View Full Version : Can any CM45 owners confirm that their guns pass the "Greg" test

08-11-2014, 06:48 PM
Recent CW45s have had some issues with the front rails being too short causing the slide to bind up when this test is performed.

It consists of pushing down on the top of the slide and trying to push it back slightly. It should not bind up or have any real resistance

My CW9 and CT 45 can pass this test and so does my CW 380

I performed this test on some CW 45 at some local gun shops and they all failed.

I tried it on the CM45 and I want to say it failed too but now I'm second-guessing myself because I'm thinking it might of been due to the heavy pressure of the double spring

Can anyone confirm their CM45 passes?

Longitude Zero
08-11-2014, 08:03 PM
Smooth as silk.

08-11-2014, 08:16 PM
My CM45 is fine too.
Like LZ said, mine is also smooth as silk.
It has also been 100% reliable with all ammo (around 300 rds so far)
Only complaint I have is it throws brass at my head a bit more then I like, but I am working through it...and wearing a hat LOL

08-11-2014, 09:17 PM
My cw45 passes squeeze test. Brass hitting me on the head like beardog with mine so far too.

My cw45 fails but hasn't gone back to the mothership yet.

08-11-2014, 09:38 PM
Mine is fine. Measured and there is .050 rail engagement.

08-12-2014, 06:33 PM
Thanks guys good to know. Odd, my CT45 will throw brass in my face as well .....Kahr 45 thing?

08-12-2014, 08:47 PM
From what I remember with my cw45 it clears up on its own. If it doesn't I may see if I can tweak the ejector (may have to get a slow motion video if possible first.)

08-13-2014, 11:31 AM
Not just a Kahr 45 thing...

I am hoping that mine clears up as it wears in too. But I am starting to lose hope as it seems to be getting worse not better the more I shoot it. I won't shoot it now without safety glasses and a hat after my time before last shooting it drew blood from two spots on my forehead.

I am going to try upping my hand loads some the next batch of 100 I load up to see if a faster slide velocity on ejection helps throw them up and over better.

I have been looking at mods to make to the ejector as well, but it already has some impressive angles machined into it that to me would seem to help hit the closer to the edge of the case and cause a more sideways throw. So I am not sure how or what to "tweek" that will help.

If anyone has the fix for this issue I sure would love to hear how you did it....Greg maybe???:001_huh:

08-13-2014, 07:55 PM
Not just a Kahr 45 thing...

I am hoping that mine clears up as it wears in too. But I am starting to lose hope as it seems to be getting worse not better the more I shoot it. I won't shoot it now without safety glasses and a hat after my time before last shooting it drew blood from two spots on my forehead.

I am going to try upping my hand loads some the next batch of 100 I load up to see if a faster slide velocity on ejection helps throw them up and over better.

I have been looking at mods to make to the ejector as well, but it already has some impressive angles machined into it that to me would seem to help hit the closer to the edge of the case and cause a more sideways throw. So I am not sure how or what to "tweek" that will help.

If anyone has the fix for this issue I sure would love to hear how you did it....Greg maybe???:001_huh:
My two cents:
If it's happening randomly throughout the magazine, I'd try something easily reversible first.
Make sure it's not grip related.
Different weight recoil springs would be nice, but to my knowledge unavailable.
So, I'd suggest making some different length rear extractor pins with the hope that altering the extractor tension changes the cases trajectory.
If that doesn't help, I'd replace the extractor.
Still no joy, then it's time to look at the ejector. To my knowledge, the PM45 (and perhaps, the CM45) ejector is longer than that found in the CW45/P45, so the only direction to go is shortening it or changing the angle of it. This might be the point to send it in for service. I did have a mangled ejector on my CW9 that I cleared up by shortening it. This didn't affect the pistols reliability, but YMMV doing so on a CM45.

I had an ejection problem with the last round in my CW45 that would sometimes result in brass to the face: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?1612-CW45-%28and-other-poly-45%29-issues-and-fixes&p=15669#post15669


One final thought: being I don't have a CM/PM45, I could be completely off course with the above advice as I can't help but wonder if perhaps the PM45's ejection port is cut larger to lessen the chance that the slide smacks brass at the operator

08-13-2014, 09:13 PM
Thank you Greg, your two cents is worth a lot more then that to me! I like the different length extractor pin idea, may try that next.
I didn't know the PM45 had a larger port. I wonder what's up with that change?

I pulled up that video again of Justin Moon and a older guy shooting the CM45 at 100yds to see how theirs was ejecting. I watched it in slow motion and sure enough both men got hit with brass. The older guys first shot shows a clear center forehead hit. And when Justin is shooting I seen some bounce of his ear muff head band... Not good when the owner of the Co. can't even get one that don't throw brass at the head.