View Full Version : CW380 & CT-9 Range Report Follow up

08-15-2014, 08:32 PM
Went to the range today to finish the break in for my CW-380 & CT-9, both had about 140 rounds put threw them on the first trip and both had a few problems, this trip both had over 80 rounds and performed PERFECT. The problem with the 380 on the first trip I discovered that the slid stop was making contact with the round as they were feeding through the mag and I shaved off less than 0.030 off the slide stop and it performed perfect. The CT-9 had a broken follower and I think this was the cause of the few problems with it but a new follower and it also performed perfect. As a test after 1 or 2 mags I started to stagger all rounds trying not to have any two back to back and they both performed perfect. Now all I have to do is get use to the Kahr trigger, I fill the center of the target with the 380 better than I do with the nine.

380 Ammo
Win Defend JHP
Win Silver Tip 85gr JHP
Ultra Max 95gr FMJ
Ultra Max 95gr RNL
Monarch 94gr FMJ steel case

CT-9 Ammo
Rem UMC 115gr FMJ
Win Defend JHP
Ultra Max 125gr FMJ
Ultra Max 125 gr RNL