View Full Version : New CT9 tomorrow!!! (range visit added)

07-11-2014, 03:11 PM
Dagnabit, I thought I was done with gun buying! Told my local gun shop owner a good while back if he ran across a CT9, I'd take it. He just called and has one...$285 + tax! Guess where I'm going in the morning?:D

07-12-2014, 11:07 AM
Got it! Very nice. Best part, I had some handguns I didn't use anymore, so I traded 2 older Kel Tecs even for it. Range report will have to wait on blueberry season ending.

07-12-2014, 01:57 PM
2 kel tecs for a kahr? You robbed the shop. Good for you.

Bill K
07-12-2014, 01:58 PM
That's great! Good luck with your new Kahr.

07-13-2014, 11:19 AM
It fits several holsters I already had for 4" 9mms. Ordered 3 mags from Ivanhoes and free mag form goes in the mail tomorrow. Gotta do some prep work on it but maybe towards end of week I'll have range report with pictures. I'm a 4 Kahr family now!

07-13-2014, 11:59 AM
My TP9 is my favorite. I'm sure you'll enjoy this one, especially because of the great deal. I'm tempted to get one myself... just because. Look forward to your impressions.

07-13-2014, 02:41 PM
Any time you can get rid of some Keltec's, for a Kahr, it's a good day:)

07-13-2014, 04:35 PM
If it shoots any near as good as my CT45 you'll have a winner on your hands. I have a CT9 on layaway at Buds

Get a bicycle tube and cut it to fit your grip. It makes an excellent inexpensive grip that takes the bite out of the polymer

07-17-2014, 01:03 PM
The three mags from Ivanhoes are in, I had a grip sleeve that fits, it's been stripped, cleaned & lubed and I'm working the slide some to help breakin. Just need to shoot it!!! Hoping for Monday?

07-21-2014, 09:31 AM
Finally got to range today. Cloudy and threatening rain but I put 100rds of WWB through 4 mags w/o bobble ( about half shot w/ full mag +1). It was more accurate than I am. When I really concentrated it was dead on at 7 & 10 yds. I had a box of Rem 124+p Golden Saber and CorBon 115 +P DPX so I decided to try a full mag +1 before the rain hit. The GS did fine but the DPX jammed into the ramp after the first shot twice in a row:(? DPX works fine in both my CW9s and CM9 but that's 6 & 7 rd mags? Oh well, the gun's not even broke in so no worry at this point. Bottom fell out so that ended the shooting. Going back to range for another 100rds fmj then try some various JHPs. I wonder how it likes Gold Dot 124+P? No pics due to rain.:(

07-21-2014, 03:41 PM
Typical Kahr.....some rounds run like poop through a goose on one and jam like crazy on another Kahr that is the same model

Sounds like an overall good trip!

07-21-2014, 04:27 PM
Yep, good first run w/ gun. I've got 4 mags (another coming from Kahr) and they're all marked so when I got home. I did a little "investigating". The mag I used with the DPX would not hand cycle them until I only had 6 rds in mag. The other mags hand cycle them fine. All the mags have been stripped, cleaned & followers sanded where they wanted to rub on the mag lock. Loaded all of them and if rain allows, will try again tomorrow. The DPX failure might be the mag but too early to tell.

07-22-2014, 10:05 AM
Rain off & on today but I went to range anyhow and shot most of a box of WWB through all four mags again w/o a bobble. I tested my theory about the mag & DPX. The other mags handled DPX (full mag +1) smooth as butter. The mag that didn't like DPX ate Golden Saber just fine. Then the rain hit again. But besides the fact I traded two KTs even for this gun, I really like it. Always wanted a TP9 but this will do just fine.:D 7/26/14....free mag came today! Thank you Kahr!:) I believe this is about the best deal I ever got on a handgun...other than paying $40 for a US&S 1911A1 about 50 yrs ago.