View Full Version : How did this not make National media News?

07-23-2014, 04:44 AM
Because CNN did it.....Where's Eric Holder and Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
God Bless, this Sweet Woman.


07-23-2014, 05:34 AM

07-23-2014, 07:33 AM
This was a hoax. The actual song that was played was Fantastic Voyage by Coolio. He dropped a few "N" bombs in it, and CNN was apologizing for that. Seems a few ******* rappers out there found this video and dubbed in their own music and put it out there. Why the **** (pardon) can't ALL people wake the hell up these days. And I don't think every time there is an incident involving minorities that we need to call Sharpton or Jackson either. That crap is old and getting tired too!!!!

07-23-2014, 09:12 AM
And I don't think every time there is an incident involving minorities that we need to call Sharpton or Jackson either. That crap is old and getting tired too!!!!
+1 here

07-23-2014, 12:12 PM
DavidS, thank you for agreeing!! I have a very hard time not believing someone at CNN may have did this on purpose. There are 3 versions of this song. Coolio has 2 , one of which is clean, and the original by the group Lakeside. To play the version they did shows the mentality of people in this day and age. NO RESPECT for anyone anymore. I hope the good man upstairs lets me live to be that age. And I don't care if it was CNN, MSN, MSNBC, FOX, etc. Someone needs to be gone ASAP!!

07-23-2014, 01:52 PM
Ok I tried to leave this one alone, God knows I really did but something happened on the drive home yesterday and it made me think of this thread and it really steams me how as a society we seem to have come up with two sets of rules of what is accceptable language and behavior in public....

So yesterday this young African American male pulls up next to me at a stop light in his 30 inch rimmed 81 Monte Carlo with his windows down and his seat laid back with stereo blasting at 747 takeoff level volume and all I could hear of the song was N word, N word, B!tch, MF'er, MF'er, N word, N word, B!tch MF'ing N word, N word, MF'er followed by sonic booms of ear shattering bass followed by more MF'er, B!tch, N word which seemed to be the only 3 words I could clearly make out, I'm pretty sure there were more but my ears were bleeding pretty bad by then and I'm already freekin deaf!!!...

I was offended and embarrassed by it and I'm glad I didn't have kids in the car and I'm thinking about this thread and wondering why is it perfectly OK for black people to use this kind of language but a white guy like me has to walk around on egg shells and watch my every word so as to remain perfectly PC so God forbid I don't freekin offend anybody because I would be crucified like Paula Dean was because she messed up and said the N word after a black man stuck a gun in her face while demanding money 25 years ago....

I'm sick and tired of it and it isn't right that one group of people can make millions of dollars recording crap like that and it be perfectly fine and dandy....Right is right and wrong is wrong and it should be the same no matter what race you are!!!

07-23-2014, 02:24 PM
I agree with you getsome. But, not all of us like to drop the "N" bomb. It's just gonna be a matter of time before I have to explain that word to my little one. I've dealt with that same situation numerous times (I'm outside of Pittsburgh). Alot of times my kid is in the car with me. I look them dead in their faces, shake my head, and roll up my window. As long as the so called producers continue to fatten their wallets with this **** music, it's gonna be around a long time. And the "entertainers" making money off that kind of crap are not all one particular race. The music is out there, look it up. I've even heard white men and women referring to each other by the word. And we all know that certain events in history were WRONG and back then race did matter!!

07-23-2014, 03:07 PM
Agree with ya swilcher7, I think this stuff goes on with all of the younger generation no matter who they are, what race and where they come from....There was a Beyonce and Jay Z concert here last weekend and I saw young girls, both black and white wearing next to nothing with 12'' spike heels and skirts so short they needed a hair net and I wondered how in the world their parents let them out of the house like that...(I only looked at them because I knew I was going to make this post and my observations were purely of a professional nature, I promise,....really I do...honest)....:rolleyes:

The racism that went on in the 60's and 70's was wrong, plain and simple and I judge a man on how he acts and what he believes in, not by his skin color and I expect the same in return and I just hate to hear the younger generation fanning the flames of racism by using language like that and glorifying rap stars making bizillions using lyrics like that....I don't believe in censorship but I do believe in morals, decency and good taste...

07-23-2014, 03:22 PM
Amen!!! You are right on target with this younger generation. I'm the oldest of 4 boys. Back in the day we knew our place, knew what we could and couldn't, and most important, we respected our elders. If the neighbors caught us doing wrong, they whooped our behinds and sent us home, where we got it again!! Everyone watched out for each other then. Now, it's a JOKE!! No one wants to get involved, people don't discipline their kids, NO respect for anyone what so ever. I have one adult child who is on the right tract (Honors Grad in high school, recent college grad, works, has a very nice and RESPECTFUL boyfriend). My youngest has a long way to go. There are times that I wish we could just go back to the good old days, but unless Marty McFly comes with a time machine, its not gonna happen. And here is a bit of into that chapps my ass. There was a shooting in Pgh in few summers ago at a party with approx 100-200 people involved. A baby was hit and died. Here's the kicker. More than half the people there know who the shooter(s) was, and no one is talking. WTF is wrong with our society today??

07-23-2014, 03:43 PM
I hear ya....I can't figure out exactly when it happened but the world has gone to hell in a hand basket...There is a case here in Atlanta where a young father left his 22 month old son in his car all day in 90+ degree heat...The child died and the father claimed it was all a terrible accident but as the evidence comes out it's looking more and more like he did it on purpose....This is the story that really got to me and made me think this world as I knew it is over and it's time for Jesus to come back....


07-24-2014, 07:05 AM
I've been watching reports on that. WTF is wrong with people?? That poor boy had to be suffering. I believe mama knew what was going on too!! Believe she may have went along with it to save her marriage. Reports about dads online escapades. And you know if he is found guilty and sentenced to death, he will die of natural causes first. We have a case here that happened in the late 70's. Two guys, John Lesco and Michael Travaglia, known as "Kill for Thrill" killers. They killed a few people for fun, INCLUDING a rookie Apollo Police Officer. Sentenced to death, but, (wait for it) they are still ALIVE and filing appeals!!! UNREAL!!! Here's my thought. If your sentenced to death, the old saying "let the punishment fit the crime comes in here. Your sentence is the exact same as the way you killed your victim. I say it all the time, the criminals have more rights than the victims!!

07-24-2014, 10:01 AM
wouldn't it be nice to strap that father and mutter in a hot car and let them feel the pain of what they now know they did to their son. Beats death by drugs. Not messey, take um out to the desert, in their car, dig a big as shole 15 feet from the vehicle, when they are dead, just push it in the hole and move on like it never happened. Press need not know, We soo soon forget about this little boys death a few years from now and the general stupid public lierals now start to feel sorry for the parents, for as u know the father now has found God and religion in prison, (as if there is anything else to do) and the mutter if going to law school paid by the prision so she can mount reviews of her case for the nest 25 year and tak eup our courts time until she finds some liberal ass judge who thinks she should be paroled.

I feel so sorry for those two people!!!!

07-25-2014, 04:58 PM
+1 for leaving their asses in a hot car to fry......