View Full Version : Kahr losing a valued member of its team

06-17-2010, 03:50 PM
Its always bittersweet news when you lose someone that has taken care of so many and so many of us here at KahrTalk have depended on his professionalism, his knowledge and his excellence in customer service. I spoke to Ian Burr today and he informed me that next Wednesday was going to be his last day at Kahr Arms. I was shocked to say the least. I own more than my share of Kahr firearms and felt, that in the past couple of years that Kahr has made tremendous improvements not only in quality control but in customer service as well. Ian along with others has played an important role in their success. All one has to do is browse through these posts and it doesn't take long to see someone referring to "Ian took care of me" or " call, and ask for Ian" it goes on and on. I am one of those Ian fans and I wish the "Best Life has to Offer" to Ian and his wife on their new journey.


Greg Gliffe

06-17-2010, 03:57 PM
yup, not good news. now we just gotta hope we get one as good as IAN. sorry tohear that GOOFA.

06-17-2010, 03:58 PM
It's a nightmare come true! :eek: I feel kind of responsible somehow.:32: The other day I was semi daydreaming and wondering what we would ever do if Ian left us. I've never dealt with him directly but as you say many many folks here speak of him as their best friend and rightfully so. It's certainly a sad loss for Kahr. I think he was a master at orchestrating repairs and well as mediating and keeping disgruntled customers loyal to the brand.
He will certainly be missed around here. I think we as a group should send him something, or somehow recognize him for all his help.
I also mimic your wish to him for all good things in his endeavors.

06-17-2010, 04:12 PM
I just tried sending an email to Ian, basically telling him what a swell guy we all thought he was. Asked if he needed a raise and we'd mount a campaign, alright, I begged, yup begged him to stay but alas my email returned undeliverable. Not sure if they've pulled his email already or what.
I'm truely bummed. Guess jocko is right again, we just gotta hope we find a new go to person with half of Ian's qualities.

06-17-2010, 04:23 PM
Definitely not good news. Yesterday I almost pulled the trigger to buy two more Kahrs... but now I will definitely think twice about it. I'm thinking that I need to know that customer service will be as good with whomever replaces Ian.

06-17-2010, 04:25 PM
Quality and Customer Service is the cornerstone of every successful business. From what has been written on this forum, Ian seemed to epitomize what good Customer Service is all about…the customer! Hopefully the exit it not over money because that guy is worth his weight in gold.

06-17-2010, 04:37 PM
I managed to send an email to kahr service in general and one to kahr service addressed to Ian, basically just said what you did. I told them that whatever they paid him they should give him more. I expressed the concerns about buying new guns and worries about the guns we already own. I'm debating sending one to west coast LE sales but doubt it would help the cause.
I sure hope he ain't leaving cause of money, that would be sad.

06-17-2010, 05:17 PM
FWIW, Kahr corporate should issue a statement about their attitude towards a replacement and their commitment to service. It would go a long way to quell any fears we have. The fact that Ian's email is disconnected already indicates that he is gone. Whether it was a spur of moment leaving or a planned one you would think that Kahr should be all over assuring Kahr owners in particular about the future.

06-17-2010, 06:15 PM
Just so you know, Ian's leaving has nothing to do with Kahr at all. Ian's wife was offered an excellent opportunity to good to pass on, which required relocation. I know everyone will wish them well. As far as Ian's replacement goes, I've had the pleasure of dealing with him and I'm sure he'll do just fine. We'll need to give him some breathing room at first.
hsart... you can go ahead and buy your Kahr's.

06-17-2010, 07:09 PM
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
All I know to say is So-Long Ian. You made Kahr's customer service great, you will be missed. Good luck to you in whatever is in your future. Take care and stay safe.

Good Luck

06-17-2010, 08:43 PM
Just so you know, Ian's leaving has nothing to do with Kahr at all. Ian's wife was offered an excellent opportunity to good to pass on, which required relocation. I know everyone will wish them well. As far as Ian's replacement goes, I've had the pleasure of dealing with him and I'm sure he'll do just fine. We'll need to give him some breathing room at first.
hsart... you can go ahead and buy your Kahr's.
I guess that one's first response is to fear the worst. You're right, we need to give Ian's replacement some breathing room. Big shoes to fill, but isn't that what motivates some to get up in the morning. I'll now reconsider adding to my Kahr collection.

06-17-2010, 08:53 PM
They might not listen, but maybe we should send Kahr a letter or email from the forum detailing what we appreciated about Ian and what we as Kahr owners would like them to consider in choosing his replacement. They may have already chosen his successor, but they need to know what makes each one of us customers and what keeps us coming back. I suspect Jocko or Bawanna will have some thoughts on this too.

06-17-2010, 10:49 PM
I do not know anything about Ian but I do know the one thing most people hate (especially aging gun geezers) is CHANGE. Yet change is the one constant in life and in companies.

Kahr is bigger than one man. Ian could not have done the good things he did if the company did not allow him to. Things will be different but they will be okay. They will be....changed.:rolleyes:;)

06-18-2010, 12:13 AM
I do not know anything about Ian but I do know the one thing most people hate (especially aging gun geezers) is CHANGE. Yet change is the one constant in life and in companies.

Kahr is bigger than one man. Ian could not have done the good things he did if the company did not allow him to. Things will be different but they will be okay. They will be....changed.:rolleyes:;)

Vincent... It's not that us aging gun geezers hate change, it's that a few years ago Kahrs reputation for QC and Cust. Svc. was quite the opposite of what we know today. They had a segment of the market (CCW) that was drooling for a high quality pistol that were below the $600, $800 and $1000 pricepoints. They got in at the right time and I believe they fell victim to their own success. I'm thinking their business grew too fast for them, thats why the poor QC and cust svc. I know they now have outstanding people in key places and it shows. I would like to think that Justin Moon and the Kahr executives are much happier where they are today as a company than where they were just a few years back. I also agree with you that in order for Ian to provide us with the level of service that we got accustom to, he had to have the blessings of his superiors.
I wholeheartedly doubt that the customer service at Kahr will crash. Providing good customer service becomes contagious, it makes for a better working environment and keeps the customers happy. When the customers are happy they spend more money on your product and that, makes the bosses happy. When the bosses are happy, the workplace is a much happier place to be.

06-18-2010, 04:35 AM
I’m pretty sure the cust srv/quality comments as well as the “good luck Ian” wishes are not going unheard. Powerful forums such as this one are an invaluable marketing resource to any savy marketing executive. This is an indicator of how your product is perceived by your customer base. If this forum not being read, studied, analyzed, sliced and diced, then someone is sitting on their thumbs. Forums were the first “social media”, long before twits, metube and farcebook were in existence. Do the right thing Kahr and you will enjoy success. Just keep reading this forum and we’ll give you guidance.
Your Customers

06-18-2010, 06:58 AM
Ian.Burr@kahr.com Send Ian a note.

I sent him a thank you note. I hope his leaving is voluntary. Ian rocks! He was very helpful with my warranty issues.


My note has not bounced back as of yet....

06-18-2010, 09:14 AM
I do not know anything about Ian but I do know the one thing most people hate (especially aging gun geezers) is CHANGE. Yet change is the one constant in life and in companies.

Kahr is bigger than one man. Ian could not have done the good things he did if the company did not allow him to. Things will be different but they will be okay. They will be....changed.:rolleyes:;)

ur dead right, thats why I only change my shorts once a week:target:

06-19-2010, 08:22 AM
Jocko, you change your shorts when you almost get run over, which by my estimation is about every other day.