316/media/CW45WITHPACHMAYRGRIPGLOVE1_zps2336890a.jpg.html)

http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d138/shlike48316/CW45WITHPACHMAYRGRIPGLOVE3_zps3643c870.jpg (http://s34.photobucket.com/user/shlike48316/media/CW45WITHPACHMAYRGRIPGLOVE3_zps3643c870.jpg.html)

07-12-2014, 03:28 PM
I'm pretty fond of my CW45 as well. It quickly made it to the top of my carry gun list which includes three other Kahrs. I tamed the rough stippling with a Talon grip. It works very well.