View Full Version : your choice

08-23-2014, 09:57 AM
choice is a wonderful thing, one of the things that makes the US great.
so if you live in a metro area and carry, retired, not a great shooter but combat accurate- what do you carry?
I have a good running CW9 and have been looking at the new Ruger LC9s- both small, single stack, 7+1, 9mm.
the guy at the gun store is more in favor of Glock 19, not much bigger and holds 15+1.
back problems, old age, etc. rule out a 40oz. loaded duty pistol. the loaded G19 weighs 30 oz., the single stacks are about 22oz. each.
in this day and age, in this city it seems like the badguy is now a 3 or 4 person group of badguys and a 5 shot snubbie is the last thing I'd carry.
anybody carry 2 single stack 9's? 16 shot capacity, spread the weight out, "always carry a spare".

sas PM9
08-23-2014, 10:37 AM

Pm9/ctl + spare mag is on me 80% of the time. G19/XS Big dot night sights (house gun)on occasion if felt necessary.
If I feel really uncomfortable, like when I escort my wife to a "bad" side of town for a client visit, I take the XD45Tac or a combination AND spare mags.
If I'm going to work, I have to go "naked" due to the nature of my job.:(

08-23-2014, 11:16 AM
Go easy on yourself. You're not on duty any more. You're not responding to the scene of a shooting or a robbery call or a domestic. All you need is something for peace of mind that will do the job if you get caught in a bad situation like this guy: florida-man-71-shoots-alleged-robbers-internet-cafe (http://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-man-71-shoots-alleged-robbers-internet-cafe/story?id=16800859)
Go with your CW9 or better yet get good pocket .380 (like the Kahr CW380 -about 12oz loaded) and relax. It won't hurt your back, and you can wear what you want.

08-23-2014, 11:53 AM
Just one CC gun at a time for me.
But I know of at least one member here who carry's 2 P9's at a time. So some guys do what you are asking about.

I have enough choices in my carry guns with varying capacity, cal., weight, and size to pick from to meet most all my needs. All depending on where I am going, and what I am doing, and the clothing I am wearing. And I always carry spare mags so that spreads the weight out some and can increase capacity by reloading.

The G19 would be a nice step up for when you feel the need for more fire power. The LC9 would be basically another CW9 in size+cap.
Another way to go would be double stack subcompact guns that can be carried with smaller mags and also larger capacity mags when needed. Take a look at guns like G26, SR9c, XDm compacts,etc.

I have and carry quite often a G26 w/Big dots and with mags that hold any where from 10,11,12,15,17, and even 32 rounds. Usually I have a 10 or 12 rd mag in the gun, then carry a 15 rd mag for back up.

Choices are definitely a good thing to have when it comes to CC guns.

08-23-2014, 12:09 PM
It really depends on what you are comfortable with....I alternate depending on where I am going and what I am wearing. Sometimes LCP in pocket, sometimes Sig P290rs in cell phone case "hidden holster" and sometimes Sig P239 40 in skyops tuckable deep concealment holster. I have others to alternate to but for me a high quality very reliable and light is the main criteria. I also sometimes use ankle holster, not as handy but out aof sight and still there if I need it.

08-23-2014, 01:10 PM
I carry an MK9 in the front pocket w/Desantis, or IWB in a High Noon Centerfold. No extra mags...............if I can't get done what I need to get done in seven rds. K my A goodbye. In the cold months, I can get away with my Sig 220, or Beretta 96, under a jacket/coat. Always try to keep my " running" in shape, your feet could save you.

08-23-2014, 02:02 PM
I like the idea of the "New York reload" (second gun) better than trying to fumble another magazine. cops sometimes use a strategy that involves carrying the mandatory duty pistol and a compact in a pocket holster. going for the duty pistol could inflame a situation, while just putting a hand in a pocket wouldn't. (some have a 3rd gun, subcompact in an ankle rig.)
(.380's are to small for my old, large hands). ah hell, by the time it's all over, ya got 12-15 guns and 200 holsters. have fun.

08-23-2014, 03:32 PM
I carry two single stack 45's. 1911 on hip, PM45 on ankle. The ankle is always there, the 1911 is only there about 95% of the time accepting work where I have to leave the 1911 in the van, ankle still stays and I have a G21 at my desk.

It's comforting.

08-23-2014, 03:57 PM
Jeepster09, Who did the jewelerying on that barrel? Dan

08-23-2014, 04:14 PM
LW J-Frame, PM9, Colt Officers ACP, and/or an NAA .22 mag depending on dress.

08-23-2014, 04:19 PM
Jeepster09, Who did the jewelerying on that barrel? Dan

If there's a prize for best guess my guess is Ahlmans. Let me know if I'm a winner.

08-23-2014, 04:40 PM
I carry a KelTec PF9 as my off duty gun and a Glock 23 on duty, so I can speak to this. yeah the Glock is easier to shoot and much better if trouble breaks out. It's a large enough gun to require a good holster. The KelTec slips in a pocket and is ALWAYS with me and is invisible. Two totally different categories of gun.

08-23-2014, 05:01 PM
I've never carried a backup gun but I typically carry one or two extra mags or speed strips. I think extra ammo is important. I carry a firearm just in case. I carry extra ammo just in case. Nothing wrong with carrying a hi-cap just in case. I hope never to use any of them.

08-23-2014, 05:03 PM
geez, I thought I lived in a bad neighborhood. whatcha got around there, bears and moose? PM45- Pistol 17.3 oz., Magazine 2 oz., 6 x .75= 4.5 for a total of 23.8 oz. my CW45 comes in at 27oz. and, for me, is quite the handfull. (when it goes bang, I yell yippee! or yawhoo!, which is better than screaming like a little girl). yes, having 6 big friends is comforting.
if I'm wearing some loose fit carpenter jeans I can carry the CW45 in a kydex pocket holster, with an untucked flannel shirt, can't wait for fall. tomorrow I'll wear the CW45 in a belt holster and put the CW9 in the left front pocket(unloaded, don't have a lefty pocket holster, yet) and see how that balances. actually, I'm a lefty, but shoot right handed as my right eye is dominant. I practice each way. not much difference. (Waaah! OK, I'm slow, just saw the url for the grip emporium and took a look. very nice work!)

08-23-2014, 05:34 PM

Going here tomorrow for some fun: http://www.ahlmans.com/SR-New%20events.htm


08-23-2014, 05:41 PM
a glock 19 is MUCH larger than the LC9....

I just sold my wife's old LC9 and was lucky to pick up a new LC9s for a $1 more, not including the $25 s&h, plus a $10 transfer fee... but man is the new trigger SWEET...... tried it when they first came out a couple weeks ago, had to get it for her....

carry guns for myself are in no particular order a G26,27 and an LCP.. I have larger glocks and of course other brands but these work.....one gun at a time of course....

I have a kahr pm9 coming my way and if she runs after I dump 500 rounds in her, I will be carrying that until winter time then it may even be a G19 owb as the day permits

Bill K
08-23-2014, 06:01 PM
My younger brothers are twins and both are retired LEOs. My brother Bob is a retired NYPD Detective and mostly carries (under HR218) his S&W Bodyguard .380. Brother Rich is a retired Sgt. Port Authority Police NY NJ and mostly carries (also under HR218) a short barreled Kimber .45ACP (don't recall which model). I'm not a retired LEO but did once have to use my pistol in SD. I had my pocket .380 on me at the time but now mostly carry a PM9. With my .380 and PM9 I carry a spare mag. When carrying my XDM .45ACP I'll often backup with my pocket .380 because of the thickness of a spare double stack .45 mag.

08-25-2014, 03:45 PM
to hot to spend much time outside, so I've been carrying 2 guns in the house and practicing drawing them. the only way 2 guns is going to work is the same as a mag change, got to throw the empty on the ground and get the second one into action. can you just toss a Kahr on to the pavement? bad enough thinking about tossing a $38 mag.

08-25-2014, 04:10 PM
Just get a gym mat or take the mattress off the bed. The latter is best done when the missus is not home.

I suppose one could stand next to the bed and not have to move the mattress but might be considered the easy way out and imply that your scared of your wife. I know I am.

08-26-2014, 10:34 PM
We are into the depth of the "Texas summer rotation" and depending on the manner of dress A S&W 642 Airweight with a speed strip reload, My trusty P380 in a nemesis with a spare mag, or my new favorite the ex-NYPD K9 riding in a Bullard IWB and two spare mags.

Again, depends on the outfit, The J frame is jeans and a (always tucked) tee shirt. The P380 is for shorts (it was 101 on the ramp at work today, shorts happen a lot right now) usually with a pull over golf shirt. The K9 is for dressy-er events and "Sunday go to meeting" wear.

I shoot all of them well, and feel as comfortable with the .380 as I do with the .38 or the 9mm.

During the six days of Texas winter, I have the CW40 or a couple of 1911s to pick from...

Fun thread, thanks for asking. Peace