View Full Version : Why there is a second amendment
08-16-2014, 11:32 AM
When seconds count, the police are right down the road at Domino's. BUT, the store owner with an AR-15 cleared out his store without firing a single shot, only he was too late. In a mob situation we have to be able to protect ourself.
Watch some if the local video clips also. The guys stood guard over their place all night. How would Joe Bitme's plan have worked out?
08-16-2014, 12:06 PM
These guys were more successful.
08-16-2014, 12:19 PM
Unfortunately the looters got them once before the guns arrived. They were the ones in the Fox report.
08-16-2014, 09:07 PM
The people have a constitutional right to peacefully assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. They don't have a right to riot, loot, burn and assault. The Mayor should request that the Governor call out the National Guard. Looters should be shot on site.
08-16-2014, 10:53 PM
The people have a constitutional right to peacefully assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances. They don't have a right to riot, loot, burn and assault. The Mayor should request that the Governor call out the National Guard. Looters should be shot on site.
You know what's always amazed me is how folks wreck their own neighborhood making it a worse place to live. Makes no sense.
08-17-2014, 07:37 AM
You know what's always amazed me is how folks wreck their own neighborhood making it a worse place to live. Makes no sense.
It's what they call mob mentality. They looted the store that Michael Brown robbed because it was the stores fault that he was killed. The store owner should have given those Swisher Sweets to Brown so that Brown could make his blunts and peacefully smoke his pot. This 18 year old black youth was 6'2" tall and weighed over 200 pounds. The officer probably made the mistake of calling this youth a boy and that's what set the whole chain of events into motion. (Said with dripping sarcasm since the emoticons still don't work.)
08-17-2014, 09:55 AM
gun stores around STL, doing big business. (mostly middle class blacks using this as an excuse to buy that gun they've been wanting. "but baby, I just bought the Ed Brown to protect you". hehehehehe.)
there's 92 little city's, villages around the STL city limits. the level of police in these burgs runs from criminal to almost competent. anything big happens the STLCounty cops come in and take over. when they botch it, the State Police come in. that's were it is in Ferguson. Ferguson, like many N. side burgs, has a high rate of unemployment, high rate of unedutated dumbasses, high rate of black on black crime. this never changes, nobody cares enough to do anything. then something like this happens and Ferguson is in the news and Rev. Al has to come here and march. stupid, predictable, going to happen again-- oh hell yes.
(is this a good enough excuse to buy that Mossberg 930 with the 10 shot tube?)
08-17-2014, 10:07 AM
You know what's always amazed me is how folks wreck their own neighborhood making it a worse place to live. Makes no sense.
08-18-2014, 08:08 AM
gun stores around STL, doing big business. (mostly middle class blacks using this as an excuse to buy that gun they've been wanting. "but baby, I just bought the Ed Brown to protect you". hehehehehe.)
there's 92 little city's, villages around the STL city limits. the level of police in these burgs runs from criminal to almost competent. anything big happens the STLCounty cops come in and take over. when they botch it, the State Police come in. that's were it is in Ferguson. Ferguson, like many N. side burgs, has a high rate of unemployment, high rate of unedutated dumbasses, high rate of black on black crime. this never changes, nobody cares enough to do anything. then something like this happens and Ferguson is in the news and Rev. Al has to come here and march. stupid, predictable, going to happen again-- oh hell yes.
(is this a good enough excuse to buy that Mossberg 930 with the 10 shot tube?)
We lived in Clayton for three years when I was a kid, circa 1970. According to my folks St. Louis was kind of a satellite city of Chicago mafia corruption. Sounds like it still is. That's a shame, because I really liked the amenities in the area. And back then it was just East St. Louis, across the river in another state, that was the ghetto trouble spot.
08-18-2014, 03:31 PM
Do we really need this kind of diversity in our neighborhoods?
08-18-2014, 06:40 PM
actually I thinks it's a problem of less diversity. remember back in the 50's when the family that ran the hardware store lived upstairs, many other family businesses did the same-- business and home at one city/town/village location? there was richer and poorer people living close by. good blend of the economic structure. family businesses, community, all things of the past. Ferguson is a good example of what happened to America. the Clayton, John R. remembers from the 70's is gone too. these days it's money and power, office towers and $3M houses. poor get poorer, rich get richer. no quick fix for any of this. long journey continues. we're all in this together. (lots of reasons to carry).
08-18-2014, 06:56 PM
I'm not certain it's all about money. I think it falls once again like so many other things on the workers and the free loaders.
The family living up stairs from their store work every day hard. The workers keep working and the freeloaders keep voting Democrat and expecting their free sh!t.
What they can't get for free they steal, guess it's the same thing actually.
08-18-2014, 07:04 PM
I'm not certain it's all about money. I think it falls once again like so many other things on the workers and the free loaders.
The family living up stairs from their store work every day hard. The workers keep working and the freeloaders keep voting Democrat and expecting their free sh!t.
What they can't get for free they steal, guess it's the same thing actually.
+1000 Colonel. Some say it's a conflict between the haves and the have-nots. I think it's more between the takers and the get-taken-from.
marshal kane
08-19-2014, 09:58 AM
. . . This 18 year old black youth was 6'2" tall and weighed over 200 pounds.
What do you call an 18 year old who's 6'2" tall, weighs over 200 pounds, and on a rampage? You call him "SIR" and get some back-up.
My question is, is his middle name Leroy?
08-19-2014, 02:41 PM
"I'm not certain it's all about money."
hehehehehe, it all and always about the money. why do you think Walgreens was planning to move the corp. hq to Ireland, better beer or tax break?
pick a news story, any story, follow the money trail and you'll get to the truth first. the political blame game, religion, alleged constitution, that's all secondary to money and mostly used to keep you off of the trail. don't worry about one party or the other, they all work for the same masters. when one family has more money than the bottom 50% of this country, who has a louder voice, you or the Waltons? (I buy guns and ammo at a gun store, not Walmart.)
08-19-2014, 02:52 PM
I don't dispute what you say, but I think I'd prefer this system to a mafia type system where you do what they say or face physical harm. That's the reality in much of the world, particularly the areas now dominated by Muslims, or Communists.
08-19-2014, 04:17 PM
Google Newark NJ riots of '67 the largest City in NJ- took 40 years to come back and the dept. stores and Lifelong merchant/residents NEVER came back.
Lot's of take out chinese, fried chicken joints, liquor stores and check cashing businesses, though.
Also National Guard and NJ State Troopers ordered shoot to Kill looters, on sight. It stop within 24 hours......
08-20-2014, 03:46 AM
"I'm not certain it's all about money."
hehehehehe, it all and always about the money. why do you think Walgreens was planning to move the corp. hq to Ireland, better beer or tax break?
pick a news story, any story, follow the money trail and you'll get to the truth first. the political blame game, religion, alleged constitution, that's all secondary to money and mostly used to keep you off of the trail. don't worry about one party or the other, they all work for the same masters. when one family has more money than the bottom 50% of this country, who has a louder voice, you or the Waltons? (I buy guns and ammo at a gun store, not Walmart.)
Everything is all about the money to some on some level. While you point out Wal Mart and the Waltons you better look at your fellow consumers who shop where they shop to get the most for the dollar. I can recall back in the day when I told people to shop at Wal Mart because it was mostly US made goods but they preferred shopping elsewhere that was cheaper.
I buy what I buy where it is most convenient to me. Price does figure in but I aint drving far to get the better price when the savings goes up in smoke. Lucky for me the local gun shops have good prices on most things. Even the ammo aint that far over Wal Mart.
08-20-2014, 10:33 AM
ok, that was me sneaking into a box store to buy a "loss leader" at a giveaway price. generally, I try to shop local and support small business. my local gunstore is owned by a guy I went to highschool with 50 yrs. ago. if I spend some money there and that helps him put some bread and a porkchop on his plate, it's a good thing. there's always a cup of coffee for me there and if I hide out there for an hour bs'ing about guns, it's a good thing. there's still some of these small businesses around, most of them seem to remember the concept of service, that's a very good thing.
08-24-2014, 08:12 AM
What do you call an 18 year old who's 6'2" tall, weighs over 200 pounds, and on a rampage? You call him "SIR" and get some back-up.
My question is, is his middle name Leroy?
Bottom line, if Michael Brown had paid for the cigars he'd be alive today. Brown set in motion a series of events that lead to his demise. Sometimes people make very poor life decisions. Michael Brown made his last. He won't do that again.
marshal kane
08-24-2014, 08:37 AM
I believe one day, perhaps when Michael Brown was about six, he realized that he was a head taller than other boys and that he could push them around easily. That seemed to work fine for him until he became eighteen and a statistic. Muscle is not a substitute for brains. I apologize if someone can come up with Michael Browns high school grades and they're all passing.
08-24-2014, 12:32 PM
many of the people in Ferguson(and STL metro) are not homeowners or have full time jobs, they migrate from apartment to apartment and "jus be stayin'". their below poverty level income is from welfare, hustling and maybe part time work- it's the ghetto economy. there experience with education was more like being warehoused than instructed. there experience with parenting is just a cruel joke. while the Brown case makes news, there's been 30-40 other shootings in metro STL, that got a line or two in the paper. the school dist. that neighbors Ferguson-Florissant dist. is the Riverview Gardens dist. as the demographics changed the RGSD was taken over by black board members, the $12million surplus disappeared in 3 yrs. and the superintendent went to jail, the dist. is now unaccredited and under state control. graduates from Riverview HS can be found at fast food restaurants, flipping burgers or working the squawk box-- "ah, ah, did you wan de mufukin fry wid dat?" or they can be found dead.
08-24-2014, 05:41 PM
Down here, the ghetto economy is a car wash tent at the gas station, or a crab shack. I don't know how much you can make at that, or if they're fronts for undocumented pharmacies.
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