View Full Version : Let the CW9 shoosting begin!

06-17-2010, 08:50 AM
Finally got out and put 200 rounds down range in my new CW9.

I did an OK prep according to the thread under Kahr Tech and came out with one FTE around the 100 round mark, nothing else before or after that.

Brought the wife with me - she's shot long guns but never pistols. She has a fear of handguns from the media perpetuating that 9mm are people killers so she was extremely anxious and nervous. She jumped at my first shot which got a chuckle from a couple other guys at the range. Was fine after that. I think she'll be wanting her own soon here.

Anyhow we were shooting at silhouette targets at 15 feet. It seems to shoot where I point it but where I point it isn't exactly where I want it to go, it'll come around I'm assuming. I was hitting the head and center of mass circles every time - about 6" and 8" circles respectively. The trigger took some getting used to. By the end I was pretty well squeezing right until the break point and getting closer to where I meant to shoot. I had practiced that while dry firing quite a bit prior.

All in all it was a good trip for my first gun and I can't wait to get back.

Now i just need to get a good cleaning kit!

06-17-2010, 09:10 AM
It is good that your wife went with you. When most people actually see someone shooting guns become a lot less scarry to them.

Keep practicing, talk to other shooters and just keep shooting. It is fun and when you get good it is a lot of fun.

You picked a great gun! Enjoy!


06-17-2010, 01:19 PM
Finally got out and put 200 rounds down range in my new CW9.

I did an OK prep according to the thread under Kahr Tech and came out with one FTE around the 100 round mark, nothing else before or after that.

Brought the wife with me - she's shot long guns but never pistols. She has a fear of handguns from the media perpetuating that 9mm are people killers so she was extremely anxious and nervous. She jumped at my first shot which got a chuckle from a couple other guys at the range. Was fine after that. I think she'll be wanting her own soon here.

Anyhow we were shooting at silhouette targets at 15 feet. It seems to shoot where I point it but where I point it isn't exactly where I want it to go, it'll come around I'm assuming. I was hitting the head and center of mass circles every time - about 6" and 8" circles respectively. The trigger took some getting used to. By the end I was pretty well squeezing right until the break point and getting closer to where I meant to shoot. I had practiced that while dry firing quite a bit prior.

All in all it was a good trip for my first gun and I can't wait to get back.

Now i just need to get a good cleaning kit!

than likely that one FTE could have even been shooter error even at a 100 rounds. One starts to get alittle tired and grip changes slightly, etc and then things can happen. Not saying that it was your fault but the fact that one in 200 rounds also kinda tells me the gun was doing its part. You will get much better with accuracy as time goes on to and more rounds downrange. Karhs IMO are the the easiest guns to take out of the box and drill same hole stuff, but they will shoot more accuract than most shooters can do with it. A gun and shooter also have to mate up to for a winning combination. Actually a cw9 would make your wife a super handgun, light, small in grip area, simplicity of design and operation. all things a woman will like with a gun.

06-17-2010, 02:46 PM
Actually come to think of it, my wife was shooting when it happened, and I had noticed that she was pushing right before firing so I think you're probably right there.

And she seems to like everything about the gun, just was having trouble with the long trigger pull. It's like she couldn't wait for it to go bang and had to pull it fast instead of a smooth pull.

06-17-2010, 03:37 PM
Actually come to think of it, my wife was shooting when it happened, and I had noticed that she was pushing right before firing so I think you're probably right there.

And she seems to like everything about the gun, just was having trouble with the long trigger pull. It's like she couldn't wait for it to go bang and had to pull it fast instead of a smooth pull.

any new shooter to a kahr trigger system has to adapt to the looooong trigger. If your wife likes to shoot that gun, she will like all new kahr sghooters learn the trigger system and she will get used to that loooooong trigger as fast as a new shooter would also. I do think the CW9 is the absolute ideal gun for a woman, just simple to operate and light enough to not wear them out.

Best thing for her and you IMO is to go out together and continue shooting the cw(. It will get smoother to and maybe let her shoot every other magazine also will not tire her or you out either. So much enjoyable when the better half enjoys doing things like this. Just be damn sure she has good hear ing protectors on also, and keep her close 7 yards and under. She will hit more and she will be able to see her shooting errors also.

A good way for both of you to learn is buy some snap caps and you load her magazine with one or more and vice versa. I can assure you it will show the shooter their errors real fast. She might be very surprised to see that she is not only jerking that trigger but also fli9nching in anticipation of the "boom" thing. Snap caps are IMO one the best training tools u can have at the range..

06-17-2010, 06:08 PM
That great a new CW9 and both you and your wife having a fun day. I hope that continues for you both! Congratulations on the new CW9 it will continue to grow on you .

-- Richard

06-18-2010, 11:27 AM
I noticed a slight groove from wear presumably on the plastic portion of the slide toward the front of the gun. That sound normal?

06-18-2010, 10:40 PM
Your SLIDE is made of plastic? I do not think any part of the slide is plastic.

06-18-2010, 10:56 PM
Your SLIDE is made of plastic? I do not think any part of the slide is plastic.

Good eye Vincent! You rock. Yoyomeng, me thinks no worries, it's normal. You can carefully sand off the rough spots if it's unsightly or bothers you and it won't repeat once it's worn in.