View Full Version : Is a Kahr your primary carry?
06-18-2010, 03:15 PM
Do you use a Kahr for your primary carry year round?
How about seasonally?
Details please.
Yes, I carry a CW9 as a primary, and also have a Ruger LCR as a BUG.
06-18-2010, 03:23 PM
My PM45 which recently replaced my K40 in the rotation (but I still own) as my backup or perhaps backup primary always there gun.
Today I left the house in a hurry, left my knife, my 1911, my spare mags, and didn't even have time for a bowl of wheaties. But we're ok, the PM45 is still riding unoticed on my ankle so we'll make it home.
In my haste I even broke my own rule and didn't even bring a spare mag with me. Not good but sometimes ya gotta live on the edge.
As a local LEO, I am issued a Glock 9mm (G-17). When not in uniform, however, my PM9 rides in the Kahr pocket holster everywhere I go.
06-18-2010, 03:37 PM
Summer I carry a PM9. In winter I carry a Glock 23,26 or 27.:D
06-18-2010, 03:40 PM
PM9 24/7 left front pocket. none better IMO.
06-18-2010, 03:44 PM
I carry a CW9 90% of the time. I will carry a PM9 sometimes and every once in a while I toss the G26 on just to keep it smiling.
I always carry and almost all of that time I am carrying a Kahr.
06-18-2010, 03:44 PM
PM9 is usually with me unless I decide to carry Boom Boom (PM45). Either way it's a Kahr all the way.
06-18-2010, 04:08 PM
PM9 in a DeSantis pocket holster.
06-18-2010, 04:34 PM
P40 primary carry MOST of the time, although my Taurus PT111 9mm does go with me in the winter sometimes (way more capacity, but harder to conceal)
06-18-2010, 06:25 PM
I carry my PM9 most of the time but I think that the Glock 36 I bought two days ago is going to see a good bit of carry time as well depending on what I`m wearing.
06-18-2010, 07:05 PM
PM9 most of the time now. My K9 was my most carried before. I use my Sig 229 in 9mm. when I have winter clothes on. That feels like 8 months a year around here.:D
06-18-2010, 07:38 PM
I carry a HK P2000sk. I also carry a Seecamp when the HK isn't practical.
I'm testing a TP9 now to see if it may take the place of my HK. I do plan to use the TP9 when on rare occations when I use a shoulder holster.
So far though the HK P2000sk is a tough gun to beat. It is a very good pistol.
06-18-2010, 07:55 PM
Kahr for everyday carry? Nothing but! Either the PM9 or CW45. I'll feel much better about carrying the .45 when my extra mag comes in the mail.
06-18-2010, 08:11 PM
No, S&W M&P series.
06-18-2010, 08:13 PM
pm45.. looking for a p380
06-18-2010, 08:26 PM
PM9 is my everyday carry, rotate once in a while with S&W 642, and some time in colder weather my trusty old S&W 39
06-18-2010, 08:48 PM
Pm9in a Mika pocket holster or IWB Crossbreed Mini tuck
Internet Blohard
06-18-2010, 09:45 PM
In summer, the PM9 pocket carried. Occasionally the P380..... depending on circumstances.....or even an alloy-frame Smith.
When I don't have to pocket carry and can wear an outer garmet, usually the MK9 Elite 98 carried OWB. (IWB doesn't work for me).
But I will strap on a Sig 239 or HK P7 from time to time.
But since someone mentioned it, I should probably take out my SW Mod 39-2 once in a while. My first auto pistol, bought new. Carried in the 70's.
06-18-2010, 10:32 PM
A Kahr MK9 has replaced my Glock 26 as my primary. IWB or in the pocket depending on clothing/season.
06-18-2010, 11:17 PM
Carry my CW9 all the time. Put the G36 in the safe.
06-18-2010, 11:21 PM
I keep a Kahr in the car. Always. CW45
PM9 and P380 will sometimes be in my pocket.
06-19-2010, 01:44 AM
I conceal carry a KT-P3at, Bersa Thunder.380 and a XD9sc at times but I carry the PM9 the most. Depends on what I'm doing and where I'm going on a given day. I like having choices.
06-19-2010, 07:16 AM
Desert Eagle 50 cal just in case someone hurts my feelings.
06-19-2010, 07:32 AM
I have others I carry on occasion, but in most cases I carry my CW9 in a Crossbreed Minituck.
06-19-2010, 08:29 AM
S&W 340 for the most part, but will be working in a PM45 in the near future.
06-19-2010, 08:55 AM
See I'm a bit different, I dress about the same winter and summer (which here is most of the time any way), I have uniform/jeans on and a t-shirt/work shirt on. I carry in a tuckable holster, but I have a pile from which to choose, and I carry all of them regularly. I guess you could call it a gun of the day or moment. I don't have a dedicated night stand gun, and just use my street carry weapon for that duty. The pile that I currently use goes like this: Kahr P45, Ruger P345, Llama 1911 (don't knock it, it is dead nuts reliable and accurate too), Taurus 24/7 Pro in 40, and a Ruger GP100. If I feel the need for a bit more discretion, the by all means the P45 is my go to. I will be expanding my choices again, hopefully in the not too distant future but right now that is what I do.
06-19-2010, 08:57 AM
S&W 340 for the most part, but will be working in a PM45 in the near future.
J frames. I had a model 342 and loved it, never could hit sh-t with it until I put on a set of CT grips and after that,,, that little sucker was a real shooter.. I stillhav eone of the first Modle 60's made in the early 70"s. Hardly ever shoot it though. $160 comes to mind what they sold for back in the 70"s and most dealers boot legged them for $300 and over..:popcorn:
06-19-2010, 09:21 AM
My wife carries a Kahr PM9 as her primary carry weapon.
Longitude Zero
06-19-2010, 09:22 AM
CW45 is my primary CCW.
06-19-2010, 11:49 AM
You need an other column, though I fear I will be in the minority as is usual. None of the answer choices fit me, though when the Kahr is up in the rotation, it is my primary weapon.
06-19-2010, 12:38 PM
When I'm not wearing a jacket the PM45 is with me about 95% of the time. Occasionally, I'll slip the CW9 in my pocket holster, mostly as an excuse to keep it. Both have been 100% reliable.
If I can conceal a belt holster, I rotate between a compact P22045, M&P45, or XD45. I like variety.
06-20-2010, 10:48 AM
I carry a kahr/AO wwii type 1911a1 with a black hawk serpa cqc belt holster as my primary, and a beretta 92fs wheen i feel like variety with same type of concealment holster.
06-20-2010, 12:41 PM
PM9 and/or P380
06-20-2010, 01:22 PM
I carry a kahr/AO wwii type 1911a1 with a black hawk serpa cqc belt holster as my primary, and a beretta 92fs wheen i feel like variety with same type of concealment holster.
Wheres embalmer been? Haven't seen no signs of you in recent times. Gotta love a 1911 in a serpa. That's a pretty great holster too. I usually carry leather but on occasion the SERPA is the ticket for me. When I carry a Glock it's always in a SERPA.
06-20-2010, 02:20 PM
ive been around, just the thompson form had been quiet. actually been reading the forums to get recommendations for white dot sight set for the 1911.
Kahrbon 14
06-21-2010, 12:21 AM
P380 in a CBH
(Auto insurance is mandatory here in Maine,
I guess I’m easily confused) :rolleyes:
06-21-2010, 12:58 AM
P380 and K9 elite. Looking to get a CW45.
06-21-2010, 06:29 AM
I carry my K40 most of the time, though I will occaisionally switch out to something else for specific circumstances.
06-21-2010, 07:28 AM
PM9 24/7 mostly in Galco pocket, some IWB. Once the PM9 came in, the kel-tec & G26 got retired.
My daily carry piece is my PM45 and while at work, since I don't have a good ccw holster for her I carry mt PM9 in a pocket holster. I am awaiting a spcialty tuckable rig mage by one of our own NPOLLARD...should be in today or tomorrow.
06-21-2010, 09:15 AM
PM45 - IWB.
When winter arrives I switch back to pocket carry in the outside pocket of my heavy coat.
Since I haven't tried to pocket carry the PM45 I may have to go back to the PM9.
06-21-2010, 03:47 PM
Yes, PM9.
06-21-2010, 04:31 PM
technically I should answer primary carry and seasonal carry. PM9 in the summer. PM45 in the winter.
06-21-2010, 05:47 PM
I carry my CW9 everywhere I'm allowed to. It's the only gun I own, but I think it would be my main carry pistol, even if I had more guns.
06-21-2010, 07:19 PM
Most of the time the G26, but I will switch out my PM9 and G27. I like to rotate them around a little.
06-21-2010, 07:49 PM
Sig P229 DAK R is the issued pistol, but I carry my Glock 26 daily unless I have to. My Kahr sits in the safe for the most part these days.:frown:
06-21-2010, 08:36 PM
Pm9 in crossbreed mini tuck!
06-21-2010, 09:55 PM
PM9 either in Desantis Nemesis or a Galco pocket holster, It's just so easy to carry no matter the wardrobe.
06-22-2010, 10:41 PM
This is not an easy question for me to answer. I carry my CW9 about 1/3 of the time as primary in either "deep concealment" or "leisure" modes. I define "leisure mode" as times like going to my mom's.
The other 2/3 of the time my Kahr is back-up to either of my Glocks.
06-23-2010, 01:15 AM
Kahr K9 is my go to handgun.
06-23-2010, 08:46 AM
mainly PM9 or P380, up to Glock 26 and even Glock 30 if doable !!!
mr surveyor
06-23-2010, 10:02 AM
I'm not LEO, but I do have a "duty gun" that gets carried on the job. When I'm in the "field", which can be in the copperhead infested Piney Woods, the marshy bottom lands infested with cotton mouths, or the general possibility of an encounter with ferral hogs, other four legged or two legged vermin, I carry my S&W 637. The front two rounds loaded with CCI shot shells, followed by 3 rounds of +p jhp. The 637 actually gets the lion's share of the carry time, but only due to it's filling the specific needs of the daily routine. When on my "own" time (which is hard to define, since I'm self employed), I carry my CW9 more than anything else. My other two actual carry guns, a Kimber Compact Stainless (pre series 80) and a Sig P239/40 cal have had a lot of safe time since I put the CW9 in the carry rotation last August. Between the Kimber 1911 SA, the Sig DA/SA and the Kahr DAO, there are three almost entirely different manual of arms. Although the Sig, when properly de-cocked for safe carry does have no external safety to deal with when faced with an "encounter", it does require being de-c0cked to be made safe. In the aftermath of a high charged adrenlin pumped situation, one would need to have the awareness to de-c0ck the DA/SA pistol (or thumb safety the 1911) to make it "safe". Yes, I suppose that lots and lots of "training" will make this a routine manuever, but since highly stressful conditions make people do abnormal things, it stands to reason the the same conditions can make peoplpe fail to do the normal things.
So, to make a long boring story longer in order to qualify my answer to a simple poll, I carry the CW9 more becasue the manual of arms is closer to the snubbie that gets carried as a daily tool. Point, squeeze, bang..... and the triggers are as similar as any revolver : pistol comparison I've put together. Can I shoot the CW9 as well as the Kimber or Sig?.... nope. Can I shoot the CW9 proficiently? I wouldn't even consider carrying it if not.:)
p.s. maybe I should break up my essay delivered answers into multiple posts so I can catch up in the race for post count:D
edited to overcome the grammer nanny not liking standard gun terminology
06-23-2010, 10:12 AM
I never considered it a race but you bring up very good food for thought. I know for a fact the things we forget when we're running on adrenaline. Following a civillian foot pursuit of a couple of young miscreants, with an officers model colt in hand (I caught em both, back pat, back pat) detained them and stuffed the Colt in my waist band cocked, and off safe. Not good. It's long story but I think the transition from no safeties to singles actions, to decockers is a tough one and decided long ago that if I carried a 1911 I would carry nothing else. I own several but I rarely carry them, but shoot them alot at ranges. I feel very confident with them but add the adrenaline and you can never tell.
Also why I love the Para LDA's, I get what I like about a 1911 but with a more forgiving trigger. Very light double action with a safety but if for whatever reason I neglect to thumb the safety on, I got a way better chance of not loosing my toe or another part of my anatomy.
Add 1 to my post count.
mr surveyor
06-23-2010, 11:03 AM just answered to my point. As long as the 1911 is what you shoot, practice diligently with, and are married to (rhetorically in "know no other"), I think you're good to go in most all situations. Having such a variety of handguns available causes training to get muddled. My Kimber, which I carried quite a bit before I started "sleeping around" with other platform, was previously owned by a former LEO. He had the trigger tuned to a crisp 2.4#....a bit light (to say the least) for a SD gun, but wonderful for precision shooting. Several years ago, after deciding to carry the revo in the field on a daily basis, I realized that the manual of arms as well as the major difference in trigger could lead to a catastrophy. So, I started adding Kel-Tec pistols to the stable for the safe DAO carry as well as the slim, compact construction. All of my carry guns are single stack, with the Sig models being the "thickest", and least comfortable for IWB carry. For me, "thin" is a requirement for daily carry, and I did carry a KT PF9 for a couple of years. After trying a friend's CW9 a couple of years ago, and finding the manual of arms identical to my KT's, I got hooked. There's nothing else quite like the Kahr trigger feel.
In a "gun fight" situation I would still take the 1911 or the DA/SA platform, but for day to day personal protection the DAO seems to fit the bill for me. Although I still prefer steel over polymer, the CW9 has filled a niche that will maybe someday be replaced with a MK9.
06-23-2010, 11:10 AM
I'm still adapting to this tupperware myself. I'm a steel and wood guy thru and thru. I still opt for a wood rifle stock, if I was hunting alaska I'd probably go tupperware but put wood back on at home. Just more natural.
I agree that there's no place for a 2.4# trigger in SD. That's way way too light. Only an indexed trigger finger would save the day in a high adrenaline cover the bad guy situation. Scarey. But a dream come true on the target range.
06-24-2010, 10:31 PM
PM9 always in Galco belt slide holster. It goes on the night stand beside me at night. I have a Glock 26 that stays in my truck.
06-25-2010, 08:58 PM
not my primary, but seasonal and for the occasion. i just got a p40 covert for deep cover when dressed up and for the summer. i used to have a 380 for this task, but wanted a larger caliber. the convenience for 40 is better since i have a dedicated press. i didn't want to get supplies for the 380, for which i just had that one gun.
my primary is a cz 75 sp-01 in 19+1 9mm when i don't need to tuck my shirt in.
06-26-2010, 07:40 AM
My primary ccw is the pm45,next is the g36and then my ppk in 380. I trust all three to be there when I need them.
06-26-2010, 10:02 AM
I've been using a P9 for the last few months and will continue to do so thru Fall. After that it will most likely be a CZ P 01.
Little Dragon
06-26-2010, 11:20 AM
Kahr Cw-9 is my winter carry. I carry my sig p-238 during the summer.
06-26-2010, 02:56 PM
1) PM 9 owb
2) LCR owb or front pocket
3) G 27 iwb
PM 45 on order....:(
Usually. PM9 for dress-up, parties, & situations where concealability is maximum requirement; K9 Elite 2003 NS w/CT lasergrip for routine; T9 for teaching NRA pistol course. Though I'm really partial to S&W revolvers.
06-26-2010, 09:49 PM
I just started carrying a pm40.
06-26-2010, 11:32 PM
pm9 backup only
my primary is sig sauer p220 (.45)
with the mag / trouble feeding issues associated with kahr i would never carry it solo.
of course i am talking about having to load by releasing slide stop . man if that gun ever fails to feed during a gunfight ....:eek:................ seconds are precious.
06-27-2010, 10:11 AM
My P380 became my primary carry as soon as I finished a 225 round break in. It replaced my J frame as the one I carry most. I'll carry something a little bigger in the winter (1911 officer).
06-27-2010, 10:46 AM
Carry the PM45 IWB
Could not ask for a better carry piece.
06-27-2010, 09:44 PM
Carry my CW9 all the time. Put the G36 in the safe.
What he said! I did strap on the G36 a couple of weeks ago as it was range day for the CW9. [I like to have something loaded and on my hip while at the range.] What a relief it was to put that Glock back in the safe and the Kahr back on carry status.
99% of the time I have the MK9 IWB, P380 in my purse. When I'm "dressing up", I carry the P380 IWB and leave the 9 at home.
the Taurus Judge is in the car. :86:
Shawn Dodson
07-06-2010, 04:57 PM
I carried a Glock 19 in a Milt Sparks Executive's Companion IWB when I lived in the Seattle area.
When I relocated to Florida I had concerns about keeping it reliably concealed when I wore hot weather clothing (lightweight shirt fabric), especially on breezy days.
After researching small auto pistols I chose the Kahr PM-9, because it's manual of arms is identical to the Glock 19, which meant my techniques and skills carried directly over. I'm very pleased with the PM-9.
But rather than carrying the PM-9 in an IWB holster behind my strong side hip, like I did my Glock 19, I modified a Milt Sparks Summer Special II IWB holster for appendix carry, which has worked very well for me.
07-06-2010, 06:34 PM
Primary; Sig 250c 9mm in AIWB and a CW9 in front pocket. Planning to give CW9 to my daughter and replace it with a PM9. Also one spare mag for each.
Jim K
07-07-2010, 06:08 PM
CZ75 p01
07-10-2010, 02:55 PM
Kahr P45 and PM9
07-16-2010, 08:35 AM
Been carrying an all-black PM9 since I got my permit in 2004 .. occasionally trade off for a Smith 637 or Kimber UCII, but always go back to the Kahr ... perfect combo of size, accuracy and caliber.
07-16-2010, 01:10 PM
Big D
07-16-2010, 03:41 PM
MK9 is my primary but some times rotate with Sig P239 in 9mm.
07-17-2010, 03:25 AM
PM9 everyday, year round, right front pocket in a nemesis. Really infrequently, as attire demands, I'll carry my LCP instead, but less than 5% of the time.
07-17-2010, 10:00 AM
My CW9 is my primary carry. One in the chamber six in the clip. I just don't like the single stack feeding issue with seven in the clip. I have experienced very few issues loading only six rounds. Would hate to experience this issue if I ever had to use the gun.
It depends on what I am wearing . P45 or PM9 or P380
07-20-2010, 09:48 PM
Mostly 24/7 ..
CW40 with tha' Galco Matrix7 (Kydex) holster.
Winter time, and feeling strong:
Big Daddy XD45 tactical with the Galco Shil. (Leather) holster.
Both are good dancers and I trust my life with em' !
07-20-2010, 10:48 PM
cw 45 in a supertuck
07-24-2010, 10:54 AM
MK40 in a Tucker Gunleather Cover Up IWB holster. I didn't want to change the way I dress too much, and this thing hides under a t-shirt. I also shoot IDPA with it, and I can keep up with the guys with larger guns except for the stages with a high round count or a lot of shots over 15 yards.
Tried Glocks (17, 26, 27, 30, 36), Sig p239, p226, H&K p2000SK, XDM, Berettas (92 FS, PX4 storm), revolvers, and Kahr PM9. PM9 is a dream to carry, but every time I go shooting I end up carrying my Sig p239 for some time because I shoot it so much better than anything else. Then it gets heavy, and back to PM9. But now I'm trying TP9, wanted a longer barrel for better accuracy. I am hopeful this will be "the one"...with longer barrel, and relatively lighter weight.
11-07-2010, 09:09 PM
My "normal" carry would be my PM45 in a Cross Breed horsehide MiniTuck. Summer and "light carry" is my P380 in its own MiniTuck or an Uncle Mike cheapie for on and off IWB as required. My PM9 is for filling in as necessary and fits in the same Minituck as the PM45... actually bought it for the PM9.
11-07-2010, 09:25 PM
Para Ordnance PDA 45 in Galco Ultra Deep Cover.
11-07-2010, 09:38 PM
CW45 in a smart carry with 2 reloads, a knife, and a flashlight. Go utility belt...
11-07-2010, 11:43 PM
about 90% of the time i carry a pm40 i recently purchased in a wrb pocket holster to take the place of mk9 in bulldog iwb (still got it) while in warmer months the lcp will take over about 10% when clothing demands (beachwear)
11-08-2010, 01:23 AM
Gun in question, KAHR P9 9mm.
I picked that my KAHR was my primary carry gun but I would like to expand on that a bit. Normally, I would have said it was my summer carry gun, that is what I bought it for actually. I bought it use as a summer carry inside the pocket gun as lugging around a 1911 in shorts, sucks.
I've gotten so use to carrying the KAHR over this past summer though that I think I'm going to carry it this winter too. I was going to change back to my GLOCK 22 or one of my 1911's but the added weight almost bothered me the other day when I tried to carry one of them after going all summer with the KAHR P9.
MW surveyor
11-08-2010, 05:26 AM
CW9 about 90% of the time either in front pocket or IWB. SP101 3" 357 for the remaining 10%.
11-08-2010, 08:20 AM
i just got my k9 a few weeks ago but it si my primary carry gun , my bug is a p3at but hopefully one day funds permiting it will be a kahr 380
11-08-2010, 10:27 AM
2) pm45
3)lcr 357
11-08-2010, 10:33 AM
Gun in question, KAHR P9 9mm.
I picked that my KAHR was my primary carry gun but I would like to expand on that a bit. Normally, I would have said it was my summer carry gun, that is what I bought it for actually. I bought it use as a summer carry inside the pocket gun as lugging around a 1911 in shorts, sucks.
I've gotten so use to carrying the KAHR over this past summer though that I think I'm going to carry it this winter too. I was going to change back to my GLOCK 22 or one of my 1911's but the added weight almost bothered me the other day when I tried to carry one of them after going all summer with the KAHR P9.
Hey! Magnum (PI) used to carry a 1911 and, seemingly, numerous reloads in his (short) shorts. He could run and jump and somehow the gun stayed stuck into the rear of his shorts. I don't think he even wore a belt, either. :D
Yeah... I know, a lot of you are saying who the heck is Magnum???
11-08-2010, 11:35 AM
Played by Tom Selleck if memory serves. Great gun advocate as well, at least he became one after Quigley Down Under.
11-08-2010, 11:39 AM
I carry my P40 whenever possible...even around the house :D my girlfriend and her brother call me paranoid. I call it being prepared! I had an attempted robbery at knife point a few or so years ago. Thankfully a friend at the time had seen the guy drawing a knife out of his pocket and alerted me. The guy ran to another gas station. Years later, I turned 22 and got my CCW permit. I carry 100% of the time unless where I'm going doesn't allow it. There's no such thing as a safe area.
My P40 equipped with a CT laser rides in an IWB Crossbreed Mini Tuck.
11-08-2010, 12:11 PM
Played by Tom Selleck if memory serves. Great gun advocate as well, at least he became one after Quigley Down Under.
I liked ole Thomas Magnum as Monte Walsh too. He's done alot of good ones. Also the Paradise series. I think I own all of them cept 1 and there's suppose to be one more new one coming. Pretty entertaining.
11-08-2010, 12:25 PM
Quigley was a great movie... to me. I loved it and have seen it a few times. The shooting is great... if a little exaggerated, and the final showdown with the bad guy is terrific. I won't repeat the "punchline" from that here, but it was just great. Someone might want to see it, and I'm sure there are some here who haven't seen it or heard of Magnum P.I., either, being born since they were made.:D
I know I've mentioned it before, but on one of my two trips to Hawaii, by Government Airlines (B52), my crew and I were in a rent-a-wreck driving along and passed a red sports car on the side of the road with a crowd of people on the other side of the road... then we noticed the cameras... and turned to each other... "Magnum!" We had just driven through their on-location set and I'm sure Magnum was behind the wheel of the red Ferrari... circa 1981/82 or so.
11-08-2010, 02:09 PM
Actually Wynn, the 45-90 Sharps that they used in the movie (they mad three of them, two were turned into prop guns though, Selleck owns at least one of the real ones) is quite capable of that kind of accuracy, and range. If you can shoot that well (I'd have to prone out for that far) that rifle will do it. A little known fact about the Sharps business rifle (45-70) is that at 500 yards when a buffalo hunter would take a shot, often times that ball would pass through two or three bison. That was one reason there was so much waste. The hunters would down a few and had no use or room for the ones they weren't shooting at, so they would leave them. Personally, I'd like to get my hands on a Remington Rolling block in both 45-70 and 45-90.
11-08-2010, 02:25 PM
I know that it's capable, but stationary shots from rest... not offhand at galloping bad guys in the next county, and maybe from horseback at the same time.
I can remember WAY BACK when I was pretty young... in one western movie... or more, there was a guy who would take a Winchester lever-action and shoot a hawk on the wing which looked to be at least a quarter-mile away... looked like half a mile.
Then you had the ones where cowboys squared off at a distance where the bullets were falling at the feet of one, while, of course, the other guy has a Buntline Special or whips out a stock for his revolver and shoots the other guy. Sometimes those distances seemed awfully short... like maybe 50 yards. So they... the directors and producers of the movies use a lot of "license" in their characters' shooting, but that doesn't make them not entertaining.
11-08-2010, 04:47 PM
Loved Magnum P. I. and Quigley Down Under and Mr. Selleck has done some good work for gun rights. To answer the question of the thread, my primary carry weapon is my CW 40. Occasionaly I'll carry my Charter Arms .44 special, a Baretta Tomcat .32, or Baretta Cougar .40 depending on circumstances.
11-08-2010, 07:31 PM
Recently found this forum while researching Kahrs. My P9 is now my primary carry in a comp-tac infidel. I tried a Glock 19 but could never get comfortable it was just took bulky and heavy. Found the P9 and never looked back.
11-08-2010, 07:41 PM
PM40 pocket
11-08-2010, 08:01 PM
Either K9 or PM9 depending on what I'm doing that day and/or going to wear. 100% Kahr at the moment.
11-08-2010, 08:39 PM
I know that it's capable, but stationary shots from rest... not offhand at galloping bad guys in the next county, and maybe from horseback at the same time.
I can remember WAY BACK when I was pretty young... in one western movie... or more, there was a guy who would take a Winchester lever-action and shoot a hawk on the wing which looked to be at least a quarter-mile away... looked like half a mile.
Then you had the ones where cowboys squared off at a distance where the bullets were falling at the feet of one, while, of course, the other guy has a Buntline Special or whips out a stock for his revolver and shoots the other guy. Sometimes those distances seemed awfully short... like maybe 50 yards. So they... the directors and producers of the movies use a lot of "license" in their characters' shooting, but that doesn't make them not entertaining.
Never said they didn't have a whole bunch of license, I said that it was capable of the shots in the movie. Also didn't say I would try that like he did, as I'm pretty sure I said I would have to prone out for that kind of work. As it stands, I almost used a 45-90 for some long range competition that I was into many moons ago. I decided not to because I got a sweet deal on a 50 BMG, and that was my preferred rifle anyway.
11-08-2010, 09:20 PM
CW45(s) in a c-tac infidel shirt tucker, or 511tactical holster shirt, or both. :59:
Full-size Colt .45 ACP in Bianchi #4 (owb) is a distant third choice when I can wear a covering garmet (yeah, I'm looking for a more appropriate holster for this battleship anchor).
11-09-2010, 12:32 PM
PM40 with CTL is my only and primary handgun. Pocket or side carry depending on situation.
11-09-2010, 04:47 PM
jlottmc, bought a 43 Spanish at a gun show $125. used the #2 rolling block, the difference between a 43 Spanish an a 45-70 is a silly millimeter. Run a chamber rheamer thru it and U got it. I put a Tang sight, interchangeable front peep sight, can't remember the proper name for that sight, shot fantastic with Black Powder and even pirodex. should have never sold it. still have the bullet mold for it.
11-10-2010, 04:32 AM
PM40, IWB with a Don hum holster, sometimes OWD with a Desantis mini thumb break (usually with a suit). This has been my primary for the last year untill recently when it gave me some issues, Ive been carrying an m&p .40 full size.
11-10-2010, 07:49 AM
No. 4" Kimber CDP II .45 IWB in deep conceal configured holster with FBI cant is primary.
11-10-2010, 10:10 AM
CW40 goes everywhere I go.
11-22-2010, 06:24 PM
CW45 in a Desantis Tuck This II
11-23-2010, 02:34 AM
I carry my PM9 more than I do any of my other guns put together. I actually got the PM9 for vacation and summer carry. It's one of two guns I qualify with yearly under LEOSA.
11-23-2010, 07:58 AM
My new daily carry:
Para Ordnance PDA 45 :D
11-23-2010, 10:08 AM
Yes Kahr is currently my primary and will be for quite a long time, Its a CW9. Before my Kahr, I carried an FN Herstal Hi-power and it is still one of my favorite handguns.
11-23-2010, 10:53 AM
K9 winter, P9 summer, mixed in with some 1911 carry when I am wearing enough to hid the larger guns well. I have a couple Commander length guns that I use, Kimber and CZ/Dan Wesson. I do experiment with other guns from time to time, but these are my most carried pistols. The P9 and K9 being dominant.
11-23-2010, 01:19 PM
jlottmc, bought a 43 Spanish at a gun show $125. used the #2 rolling block, the difference between a 43 Spanish an a 45-70 is a silly millimeter. Run a chamber rheamer thru it and U got it. I put a Tang sight, interchangeable front peep sight, can't remember the proper name for that sight, shot fantastic with Black Powder and even pirodex. should have never sold it. still have the bullet mold for it.
Good stuff. Black powder is so fun. The old BPCR guns still have a lot more punch than many give them credit for.
11-23-2010, 10:41 PM
PM9 for summer months and shorts and Tee shirt weather. Springfield EMP 9 shares the duties the rest of the time.
11-24-2010, 09:24 AM
I carry my MK9 mostly in the winter and my P380 mostly in the summer. I sometimes carry my Glock 23 if I am going to a really bad part of town.
11-24-2010, 09:34 AM
Kahr PM9 99% of the time, the other 1% is a Springfield Micro Compact GI.45. The SA does tend to stay close to me.
11-24-2010, 10:48 AM
CW9 for me....
11-24-2010, 12:08 PM
CW9 all the time. If I do carry another, it's usually bigger and the Kahr goes to bug position.
11-27-2010, 01:18 AM
My older than Methuselah's dirt MK9 Elite 98 is my primary carry.
11-27-2010, 07:09 AM
P9 Covert right now, or a P380 for pocket carry. I am picking up a P9 this weekend that may replace the Covert.
11-27-2010, 12:44 PM
P45 for primary carry...perfect balance of features.
Too Tall Todd
11-27-2010, 01:14 PM
My p9 is my primary carry with a naa .22 mag as an occational bug. Havn't yet as I am new to this but if in a particularly high alert situation I can carry my hk-p7 as pri with my Kahr as backup, due to the higher mag cap.
11-27-2010, 09:59 PM
Currently carrying a Glock 23 as primary.... will be bringing in a Kahr CW40 and make that my ever-day carry very soon... can't wait!!
11-29-2010, 05:52 PM
Hello all, pretty new to the site but have spent a lot of time reading and listening. Nice site here, happy to have found it.
P9 Covert daily carry here
11-29-2010, 06:02 PM
Hello all, pretty new to the site but have spent a lot of time reading and listening. Nice site here, happy to have found it.
P9 Covert daily carry here
We're happy you found it too, now knock off the lurking and stir the pot a little bit, don't want things going flat around here.
Lets see here, just to get you hooked up, how about telling us about your dog? Ya gotta dog?
Or as an alternative with the minimal amount of information available describe in your own words 1000 or less what you think Jocko looks like. This would be my first choice. I think this has the makings of a contest.
Glad your here.
Hmmm, maybe start a thread mentioning the above. We don't want to get a rep for jacking threads around here.
11-29-2010, 06:18 PM
Thank you and I'll look into the new thread!
11-29-2010, 06:44 PM
CW9 is my EDC,Oh and the dog died but I left the beware of dog signs up,just an FYI
11-29-2010, 06:52 PM
Man, that's no good dude. Sorry for your loss. You need a new puppy to fill that void and keep ya active to boot. Half my exercise is letting my beagle in and out the back door. Gotta bend over and hook up the tether. Turn him loose with out it and he'd be gone to parts unknown. I've tried it but wife keeps going and finding him and bringing it back.
11-29-2010, 06:53 PM
I have a PM9 and use it as a backup gun during the winter and a primary during the summer. I'm going to be picking up a CZ Rami that will split the same duty as the PM9. At least until I figure out which is my preference.
My main is a XD9c right now. I also have a setup for my CZ 75b. I normally just carry it in heavier clothing.
12-01-2010, 07:14 PM
My daily carry is my CW9, it's the thinnest, lightest I've looked at, other than sub-compact pocket pistols. I just can't get my hands around those, litterally and figureatively.
12-08-2010, 01:02 PM
PM9 all the time!
12-11-2010, 12:41 AM
I picked one of the least picked options so i felt i should explain, It bears no meaning on the quality of the gun. Except i chose the Kahr as its the highest quality gun i could buy for a mini 9mm without buying a Rohrbough.
I bought a new MK9 as my first Kahr.
I chose
My Kahr is my back up gun (BUG) as that will be its most used purpose. But it will also be used heavily at the range as all the rest of my ccw guns are .45 acp 1911's which are my primary carry guns.
I wanted something that was at home in my back pocket as it was at the range and do it while shooting cheap ammo, And not be a weak(ish) .380 like most pocket guns are.
As for a third reason i bought the gun is to be an actual primary gun when i need to make a fast dash out of the house and don't have time to holster up a 1911.
Thats another reason i picked the Kahr so i wouldn't be stuck with a .380 when times like that happen.
So far my experience has been A+ with the MK9 at 175 rounds.
And i gotta add tho that that Bawanna45 guy keeps sending subliminal messages to my about how i need a PM45. And even tho i have no gun purchase needs in the near future the PM45 is calling me.
12-11-2010, 01:06 AM
Its voodoo dude. You feel that sharp pain in your right knee? I'm sticking a needle in my doll and rubbing my PM45 back and forth accross the head.
It's futile to try and fight it.
Oh crap, dropped the slide on your left hand, did that hurt? Had to hurt, tore the little fiber of your hands. So sorry.
12-11-2010, 10:03 AM
i tInc eye hAve baInDaamege noww.
Oops, Im ok i just didn't take my meds yet!
I may show up in the PM45 section with some questions soon, I love my 1911's but im running out of justifications for buying more. But a PM45 will fit in my Speedo so thats always a plus. :)
12-11-2010, 10:16 AM
No offense, but there are some images I just do NOT want in my head. Any of y'all in a speedo is one of them. I think those things should be outlawed, don't care who it is they always end up making the wearer looking like the tied a piece of dental floss around a ham.
12-11-2010, 02:55 PM
I think i can get a PM45 in this:
12-11-2010, 04:11 PM
I was gonna say I think Dietrich could do the speedo thing ok until I saw dasfrieks picture. Now I'm with jlott 100%. Ban em.
Wheres my voodoo doll, you'll pay for this.
That movie didn't do much for me either, I can pretty much get funny out of anything but that one was well I guess it was funny in a sick perverse sort of way. Carry on.
mr surveyor
12-11-2010, 08:03 PM
there was a chat on another forum about how to carry around the house while wearing sweats or pj's (whatever those are), and I mentioned I could carry my CW9 in a $30 Don Hume Model 715, single clip IWB holster in my tiny whities (at least the newer ones, since I have some that are probebly older than half the participants on that site). I wasn't going to offer any pics there... but you guys are like family.....:D
12-12-2010, 01:49 AM
I did make a "House" holster from a set of suspenders i used as a belt and made a lite leather holster pocket to fit a Sig P238 that i would wear while i was in gym shorts or PJ's i wear in the winter. But i got rid of it when i sold my P238 and now my MK9 is a bit to heavy to carry like that.
But i always have a gun on the table next to me whether im upstairs or downstairs and my folks both keep 9mm's at hand with them also. So one is always accessible so i don't so much worry about carrying in the house, But i do leave my guns on when dressed at home.
Had i bought the PM9 i think i could build suspender belt holster for that gun being so lite.
My forth coming CW9 will be my primary carry. I don't have a "rotation" I carry the same gun in the same place (ItW appendix) all year.
mr. bggs
12-12-2010, 10:31 AM
haha great topic i love reading all the diff options u guys have for carry. mine is like this in order of size and just go with the biggest i can fit without being discovered. smith model 60 no dash-38, sig p238-380, of course my newest toy. the kahr k40(loving it so far), custom series 70 colt commander-45, and big ass colt comnat elite-45. keep a glock 19 in the truck for shtf purposes. and have the rem 870 with OObuck for the house.
heres the package i got at the gunshow. kahr k40 with noght sights, box of powerball ammo and two wild bills concealment holsters. one is a paddle style(crap) and the othe is a tuckable inside the waistband holster(awesome-one of my favorites) 1000$ out the door,actually a little less.
12-12-2010, 10:33 AM
PaiN, I like your consistency. If something happens, you'll reach for the right spot with thinking!!!
12-12-2010, 03:04 PM
12-12-2010, 03:08 PM
I don't have a "rotation" I carry the same gun in the same place (ItW appendix) all year.
Never understood the concept of employing a carry rotation either.
It seems like someone would have to be more concerned with form rather than function to do that...
12-12-2010, 08:48 PM
The reason in having a multi gun rotation is it allows you to carry the largest possible gun when possible and then go to a smaller one when needed.
Both of my primary guns are 1911's and both carried in the same spot and style.
I just got back into carrying a bug, But don't find it necessary. But it will help when the time comes that it is the largest gun i can carry and its the primary at that moment.
As they say all handguns are a compromise in firepower, I just don't want to compromise as much as others who want to carry a small 9mm low capacity gun as their only gun.
I know i could carry my MK9 all year long and not need a smaller gun. But in no way do i find 7 rounds of 9mm as effective as 9 rounds of .45acp
Its just personal choice and neither modes of carry is perfect.
12-12-2010, 09:00 PM
pm9 only gun I own, only gun that i will ever carry and trust
I carry a PM9 90% of the time. I have also carry a Colt Commander, Ruger SP101, Beretta 25acp, or a NAA 5 shot 22LR mini revolver/derringer.
Like I said however, the PM9 is my primary carry due to its size, weight, accuracy, etc.
I would like to check out the smaller .45's from Kimber or Para. I have not heard good things regarding the Para however.
Moby Clarke
12-22-2010, 04:14 PM
I carry an HK P7 PSP as primary. I bought my MK9 as a summer gun/BUG for when I need to actually conceal a pistol. Normally, I open carry.
I got a MK 9 as a BUG to be reckoned with, and I liked it so much, I replaced my ageing Star BM with a K9 elite 98 as a primary Summer carry. Nothing wrong with my BM, but finding spares for it is problematic at best, and I have only 2 reliable mags for it.
My first CCW purchase was a Px4 Storm in .40 S&W (full sized), as I got the biggest all-round bang I could manage, and concievably conceal. I found out concealing it in the Summer withoutn dressing oddly, or using off-body carry in the form of a versapack or fanny pack was problematic at best, hence the move to slimmer guns. Now, the Px4 is primarily WInter and Spring carry.
But I always carry one of my Kahr's
12-26-2010, 12:14 AM
CW40 for my edc. otw on the left side 9 o'clock (left handed). I also carry a tactical folder and a led flashlight (strobe).
12-27-2010, 02:09 AM
Carry a Kimber Ultra CDP II .45 as my primary and my P380 rides along as back-up. The P380 takes over as my primary for Summer/light carry though.
a Glock 26 or 19 is my primary. I carry my Kahr mk9 around the house or an very NPE events. I carry the MK9 AIWB with a Clipdraw. It works very well.
01-02-2011, 06:28 PM
My K9 served as my EDC for many years until I acquired a 1911 which has now taken its place. Still have the K9 that is used for occasional carry in summertime.
I have the PM9 with me more than any gun mostly with the Crimson Trace installed. I'll be sending the slide off to Kahr for new night sights soon.
The P380 has taken running duty recently.
I imagine the K9 getting some time soon after I get it.
01-02-2011, 07:43 PM
quick trips or around the house, its a pm9 pocket holstered or IWB. for IDPA, or winter carry, SHTF, its an H&K P2000 9mm.
01-03-2011, 11:00 AM
CW40 here... all the time. IWB @ 5:00
01-03-2011, 07:37 PM
Right now I'm carrying a CW9, but hope to soon starty carrying my CW45.
01-04-2011, 05:31 PM
On duty I carry a Glock 23, off duty I carry my Kahr PM40
Fowl Habit
01-05-2011, 10:05 PM
Sig P229R during the cooler weather, Kahr PM9 for warmer weather for me.
01-12-2011, 08:38 PM
I just switched from carrying a poly Ruger P345 to a K40. It is a more stable and accurate shooter and tucks in much better. I'm a steel Kahr convert and a true believer.
01-13-2011, 11:57 AM
I carry a P9 IWB all the time and usually an LCP in my front pocket. Thinking about getting something larger for winter though...
01-13-2011, 01:51 PM
Yes, I carry the PM 9 as primary with the P380 as back-up.
01-14-2011, 01:44 PM
Mostly I carry a PM9 with XS Big Dot sights and a Crimson Trace laser in a Grandfather Oak IWB holster ($35), right side appendix carry, with a magazine extension so my pinky can get in on the action.
01-14-2011, 01:51 PM
Been carrying a P40 in a Crosstuck for about a week now. Love it!
01-17-2011, 01:15 PM
Everyday it's the black slide/nite site P380. If situation & attire permits, I supplement with similar PM9 or PM40. :bump2:
03-23-2011, 01:22 AM
P9 in a Remora IWB holster 6 months of the year. S&W 442 snubbie in the pocket the other 6 months
03-23-2011, 09:17 AM
Kahr is not my primary carry. If it proves reliable, I will carry it during summer months.
Glock 26 is my normal carry piece.
Bill K
03-23-2011, 09:52 AM
Now that I'm retired about 50/50 P3AT/Glock 26 and sometimes both. I have a new PM9 still needing to complete break-in and suspect it will eventually be seeing the most carry especially if it proves reliable with my preferred 9mm SD ammo. I'm very comfortable carrying 9mm 124 +P.
Bill K.
03-23-2011, 03:45 PM
It will be as soon as it shows up. It's a PM9 by the way.
03-23-2011, 04:54 PM
cw40 feels great and shoots perfect
03-23-2011, 05:14 PM
Mine is beginning to be since I carry it all the time. When possible to carry one of my SIGs it is primary, but I still carry my K9 as backup in a Kangaroo holster. I'll also carry my K9 IWB as primary backed by a J frame .357 with .38+P loads. I also feel comfortable with the K9 when I just grab it and go in a jacket pocket. So...even tho it may not always be the primary, it seems to be the one I primarily carry.
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