View Full Version : Carson City, NV doesn't want gun owner's business

gun papa
07-28-2014, 10:17 PM
Hey fellas,

My Wife sent me a photo of the new sign posted at Costco in Carson City. "No Firearms Allowed on Premises"

I called the Carson City Costco administration 775-881-2503 (Press 1 for administration) and I spoke with Gayle. Gayle told me that Costco DOES want our business, and doesn't mind our guns, they just prefer the guns not be displayed openly, as Costo has received complaints from parents, and people were feeling uncomfortable to the sight of openly carried guns.

I advised Gayle that the sign says "NO FIREARMS", not "No Openly Displayed Firearms", that she is sending me a mixed message by now telling me MY guns are okay. Furthermore, I told her, for me to comply with their signage, it makes me feel uncomfortable as it makes me and my family feel unsafe in their store. I requested a call from her Boss to discuss this policy and the future relationship of my membership, and the business memberships of my family.

I suggest that the complaints go both ways. I am asking everyone on this forum to place a friendly call to the Carson City Costco, speak with the administration, and remind them that our dollars are easily spent where our business is wanted.

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y131/gunpapa/10482593_10204245773205565_1779710542695046177_n_z psde511134.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/gunpapa/media/10482593_10204245773205565_1779710542695046177_n_z psde511134.jpg.html)

07-29-2014, 05:29 PM
Well, I gotta say with Gayle's explanation I understand Costco's problem and choice here. Chalk another one up for the open carry for no other reason than to make a rude statement nuts making all our lives harder. Unless the sign carries force of law it makes no difference anyway.

07-29-2014, 05:49 PM
I have seen the simple solution to Costco's dilemna at a local restaurant (IHOP, I believe).
The sign posted says: No Open Carry of Firearms.

07-29-2014, 07:02 PM
Yep, another loss for us all because of the open carry show-offs, err I mean defenders of our freedoms. :2rolleyes:

Chipotle, Starbucks, Target, Jack in the Box, and now Costco have all now made things harder on us because of these stunts. The entire state of California changed its open carry laws after countless run-ins with police, all uploaded to YouTube.

There's a time, place, and manner for everything. And a bit of courtesy might be in order as well. Imagine that.

This guy sums up my feelings pretty well:


I know I'm going to get flamed for this posting but really, these people aren't advancing our cause.

07-29-2014, 07:23 PM
I actually think that most of the "open carry crowd" are anti gun folks trying to tweak the public into calling their elected officials into oppose all guns.

07-29-2014, 08:01 PM
Yep, another loss for us all because of the open carry show-offs, err I mean defenders of our freedoms. :2rolleyes:

Chipotle, Starbucks, Target, Jack in the Box, and now Costco have all now made things harder on us because of these stunts. The entire state of California changed its open carry laws after countless run-ins with police, all uploaded to YouTube.

There's a time, place, and manner for everything. And a bit of courtesy might be in order as well. Imagine that.

This guy sums up my feelings pretty well:


I know I'm going to get flamed for this posting but really, these people aren't advancing our cause

Certainly not by me.....

07-29-2014, 08:02 PM
I actually think that most of the "open carry crowd" are anti gun folks trying to tweak the public into calling their elected officials into oppose all guns.

Nah, they're just ass hole freaks.

07-30-2014, 06:53 PM
I don't believe for a moment that the Costco sign means only open carry prohibited. Co-founder, recently ex-CEO and still major shareholder had his buddy Obama to his house in Seattle area last week for a high flyer fundraiser. Screwed up Seattle traffic worse than usual. When the big boss is that politically active, the folks he promotes think like him and on down the chain.

07-30-2014, 11:50 PM
I open carry on my land, and on ranches and farms, mostly for dispatching snake and varmints, but I'd much rather CC in public places where I prefer no one know that I am armed.
And I don't enjoy being hassled by police, while some folks seem to find some kind of enjoyment in being hassled by the cops, and giving them a hard time by refusing to show ID, and refusing to answer any questions, and all that, so they can run home and upload the video to Youtube. I don't see the point in all that. I do like open carry laws just for the fact that if your gun does slip out from under cover, then it's not a crime.
I really don't see why it upsets people so much to see someone open carrying. He certainly is not a criminal, or he would not be open carrying. I guess the government and media have done a good job of brainwashing the soccer moms into being frightened at the mere sight of a firearm.

07-31-2014, 12:54 AM
I open carry on my land also, but cc in public places. And I believe that most of those who do carry also prefer to cc in public, even though open carry is legal in their area.
IMHO, I also believe that in doing so we are not doing ourselves any favors. If everyone who voted to allow open carry and/or supports open carry (for whatever reason) would also open carry on a regular basis, then maybe people would become accustomed to it and would not be so upset to see someone open carrying. And maybe then, the idiots won't feel the need to make a spectacle of themselves in a restaurants and stores by displaying their weapons, because there will be nothing special about doing so. However, when you live in a state where open carry is legal, as I do, and never see anyone open carry, it is not surprising that concerns are raised when that one person does show up with a gun on his hip.

07-31-2014, 06:02 PM
Open carry has an appropriate time and place. Drop into a rural Wyoming diner for a bite looking like a working ranch hand and with a sidearm on your hip and no one cares. Showing up with an AK in any major metro area looking and acting like a freak. parading around and ranting about rights when no one's asked the question will get a whole lot of deservedly negative attention that benefits none of us. I hate those, latter, dumb/ignorant/self centered bastards.

marshal kane
08-01-2014, 08:51 AM
So as not to cause an uproar among ladies, young children, and law enforcement, I prefer CC whenever I'm away from the house. In my state, both open carry as well as CC is legal but why make an issue out of it? We gun owners just don't need that kind of publicity.

08-01-2014, 08:53 PM
Chalk one up for the antis. Seems like everyone on this forum is conceding that, even where legal, we have given up the right to open carry. Rather than show the public that gun owners can open carry responsibly, we would rather hide our guns by ccing and not risk offending anyone. How then do we get the public to accept the fact that open carry is nothing to be alarmed at? Might as well not have the right to open carry! Some will say it protects us from inadvertantly flashing charges, but that issue could have easily been addressed in the cc regulations.
Why are we so adamant that we protect our 2A rights and yet so willing to give up on an important aspect of those rights? If we do not use it, we will lose it.

08-01-2014, 09:49 PM
I'd prefer to view the majority opinion wrt appropriate open carry as a mature recognition of social courtesy and responsibility. More of that and less attitude should be beneficial to all.

08-01-2014, 10:03 PM
So open carry will never be acceptable, so why then have it if only the freaks use it?

08-02-2014, 04:39 PM
Have I ever said it was never acceptable? Don't hardly think so. Either really not paying attention (unlikely) or goading. Either way, I be done now.

08-02-2014, 08:18 PM
Apologies! I am a pretty good engineer but a terrible statesman.
Not wanting to ruffle feathers. I included myself in the we. I was just trying to express my concern that we gun owners find responsible open carry quite acceptable yet we seldom do it. Non gun owners, on the other hand, find any kind of open carry unacceptable, responsible or not, and that maybe us gun owners could do more to allay their concerns by making open carry commonplace.

08-03-2014, 06:04 PM
I don't believe for a moment that the Costco sign means only open carry prohibited. Co-founder, recently ex-CEO and still major shareholder had his buddy Obama to his house in Seattle area last week for a high flyer fundraiser. Screwed up Seattle traffic worse than usual. When the big boss is that politically active, the folks he promotes think like him and on down the chain.

This is exactly what Costco is all about. It is that simple. They pulled DeSouza's latest book until customers wrote a lot of letters. I say drop Costco and do business somewhere else. Costco is not what small business owners and freedom loving Americans stand for.

08-05-2014, 03:14 AM
Apologies! I am a pretty good engineer but a terrible statesman.
Not wanting to ruffle feathers. I included myself in the we. I was just trying to express my concern that we gun owners find responsible open carry quite acceptable yet we seldom do it. Non gun owners, on the other hand, find any kind of open carry unacceptable, responsible or not, and that maybe us gun owners could do more to allay their concerns by making open carry commonplace.

Never happen.

Some supposed second amendment supporters do not support open carry at all. According to them any sort of open carry outside of hunting or on your own property is not any sort of responsible. Interesting that some non gun owners have less issue with my open carry than many supposed second amendment supporters. They would prefer I open carry than hide the fact that I am armed since according to them if I am willing to show it I aint up to something bad.

Supposed second amendment supporters aint on my side. Kinda like those "Fudd hunters" who don't support anyone owning a semi auto rifle or shotgun or any sort of handgun since according to them neither have a valid place on the hunting field. Kinda like the guys who have no qualms with a 10 round magazine capacity limit because if you can't get it done in less than 10 rounds it don't need done.

08-05-2014, 09:00 AM
It is pretty obvious that the backlash against these guys flashmobbing coffee houses & other private businesses has been a big negative for ALL gun owners. Too bad they can't see that in their zeal to "educate" the public.

I am in favor of open carry, but in appropriate settings.

Here in Texas, open carry of long guns (not handguns) is legal, as is women walking around in public with bared boobs. I think most reasonable people can figure out there is a time & place for exercising both of those rights.

No matter how much education the public needs about 2nd Amendment rights, scaring the sheep is not the right way and will never be accepted by a large portion of the public. That is just a fact of life.

08-05-2014, 09:14 AM
It is pretty obvious that the backlash against these guys flashmobbing coffee houses & other private businesses has been a big negative for ALL gun owners. Too bad they can't see that in their zeal to educate" the public.

I am in favor of open carry, but in appropriate settings.

No matter how much education the public needs about 2nd Amendment rights, scaring the sheep is not the right way and will never be accepted by a large portion of the public. That is just a fact of life.

Well said!

I'm for open carry but it's a right not a statement. Just don't be a jerk about it. With that said, respectfully open carrying can be good for the 2A cause. It's good for the non gun public to see polite gun owners. The "I won't leave your store because I have a natural right to carry my AR in here" jerks just feed the anti-gunners stereotype that we are all irresponsible rednecks...and should be feared by the general public.

I hope you-all get that last point. It is the anti-gunners agenda to have the public fearing US too...not just criminals.