View Full Version : Racial Profiling

07-23-2014, 06:04 PM
I just got in on the last few minutes of the Dr Phil show the other day and he had done a survey asking people how many favored and personally did racially profiling (no idea where the survey was done, how many participants were involved, or what the make-up of the participants were) and the results were, if I remember correctly, 46% in favor 54% not in favor.
This got me to wondering about it since it seems every evening watching the news if there is a stolen car chase, a bank robber chased or apprehended, a thief captured on a store's security camera, or a shooting, 9 out of 10 times (maybe even higher) the person/persons involved will be minoritys.
Can this be a nationwide situation or do we just live in a higher crime area?
Watching all this on TV it's amazing how our police officers can keep from racial profiling when trying to locate a criminal.

07-23-2014, 06:11 PM
Not race, but I am in favor of dirt bag profiling.

07-23-2014, 06:18 PM
Not race, but I am in favor of dirt bag profiling.

Exactamundo Itxi.

07-23-2014, 06:30 PM
Not race, but I am in favor of dirt bag profiling.


I think it's called "situational awareness".

07-23-2014, 07:30 PM
The way I see it, due to social conditions, certain communities of people have been at fault for committing crimes and causing social unrest. Due to those reasons, I am apt to be more suspect of members of those communities of people. Those communities may vary in racial makeup depending on locale, and geography, and other lesser components. If I should "profile" anyone, that act is a matter of being double cautious. Once bitten, twice shy is the key element. Or perhaps, you can fool me once.....Either way, if someone does not "belong" due to any number of reasons, then I'm apt to question why their presence is evident. Call that the Zimmerman Doctrine, call it what you like. I know who should be in the locale I live in. I know that folks who are guests act a certain way, generally speaking. I know that anyone who falls ouutside that set of social criteria, regardless of race, is suspect of being an outsider, possibly a hooligan, or worse.Thats not profiling. Thats common sense. Jeeze.

Longitude Zero
07-23-2014, 07:49 PM
Racial profiling per se is not illegal. Using race as the ONLY or PREDOMINANT factor is illegal. Say an armed robbery occurs and the suspect is described as a B/M. Does it make any sense to stop W/M's? Nope it does not. Is that using race to profile your suspect. Yes it is and the courts have always found that allowable. I always profile based upon BEHAVIOR. Such as how you are acting, what clothes you are wearing, colors and styles, what kind of vehicle you are driving and how is the vehicle accessorized, what music you are playing, are you solo or in a group etc. There are hundreds of behavioral clues that are used to determine criminal intent. Race is only one very minor factor. Basically how are you acting compared to the social norm of the area at the time the observation is made.

07-23-2014, 07:59 PM
When 1 race commits more crimes than any other by a long shot, it's hard not to profile them. I think the profiled group hates to be profiled because it will make it easier for them to get caught.

07-23-2014, 09:04 PM
When 1 race commits more crimes than any other by a long shot, it's hard not to profile them. I think the profiled group hates to be profiled because it will make it easier for them to get caught.

From FBI Crime Stats page:
Arrests, by Race, 2011In 2011, 69.2 percent of all individuals arrested were white, 28.4 percent were black, and 2.4 percent were of other races.
The link is here: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43

And from Census Page
White alone, percent, 2013 (a) 77.7%
Black or African American alone, percent, 2013 (a) 13.2%

Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2013 (b) 17.1%
here is the link.

It doesn't really appear that one race commits more crime by a long shot. Of course the data could be wrong or I could be reading it wrong.
take care.

07-24-2014, 12:08 AM
I am a minority! I am constantly profiled. I am a Christian, Old, Partially Crippled, and White in color.

I was taught to treat people with respect and to judge them by their actions, Not by their looks. Of course in this day and age that is not politically correct.

And before I let my Parrot mouth overload my Hummingbird backside, I will end this rant. :yo:

07-24-2014, 07:07 AM
From FBI Crime Stats page:
Arrests, by Race, 2011In 2011, 69.2 percent of all individuals arrested were white, 28.4 percent were black, and 2.4 percent were of other races.
The link is here: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43

And from Census Page
White alone, percent, 2013 (a) 77.7%
Black or African American alone, percent, 2013 (a) 13.2%

Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2013 (b) 17.1%
here is the link.

It doesn't really appear that one race commits more crime by a long shot. Of course the data could be wrong or I could be reading it wrong.
take care.
That is some very interesting FBI data, It's really interesting, I am seeing Hispanics and Latinos were added into the 77% of Whites, so when taken out separately, the breakdown is this: White 62%, Latino and Hispanic 17%, Black 13%, All Others 8%. (Total US Population)

Now, use these percentage of population and go to the % of crimes caused by these percentage of populations in the FBI chart and analyze the figures by percentage of population causing the percentage of total crimes. Those are some alarming statistics.

07-24-2014, 08:38 AM
Just look at who is in prison.........................that will tell you............................................... .....

07-24-2014, 08:51 AM
Ok, so what your saying is that all people of a certain race who are in prison make the rest of us criminals as well????

07-24-2014, 08:59 AM
If you want to know which race is doing the crime, look who's in line........................................

07-24-2014, 09:08 AM
Amazing!!!! That's all I can say....

07-24-2014, 09:11 AM
I don't see what is so amazing...............................If you look in the prison system, you can see who is doing the crime. You can then break it down to percentages, just like the previous postings. It's not rocket science.

07-24-2014, 09:17 AM
The post started was about Racial Profiling, not who's in prison or who's doing what crime. As for the stats, not all police departments turn in the FBI sheets. My question was because of a few bad apples, does that make us ALL criminals. That's not rocket science either.

07-24-2014, 09:34 AM
While it is not fair or the right thing to do, people profile each other based on race all the time and have for a long time too. No one is immune from it. It's a fact jack. Since it cannot be legislated away, lets get over it.

07-24-2014, 09:36 AM
A friend of mine's kid is up visiting from Oregon. She is driving a rental van with Tennessee plates. She is a 32 yr. old white female. She was pulled over twice on her way here. Once by a sheriff, and another by a K9 dog vehicle. Racial profiling? Hell Yes. It's not just used for minorities, like some would want you to believe. As far as " Does that make us all criminals?", you be the judge. It continues to be a useful tool for LE, and the general population. If it looks like dynamite, and it smells like dynamite.......................................... ...................................

07-24-2014, 09:37 AM
I agree 100%....And that's where the problem lies..One person does wrong and now everyone is/looks bad!!

07-24-2014, 09:42 AM
My last post was in reference to what knkali said.....Now explain how your friend was racially profiled because she was pulled over twice.... Was there proof positive it's because she was white?? She may have been pulled over because she was driving a van with out of state plates, and traveling on a major highway. We all know and have heard of drugs, etc. being transported this way.

07-24-2014, 09:44 AM
OMG you are cracking me up!!! Not used for just minorities....Are you living under a rock???? That's all you hear about is minorities!!! Does the New York City Police Stop and Frisk Program ring a bell?????

07-24-2014, 09:48 AM
You decide.......................

07-24-2014, 09:51 AM
Decide what??? What proof do you have it was because of her race????

07-24-2014, 10:40 AM
Dudes, it goes both ways. C'mon, if you are a white guy in a location of color where drug dealing is common at night, you are gonna get checked by the police bc of suspicion of buying drugs. If you are a white guy with tattoos all over your neck and face and have a shaved head, chances are you are gonna be thought of as a skin head and given a second look. Bet that white 32 yo woman driving a rental van with out of state plates in Yankee country fit a profile too. Perhaps a meth dealer profile? How about a 35 yo white woman that looks like a hard 65 yo with bad skin and and rotten teeth.....what do you think of? Meth head right? Who knows. Maybe she is just a hard livin gal with an acne problem that doesn't like to brush her teeth? ...This stuff goes all ways. All people are subjected to it.
It is a fact of life. To deny it or say that it only pertains to people of color is just not correct IMHO.
Subscribe to the Bawanna school of profiling...everyone is a douche bag until proven otherwise.

07-24-2014, 10:53 AM
nuttin wrong with profiling IMO. Its what u do with it after that. If u say u never profile, IMO ur lying. When I see a nice looking blonde walking down the streeet I profile her. when I see a pig walking down the street I profile it. U can't stop anyone from opinions, which today the guys like Hair lip Jesse Jackson and Fat Ass Al sharpton call profiling. Course they never do. I get a kick out of Jesse calling Tweeter on the carpet and wanting to know how many blacks they have employed. I wonder how many whites the NAACP has employed??? Just sayin.

I get profiled all the time when I pull in with my Harley and have black stuff on. Fokk um, why try to make a deal out of this when u can't force me to like you or vice versa..

07-24-2014, 11:51 AM
nuttin wrong with profiling IMO. Its what u do with it after that. If u say u never profile, IMO ur lying. When I see a nice looking blonde walking down the streeet I profile her. when I see a pig walking down the street I profile it. U can't stop anyone from opinions, which today the guys like Hair lip Jesse Jackson and Fat Ass Al sharpton call profiling. Course they never do. I get a kick out of Jesse calling Tweeter on the carpet and wanting to know how many blacks they have employed. I wonder how many whites the NAACP has employed??? Just sayin.

I get profiled all the time when I pull in with my Harley and have black stuff on. Fokk um, why try to make a deal out of this when u can't force me to like you or vice versa..
precisely. When I was running with a 2 patch club, I was refused a hotel room b/c of the way I was dressed. I didn't like it but that's the way it goes. If you look like trouble then don't expect people to think otherwise.

07-24-2014, 11:54 AM
and as u know it is theire right to feel this way, i9f they so choose. Today this nation is ruled by the minorites, certainly not the majoriity. . seems white poeple just shu7t on and go about their business, where the minorities just keep pushing it in our faces..

07-24-2014, 12:00 PM
tomorrow I will be riding with our govoner Pence on his annual motorcytcle ride to raise $$$$ for our national guard. No doubt there willbe 100+ state boys leading the pack fully armed and behind willbe at least 300 motorcycle riders of whic h 50% will be fully armed. He will be well protected. The utter 50% will more than likely be honder riders. Just sayin

No doubt the world is in a better place thanks to ol jocko

Longitude Zero
07-24-2014, 12:05 PM
While it is not fair or the right thing to do, people profile each other based on race all the time and have for a long time too. No one is immune from it. It's a fact jack. Since it cannot be legislated away, lets get over it.


07-24-2014, 12:46 PM
Profiling is natural and normal and happens all the time in nature....When a herd of impala are grazing and they see a pride of lions coming their way they start to move and eventually when the lions get too close the impala run away because they use their profiling ability and know from instinct and past experience that when a group of lions show up, somebody's about to get killed....Same with all preditor/prey relationships, when preditors show up, it's time for prey to exit stage left or end up dead....

Same thing happens with humans who are smart and aware of their surroundings....Every night on the 6:00 news I see mostly young black males doing the shootings, car jackings, drug/gang shootings and general thuggery so if I'm smart and see a group of young black males with hoodies coming my way I'm going to profile and remember all those news stories and I'll be afraid that I'm about to be another news story/statistic so I move away as fast as I can because my instinct and pryor knowledge of groups of young black men tell me I'm about to be in harms way whether it's true or not....

Is this profiling?, yes....Is it the right thing to do if I'm interested in staying healthy?,...absolutely.....Does it mean that groups of young black men in hoodies are always up to no good?,....not at all but there's no way to know for sure unless I'm willing to take a chance and I don't like to take chances....Does it mean that since I'm afraid of groups of young black men wearing hoodies that ALL black people are bad?,...Absolutely NOT...But it is what it is and that's just how things are...

07-24-2014, 12:46 PM
While it is not fair or the right thing to do, people profile each other based on race all the time and have for a long time too. No one is immune from it. It's a fact jack. Since it cannot be legislated away, lets get over it.
For most of us profiling is just part of situational awareness. I don't really think morally right or fair comes into it. The question is effectiveness.You cant instantly know somebodies life history (yet) so you have to make some crude provisional judgments based on appearances. If you don't "profile" you're not very smart. If skin color (not "race" which you can't see) is more than a very minor part of that profiling, you're also not being smart. Clothing, grooming, attitude etc., hell yes you better look at that.

07-24-2014, 01:41 PM
You can't judge a book by its cover. For instance, if most people saw Jocko walking toward them on the street they might cross over to the other side, but once they got to know Jocko like I have, they would definitely cross over to the other side of the street. Just sayin".

07-24-2014, 02:00 PM

Longitude Zero
07-24-2014, 03:32 PM
It is called the Totality of Circumstances. Take each and every detail into account.

07-24-2014, 03:58 PM
My theory has always been that about 2% of all the people are a holes and they get all the news coverage....so the bigger the city the more a holes strictly by the numbers. Bottom line, there are more good people than bad. Then you add in the slanted media that likes to stir the pot and incite most racial issues.....and the jessie and al are always wanting their 15 minutes of fame and they stir the pot to get attention.
Sooooo 98% of the people are good no matter what race they are!

07-24-2014, 03:59 PM
It is called the Totality of Circumstances. Take each and every detail into account.

So true!

07-25-2014, 08:57 AM
Not race, but I am in favor of dirt bag profiling.

If it looks like a dirt bag, acts like a dirt bag and smells like a dirt bag, it's probably a dirt bag. I also like "the first impression is a lasting impression". If the politically correct police are reading this, too bad!

07-25-2014, 11:02 AM
"Final thought" so to speak. To Some, not ALL people, it seems like when certain races/people are being profiled against, its all good (ie: again the NYPD stop and frisk). But now that EVERYONE is being profiled against, OMG it's so wrong. Again, that's some not all people.It's WRONG regardless of who it is!!!! Some may agree, some may not...Oh well!!! I agree with being aware of your surroundings. I was LE for 12 yrs, and I'm always looking around, sit facing door when out, etc...etc....There are good and bad in ALL walks of life. Some people stand out more than others by their behavior, what they wear, what they say, etc. It does not mean that everyone is bad or up to no good!!

07-25-2014, 11:22 AM
Looking around, sitting facing the door etc, etc, those are profiling.

You are categorizing everyone you see. Everyone profiles, I don't care who you are. Even kids profile each other.

We can give it a bad name and of course declare it totally non Politically Correct but everybody does it.

Some of us are better at it than others.

Course is doesn't meant that when you profile a dirt bag you should shoot him in the face either, even though he may sorely deserve it.

07-25-2014, 03:16 PM
I don't believe that being aware of your surroundingsto be profiling. There are others here that have said they do the same thing. If I were sitting and saying yeah this person and that person coming in were up to no good then I'm guilty . if people think I'm profiling then so be it. I think some may agree that they would want to have a chance to defend themselves and family if someone walked with fireaRm in hand to do no good.

07-25-2014, 04:08 PM
Profiling = we all do it and we all SHOULD do it.
Racial = a provocative label but just one factor of profiling.

Profiling is just information. What we do with that information is what is important. Be aware and be safe...that's all I'm saying.

Longitude Zero
07-25-2014, 05:37 PM
Profiling = we all do it and we all SHOULD do it.
Racial = a provocative label but just one factor of profiling.

Profiling is just information. What we do with that information is what is important. Be aware and be safe...that's all I'm saying.


07-25-2014, 05:56 PM
+1 Above!!

07-25-2014, 06:09 PM
I don't believe that being aware of your surroundingsto be profiling. There are others here that have said they do the same thing. If I were sitting and saying yeah this person and that person coming in were up to no good then I'm guilty . if people think I'm profiling then so be it. I think some may agree that they would want to have a chance to defend themselves and family if someone walked with fireaRm in hand to do no good.

Break it down. Why do you sit facing the door? To see everything and everybody that comes through the door. Then you check em off, looks ok, nothing to worry about, questionable, watch for further details, bad dude spidey senses on alert, where's the back door.
If your not profiling why do you care if you face the door.

I totally endorse profiling myself. I'm all for it. I wish TSA would use it. Maybe they wouldn't strip search 90 year old women in diapers and not let folks with a sheet wrapped around their head go through so they aren't offended.

07-25-2014, 06:19 PM
Bwanna, well said, and I agree!:w00t:

07-25-2014, 07:39 PM
I don't critique everyone that comes through the door. I sit facing the door because say if someone decides to rob the place, at least I'll have some time to get my family either to cover or a safe place. I was taught that as well. I don't sit there watching everyone that comes through the door. Now if it's 90 degrees outside and someone comes in wearing a trench coat, you better believe I'm gonna watch them. Also I've run into some real winners I've arrested and who have made threats while with my family. I'd rather see them coming than to turn around and be caught by surprise. So if you believe that to be profiling, so be it. I'm not changing what I do because someone doesn't agree with it.

07-25-2014, 07:58 PM
I don't disagree at all. The only thing I don't agree with is you say you aren't profiling. Not all people in trench coats are bad people, maybe they have iron poor blood.
Your profiling, call it anything you want. I'm with you 100%. I'm not afraid to call it profiling.

I do it everyday. I endorse it. I encourage it and if the guvment would pull their heads out I'd be glad to instruct the TSA folks on who to bother.

My own opinion but I'm good at it.

07-25-2014, 09:05 PM
I don't think all people wearing trench coats are bad. Not saying that at all. Down here the humidity is hell when dew point is in the 70's. Would seem odd to me wearing one in this type of weather....Like you said he may have iron poor blood!!

07-25-2014, 10:03 PM
I get profiled all the time when I pull in with my Harley and have black stuff on. Fokk um, why try to make a deal out of this when u can't force me to like you or vice versa..

Its not the black you're wearing, it's the sheep on the back with you. They're profiling and got sumpin against sheep. Gonna have to call the NAASP (in case you think I typed in error SP is sheep people).

If I go to the Chicago south side tell me the locals wont be profiling me. Its just like jocko and CJB said.

07-26-2014, 10:06 AM
I'd prefer to call it "probability profiling."

As in, "what's the probability that the group of five youths approaching me, roughly dressed and dragging shorts on the ground, might attempt to relieve me of my wallet and/or watch?" versus "what's the probability that the group of five well-dressed businessmen approaching me might intend to rob me?"

And yes, I will cross the street to avoid a potential threat.

07-26-2014, 11:00 AM
Anyone that thinks they are being "profiled" need to look at others of their own race and determine what you are doing different that makes you stand out from the crowd. If you don't want to be profiled, change your image. Do whatever you need to do to "fit in" with the people around you.

You just need to look into a mirror and ask yourself, it there something in the image that would make people profile me? If you can't figure it out, ask someone, "why do people profile me".

07-26-2014, 11:31 AM
I don't think the image we present has anything to do with being profiled.
When someone comes up my driveway an to the front door they are profiled. In a suit, shorts dragging the ground, don't really matter.
The suit could be a lawyer after all.

I think perhaps profiling is not a good descriptive word because it's been associated with racism for so long.

I never gave a thought to people profiling me, just assumed everyone does it. If they cross the street when they see me coming, that's good with me, don't like people in my way anyhow, I got places to go ya know?

07-26-2014, 03:18 PM
Profiling is not a bad thing, everyone does it in one form or another. However, some specific types of profiling (like racial) are a bad thing and sometimes illegal.

07-26-2014, 04:19 PM
I don't think the image we present has anything to do with being profiled................... I never gave a thought to people profiling me, just assumed everyone does it. If they cross the street when they see me coming, that's good with me, don't like people in my way anyhow, I got places to go ya know?

Bad ass looking dude in a wheel chair with a gun? I'd cross the street, too. :spider::spider:

11-18-2014, 04:16 PM
Found this write-up on Racism


11-23-2014, 09:30 AM
I don't believe in racial profiling. I don't trust anyone. I have to admit that I'm not quite as concerned when I'm around a convent full of Nuns, but some of my Catholic friend have told me that I should be. :)

11-23-2014, 11:57 AM
Harely riders have been profiled for years and most are white as snow to. So fokking what, getover it. It takes the pressure off of Honder riders. Just sayin.

marshal kane
11-23-2014, 12:47 PM
I don't believe in racial profiling. I don't trust anyone. I have to admit that I'm not quite as concerned when I'm around a convent full of Nuns, but some of my Catholic friend have told me that I should be. :)

Your Catholic friends are right, you SHOULD be! Some of those nuns are "packing"! Look up their sleeves and you'll find 12" wooden rulers and when they let you have it on the back of your hand, it hurts! Don't ask me how I know.

marshal kane
11-23-2014, 12:52 PM
Here's something I bet everybody knows: Even minorities profile minorities since most crimes are committed by minorities on minorities. Profiling is GOOD, it lessens the chances that you'll get hurt. If Michael Brown comes into your convenience store, look the other way or wind up in the hospital. That was one BIG dude!

Longitude Zero
11-23-2014, 01:12 PM
Here's something I bet everybody knows: Even minorities profile minorities since most crimes are committed by minorities on minorities. Profiling is GOOD, it lessens the chances that you'll get hurt. If Michael Brown comes into your convenience store, look the other way or wind up in the hospital. That was one BIG dude!

You are 100% correct.