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07-16-2014, 09:05 AM
MSNBC Shell-Shocked by Lopsided Response to Gun Poll (http://therighttobear.com/msnbc-shell-shocked-by-lopsided-response-to-gun-poll/)

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The liberal network MSNBC was definitely not counting on this kind of a response when they sponsored a poll on open carry on their website.
The poll, which only allows users to vote once, asked whether or not people thought guns should be able to be carried in public.
With more than 99,000 votes tallied, the surprising results reveal that 88% of respondents say “Yes.”
Broken down the results look like this…

88% YES! The Second Amendment guarantees it.
8% No, it’s too dangerous.
4% Only for self defense.

The results are even more surprising given the typical consumer of MSNBC news products is a liberal reader.
As the poll results reveal, more people are beginning to recognize the authority of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, even when it comes to gun rights.
This is surprising because whenever you see the mouths of liberal talking heads moving you’d think everyone in America hates guns.
Well… apparently not.
If you’d like to let MSNBC know how you feel, you can add your vote by using this link (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/poll-do-you-think-people-should-be-allowed-carry-guns-public).

07-16-2014, 09:22 AM
I'll let them think their hinted-at "conclusion" that liberals are 88% for guns in public, is accurate. It's not - that poll went around all the gun forums. 99,000 respondents is amazing, considering most opinion polls are only one to two thousand people.