View Full Version : Officer Wilson Fundraiser

08-23-2014, 10:20 AM
Click Here - Officer Wilson Fundraiser (http://www.gofundme.com/OfficerWilsonFundraiser)

Not sure if this belongs here, in Politics, RTBA, or shouldn't be on the forum at all. Anyway, I donated. I'm afraid this man will be railroaded - the comments of the governor and most of the media are encouraging indictment rather than an impartial objective investigation, and no one in authority, especially not the president, is protecting him. If he's going to avoid being sacrificed to appease the mob, he' need help.

08-23-2014, 12:22 PM
I'll wait until he's indited.

08-23-2014, 01:10 PM
in the 92 little "burgs" around St. Louis city, the police dept.'s run from bottom of the barrel, with some vicious morons to maybe halfway decent. the best paying jobs are with St.Louis city, St.Louis County and the Mo. Highway Patrol. an assistant manager at a QT gas station can make more that a small town cop. having said that, I have no idea of officer Wilson's training or credentials. if Wilson goes down the City of Ferguson, Mayor and Police Chief, training officers should go down too.
there is a movement in the region to get rid of these little towns and join the whole thing up as "metro STL". one mayor, one police chief and funding and training for all. the money saved from current duplication of resources would be outstanding.

08-23-2014, 01:44 PM
I'll wait until he's indited.
Agree, building a defense fund before indictment is, bottom line, like protesting the shooting before the facts are released.

08-25-2014, 01:29 PM
ok, I've tried to add some color to the story about STL news. it ain't STL, it's STL city, STL County and 92 little towns. so the kid get's out of junior college and goes to cop academy, passes the test. takes those credentials anf tries to get a job, 1. Mo. State Highway Patrol, 2. City of STL police, 3. STL County police. failing to get a job with the big 3, then it's a matter of putting in applications at the 92 "burg's". according to this story-- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/24/darren-wilson-jennings-police-department_n_5704133.html
Wilson was just a rookie cop when he got a job with Jennings. that dept. was disbanded and Wilson was let go. (read the part of the story why Jennings PD was disbanded).
what does any of this mean or say about Wilson? nothing. just more color for the story.
the little village where I live had a cop working here, that became famous on youtube after he was fired here and went to work for St.George,Mo., he was fired from St.George(see video) and went to work for VeldaCity, he was fired from there just as he was being charged for beating up and kidnapping his girlfriend, now, finally, he's a convicted felon and out of law enforcement. here's Jim "Blinky" Kuehnlein being a cop-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B_yw1iYKpA

08-25-2014, 01:56 PM
fokk most small town cops have zero experiece, whats new on that??? U think ur gonna get an experience trained LEO for 32K a year. If we gonna try to judge wilson on his past job wityh a now defunt police dept, then at least lets judge this Brown guy who just armed robbed a store and is on film less then 15 minutes earlier. Momma's little boy broke the law, Mommas litte boy has mary jane in his system for sure, we donkn't know uyet what else . Mommas little boy weighed 290# and was 6'4". He's a fokking man, with a peanut brain. Course Wilson is supposed to know all this when he stoppe him. I supported him to a mere trune of 25$ not only iuf there is a legal defense fund b ut if he ha to move which he will and he will have expkenses no doubt. He can't live in Ferguson tha t is for sure. Seems the supposably olyt eye witness is now in jair with a warrant out for his arrest even as he has served some time for LYING TO POLICE OFFICERS. He was shot in the back accordng to tyhis eye witness and yet 3 autosply show no signs of rear entry. Yu great eye witness. This grtand jury wll not indi8ct him out of fear either, this grand jury was picked way before this shooting ever took place, Copurse the blacks say it is not fair and balanced but they didbn'/t compl,ain when the grand jury was first picked months ago, Let um riot after the no bill is announced, maybe just maybe some day the white law abiding folks will have enough of this bull sh!t and fight back. they would play hell sending my son out to protect these rioters with fokking rubber bullets in my weapon, screw that ****. Hell our local police chief weights as much as 3 of our officers. U get what u pay for normally..

and no doubt there are bad cops. I just don't think Wilson was one of them . Juswt sayin

08-25-2014, 02:31 PM
Agree, building a defense fund before indictment is, bottom line, like protesting the shooting before the facts are released.

Disagree. The time for him to lawyer up is now. The long knives are out. In addition, a guy like this probably understands his superiors could easily decide he's expendable. I'm guessing he needs the moral support a lot of even $5-20 donations just so he knows he's not alone

Besides, EMILY (Early Money Is Like Yeast)

08-25-2014, 02:44 PM
he is gathe5ring support by the day to. People are just feed up with this rioting sh!t and ur guilty without a tral if its white on black. My 25$ won't do much but it makes me feel better and they are near 300K for him and my donation went to his department direct to, not some intermediate who takes 50% of what they get in.

08-25-2014, 04:17 PM
the story about Wilson getting layed off from the Jennings police as that agency was going thru some big changes, shouldn't be a slam on Wilson, he was just a rookie in the wrong place. Wilson's record with Ferguson is ok. like most cops he could have written tickets until he retired and never fired a shot. if Wilson was a crazy cop like the one in the video I posted, he would have been gone from Ferguson long before this. being a cop is a helluva job, I wouldn't do it, to damn dangerous for little pay. going to be interesting to see how Wilson's trial by jury stacks up against the ongoing trial media.
(off topic-- anybody see the story about Burger King buying a Canadian Co. so they can be Canadian and not pay US corp. taxes? lot of that going on these days, it's called, "inversion". real American, huh?)

08-25-2014, 05:05 PM
I've been in PC re-education indoctrination camp the last two weeks since the PC Police picked me up after I posted the "Calling Jesse calling Al" thread and it went to he!! and got whacked off the forum....They are making me watch endless loops of "The View" with Rosie O'Donnell and BaBa WaWa then every episode of "Maude" to teach me to be more PC and they almost broke me but not quite yet....I broke into Warden Burnice's office and stole some keys and typed this post and found this story while I was in there:


Funny how the media seemed to forget to report anything about that one...The rumor here is that the National Park Service is now going to carve Michael Brown's face into Mt Rushmore to honor his legacy....I plan to bust out of this place tomorrow since I got the keys so when Burnice comes into my cell to question me about this post on her computer I'm going to knee her in the cods and run like he!!......I can't take it here anymore so if I make it over the fence I'll be back with ya'll soon....PC sucks!!!

08-25-2014, 05:17 PM
Best of luck to you. I sent a hacksaw blade in the cake, must not have made it past Burnice.