View Full Version : New Anti-gun video makes the best case for women with guns

07-29-2014, 01:49 PM
See more: Anti-gun video makes the best case for women with guns | Rare (http://rare.us/story/anti-gun-video-makes-the-best-case-for-women-with-guns/)

I left a comment at the site posting the video:

That's what the liberals and Democrats want... women at the mercy of violent criminals. Just call 911... and wait for the rest of your life... or... you can take the responsibility for your own defense, as protected by the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and protect yourself immediately. When seconds count, the police are minutes away, but your government wants... no, demands, that you let THEM protect you... or bag and tag you and try to figure out what happened... after the criminal has left.


07-29-2014, 04:19 PM
Good share Wynn. Thanks. My pessimist side fears that your average anti-gunner will still not get it. We see an opportunity for a woman to defend herself and they see shootouts in every neighborhood. :(

07-29-2014, 04:42 PM
I hope I am not stealing your thread Wynn. To paraphrase the Yankee Marshal: anti-gunners actually envision an impossible utopia. When they say: "no one will have any guns", they actually mean that...good guys and bad guys alike. There will be no gun crime because all the guns will be gone...magically banned away. No black market. And there will be no increase in knifings or beatings either. They are passionate because they actually believe it. The ex-husband will not kill the wife in the video because guns will not exist. The cops will saunter in and take the guy away. :crazy:

It's that way with everything. Liberals/socialists/democrats/communists actually believe that we can provide everyone with amazing healthcare with no one needing to pay for it. They believe we can share all the wealth and everybody can have more than what they want and no one needs to concern themselves with creating the wealth. "We're the wealthiest country in the world --- there's plenty to share." :rolleyes: It's easy and it's perfect and it's beautiful. And it's easy to attract more people when you promise them the moon.

Conservatives, on the other hand believe in making the best of reality. And that takes hard work and responsibility and accountability. And an understanding that everything is not perfect and you need to strive to succeed anyway and protect yourself and your loved ones from bad guys and people who would take advantage. By comparison it's no fun. And it's a hard sell to the Santa Claus (credit Rush Limbaugh) segment of society.

Our work is cut out for us.

07-29-2014, 04:45 PM
Yep. Their response would be 2 wrongs (i.e. both people with guns) don't make a right.

07-29-2014, 10:54 PM
HA! Someone posted a better ad...an old one, but a good one!



marshal kane
07-30-2014, 09:08 AM
My anti-gun daughter-in-law wouldn't allow a gun in the house for years and went so far as to not let her kids even play with toy guns. She recently woke up to the fact that the California legislature is slowly making it impossible to own one so she went out and bought a semi-auto and is taking shooting lessons at her local range. When I heard that, I was almost blown over! I'm a firm believer that there is no reason a woman can't shoot as well as a man. They did it when they had to survive on the frontier. Why not today? We are our own first line of defense. No call to 911 or court order is going to change that. All too often, when the law enforcement arrives, it is to write up a report and clean up the mess. When seconds count, law enforcement is only minutes away.

07-30-2014, 09:44 AM
A lot of people have discovered that they don't want to lose a chance to have their own protection. If you watch the news, you know that law enforcement is reactive and it takes time to respond even when they aren't "busy". Even 30 seconds can be a fatal delay.

It's good that your DIL awakened to fact that she might not have that choice in the very near future.


07-30-2014, 06:40 PM
HA! Someone posted a better ad...an old one, but a good one!


Satisfying that the good gal won, but she should have let the perp come in through her door and then shot him inside. Shooting through a door killing a person outside the house is too gray a legal area.

07-31-2014, 03:33 AM
Say Hallo

marshal kane
08-01-2014, 08:55 AM
Satisfying that the good gal won, but she should have let the perp come in through her door and then shot him inside. Shooting through a door killing a person outside the house is too gray a legal area.
Totally agree but in retrospect, it's much easier to clean up all the blood and tissue outside the house with a garden hose.