View Full Version : CW380 Ammo Issues

08-10-2014, 04:46 PM
Was loading up my CW380 on Friday to carry just like every other day but on that day I noticed something disturbing with my ammo I have been carrying in it. I noticed that the bullets were actually pushed back into the casings from loading it and were disfigured and reshaped. I have been loading it like Kahr recommends, slide locked back, insert mag and release slide.

I unload all of my mags when I'm not carrying and reload them when I do which made me realize this error. I use the same 6 rounds and all 6 were different heights after noticing this. I am using Federal Hydra Shocks and was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem. I think it is due to the feed ramp doesn't have enough angle to it and the rounds are getting slammed up and into the chamber. My local gun shop feels that may be the problem also. Trying out some more rounded bullet rounds now to see if it was the squared edge of the Federals or the feed ramp causing the problem.

Any opinions or help with this would be greatly appreciated.

08-10-2014, 05:52 PM
I rarely unload a chambered round but when I do I've never found it deformed. Maybe it has to do with chambering and rechambering the same rounds repeatedly. Mine is the P version but I doubt that makes a dif.

marshal kane
08-11-2014, 12:21 AM
What you're experiencing is the result of rechambering the same rounds over and over again. I make it a point to shoot my carry ammunition at my weekly shooting session so that my magazines are always loaded with fresh ammunition.

08-11-2014, 06:15 AM
Thanks a lot for the info guys. I will start rotating my ammo around. This is the only firearm I have this problem with but will start doing what you recommended in all of my firearms.

08-12-2014, 10:50 AM
I have had several problems in my CW380 with Federal Hydra Shock and finally went back to Hornady Critical Defense FTX for two reasons.

1. It chambers and fires flawlessly and consistantly.

2. The casing is crimped so loading and unloading doesn't seem to effect the rounds.

i still fire it out and replace it about once a month.

08-12-2014, 09:26 PM
Hydra Shocks are the only HP I tried the gun didn't like. I am carrying Winchester Ranger 95 grain load and have some newer short barrel 102 grain Golden Sabre's and some Cor Bon 90 grain, all them chamber and do not push back and I have chambered some several times.

08-15-2014, 09:08 AM
gobbleslayer, It's interesting that you noticed this, as I am in the process of figuring out the same issue with my cw380. I've noticed this with any ammo that has an o.a.l. greater than .945". maybe these little .380's just don't feed slightly longer ammo well? The problem is, in all my various "load data" the specification for o.a.l. the .380 acp. goes from min. .940" to max. .984". I believe you are correct that the bullet nose is being "slammed" into the feedramp and pushing back. I'm going to try and find more types/brands of ammo with different o.a.l.'s and test this further.