View Full Version : C/PM9 Pockert Holster By Randy Barton

07-12-2014, 04:54 PM
I just received a nice leather pocket holster from Randy Barton for $28.98 shipped.
His Ebay name is randallbarton47 (http://www.ebay.com/sch/randallbarton47/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=) and I'm not associated with him in any way.
Compared to other leather holsters molded for a specific firearm I consider this a great bargain at $20-30 cheaper and felt the need to share.
I will also add that I received the holster 1 day earlier than the expected delivery date :cool:

I'll be comparing it to the well known Nemesis...they're roughly the same size.

Fit - The PM and CM both fit nicely.
Ease of draw – I’ve only been using it for 2 days, but it’s beginning to loosen up nicely.
I have no issues with drawing just the gun from my jeans pocket and I’m sure it’ll get better with more break in.
Being a molded leather to fit a specific gun and not a one size fits all…this is to be expected.

Weight – RB 1.67oz, while the Nemesis overloaded my small powder scale.

Thickness – RB .09”, Nemesis .13”


Price/Ebay - RB - $30, Nemesis - $20

Comfort – so far it goes to the RB, maybe it’s the absence of tackiness??
I always thought the Galco 460 was the most comfortable, but as it ages... the hook tends to fold more than it should.
The new Galco 460 is not the same as the old, they’ve changed something because I’m getting less than a third of the life I did with my last 460.

Quality - the RB is a well made holster so time will tell.
I've only carried the Nemesis about a dozen times and it's held up well.

Looks(for those that care)- leather wins hands down every time IMO :)

07-12-2014, 05:27 PM
Great! Looks really nice. Like I need another holster.

07-13-2014, 08:42 AM
I like for a pocket holster to fall easily free of the handgun . If it does not it may draw with the handgun and have to be pulled from it some how . That takes an extra hand and time. Keep that in mind.

07-13-2014, 09:16 AM
It looks doable and effective.

07-13-2014, 10:35 AM
It looks nice.....................I'll stick to my Nemesis..........................falls free easily from my firearm and isn't affected by sweat...............has molded nicely to my frame and pocket.

07-13-2014, 10:36 AM
As a comparison, my Desantis Fly (similar to the Nemesis), without the shield weighs 2.0 ounces as does my Braids leather formed pocket holster without the shield. My Sticky Holster weighs only 1 ounce and is definitely the lightest I've tried.

For front pocket carry, the Fly sits better than any other pocket holster I've carried. By better I mean that without the shield, it sits flatter, has less bulge and prints less. I'm also starting to back pocket carry and the Braids with the shield works great for that.

Bill K
07-13-2014, 02:55 PM
Looks like thinness, if that is important to you, is an advantage of the leather holster over the Nemesis. My PM9 in an Alabama kydex holster is thinner than my P3AT in its Nemesis holster.

07-13-2014, 10:59 PM
My R9 doesn't print when I'm wearing jeans. It doesn't print much in business slacks but, sometimes when I sit down it might print a little, but the Nemesis holster for my R9 has molded to the gun so much that it looks like a gun in my pocket when it does print.

I am thinking of getting a wallet holster / back pocket holster, like these Bear Creek:


I see Randallbarton makes them too - I'll see if he makes them for the R9.

07-14-2014, 10:50 PM
Rubb, I tried the RB Link in your post and it shows 11 holsters on eBay. However I could not seen to find the one in your post. Do you have a direct link to the RB for the pm9?

07-15-2014, 01:28 PM
Rubb, I tried the RB Link in your post and it shows 11 holsters on eBay. However I could not seen to find the one in your post. Do you have a direct link to the RB for the pm9?

I believe he makes them and lists them...I bought the only one that was ready.
Maybe send him a message and request one??

07-18-2014, 04:57 PM

Thanks. I followed your advice and he posted two. For anyone else that is interested, there was still one left after I grabbed one.

07-21-2014, 05:00 PM
I ordered one and got it today.
I don't care for it. I'll go back to my sticky holster.
I'll try contacting the seller to see about returning it.

Wow, the seller immediately got back to me and issued a full refund. Great customer service.

12-23-2015, 02:09 PM
FWIW after carrying for nearly 18 months - best holster I've owned.