View Full Version : Hello from the foothills of the Smokey Mountains.

08-09-2014, 04:24 PM
I have had my new Khar CM9 for a month now and and have found it to meet the needs I set out to acquire at this time of my life. I am 71 years of age and personal protection has become a concern for me. Us old dogs had our day but now desecration is the foundation of valor. Fancy way of saying I can't fight my way out of a paper bag. This firearm carries well, goes bang every time I pull the trigger and I hope to get as proficient with it as I am with other firearms. Been reading over some of the posts and know I will learn much as well as enjoy time here. After 50 years of shooting, reloading and teaching gun classes for CC I have learned this. Avoid when you can, run if you can but if you must stand your ground, do it well. I think I have found that this Khar allows me to do just that.


08-09-2014, 05:10 PM
I know where you are coming from. 70 with arthritis on top of that. Couldn't put up much of a fight and can't even run too well but my CM9 is as dependable as the sun coming up in the morning. After a couple of years of practice I can hit what I aim at. Hope I'll never need it but if I do ------! Have nice collection put together over the years but my CM9 is my constant companion. Hope you like yours as well as I do mine.

08-09-2014, 06:26 PM
I still fight like hell! I just try to schedule it for after lunch and my nap when I'm at my peak for the day. Avoid fighting after dark, plumb tuckered out by then and have to resort to the face shooting.

I just gotta know being's the Smokey Mountains and all, yall know Dolly Parton, she's not like your neighbor or nothing?

Welcome glad you found us.

08-09-2014, 08:21 PM
Words of wisdom! Welcome!

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10-16-2014, 05:26 AM
My wife asked me why I need to carry a pistol. I told her its simple. I'm too old to fight & too fat to run. That just doesn't leave many options.

10-21-2014, 06:39 AM
Too old to fight and too crippled to run, but I can still do five pound curls with my trigger finger. Welcome aboard.