View Full Version : More Trouble in Arizona

06-18-2010, 02:40 PM
Mexicans take over part of Arizona, Feds put up warning signs.:cheer2:

YouTube - Mexicans Take Over Parts Of Arizona (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjkU_8D4psw&feature=player_embedded)

06-18-2010, 02:49 PM
Well if the pope aint' ticked off at this he should be. Seen the associated link that the missing link in the white house is giving them part of AZ. Didn't know he could do that. Maybe we better call sheriff Joe, maybe order up some more pink uniforms. Gonna need em till the haul back bus shows up.

06-18-2010, 08:51 PM
I just wish the federal government would grow some balls and do what's in the best interest of this country and Arizona. I don't even live in Arizona and I'm furious. Remember the Branch Dividians? They couldn't let a religious sect on private party do what they want but they're allowing illegal criminal aliens do as they wish in our country and put up a sign to warn us to beware. What a bunch of pansy asses. :33:

06-18-2010, 08:57 PM
This is a huge problem for AZ as well as the U.S..
AZ is almost 10% illegal immigrants, and that 10% takes up nearly 40% of the states assistance program money.

IMO - When a foreigner enters the U.S. and fires on a government or state official, that is an act of war.
Yet we would rather just let them have the land.

06-18-2010, 09:07 PM
This is a huge problem for AZ as well as the U.S..
AZ is almost 10% illegal immigrants, and that 10% takes up nearly 40% of the states assistance program money.

IMO - When a foreigner enters the U.S. and fires on a government or state official, that is an act of war.
Yet we would rather just let them have the land.

You're right! Did you notice this kind of thing doesn't happen in Texas? Those folks don't F....around in that state.:40:

06-19-2010, 08:33 AM
You're right! Did you notice this kind of thing doesn't happen in Texas? Those folks don't F....around in that state.:40:

As some one who lives in a border state, and in TX, this is not only highly offensive, but downright disturbing. There was a recent news story out of Houston, that detailed the fact that the drug cartels own as in out right bought 12 houses. These kinds of things are just not comforting, and especially hurtful to myself and all Veterans, for this is not what we fight for. If I seem less than my usual hot headed self right now, consider the fact that I am one of those that may be loud and boisterous, until I get quiet, then people who know, know to find cover. I'm still stewing and such about this.

06-19-2010, 04:37 PM
it is simply time that americans(AVERAGE JOE) step up and enforce our laws . i know that scares alot of people but it is a fact that our incompetent gov. is unable/unwilling to do a damn thing. its only gonna get worse. do you wanna leave it for our children to deal with?.

HELLO!!!!!! (whistles loudly, AND SMACKS JOE UPSIDE HIS HEAD)

06-19-2010, 06:51 PM
Predestyned, I think you hit it on the head. Those in DC aren't gonna give up their power to do something constructive for the rest of us. Every time the sun rises, it is getting one day closer to the rest of us being fed up and looking for a remedy.

06-19-2010, 07:09 PM
I think your right, it's really starting to look like we're going to have to take care of this problem. :mad:

06-20-2010, 06:30 PM
Obama told John Kyl that he won't do a thing about the border unless illegals are granted amnesty. (http://www.redstate.com/coldwarrior/2010/06/20/obama-tells-kyl-in-private-oval-office-meeting-i-wont-secure-border-bc-then-republicans-will-have-no-reason-to-support-comprehensive-immigration-reform/) That's called taking a hostage and quite typical for a Chicago machine style politician.

And by the way, this is exactly how he's treating the oil spill. I'll help, but not until I get an economy destroying Cap and Trade bill. The man is truly odious.

06-20-2010, 08:33 PM
I think your right, it's really starting to look like we're going to have to take care of this problem. :mad:

Can't say I disagree with you, but the first time Arizonians push back against illegal criminal aliens, the Feds will intervene so fast it'll make Joe Biden's head spin.:53:

06-20-2010, 08:40 PM
Obama told John Kyl that he won't do a thing about the border unless illegals are granted amnesty. (http://www.redstate.com/coldwarrior/2010/06/20/obama-tells-kyl-in-private-oval-office-meeting-i-wont-secure-border-bc-then-republicans-will-have-no-reason-to-support-comprehensive-immigration-reform/) That's called taking a hostage and quite typical for a Chicago machine style politician.

And by the way, this is exactly how he's treating the oil spill. I'll help, but not until I get an economy destroying Cap and Trade bill. The man is truly odious.

I'm really getting tired of people on both sides of the isle playing politics and not doing what's in the best interest of the country. I'm tired of the label of democrat or republican, I'm going with the term Patriot. I'm a Patriot, anyone want to join me?

06-20-2010, 10:36 PM
Kahrseye, this "playing politics" is exactly what they are doing. I have complained to my reps. for years about it. It is a game up there and a big power grab. If history is any indication, their day is coming, maybe sooner than most of them think. The tax payers are getting tired of working their tails off and getting nothing in return. Don't even get me started on the oil spill!

Kahrbon 14
06-20-2010, 10:57 PM
Dereliction of duty!

It is time to replace some of our elected officials.

06-21-2010, 07:10 AM
This particular issue has been really frying my keester for quite a long time. Kahrseye...I've been a patriot all my life...so I'm with you.
It is time for all real Americans to take back our country....if necessary by force as prescribed in the Constitution. Time to man up and drop a nut! Run the bums out of office on a rail and institute a new more representative legislators...and yes for term limits. Place those blow hards on "Social Security" and no sweet deals for retirement. Again these one term retirement deals was put in place by them and nver voted on by the people! This too is unconstitutional. "Congress shall pass no laws which don't apply to both the people as well as them".
Tiem is now to clean house & kick some butT!!!!

08-23-2010, 11:31 PM
Living is AZ is getting very frusterating. I completely agree and understand the Tea Party. When I talk with my Father living in Wisconsin he tells me how AZ is racist and profiling according to the local media. I sent letters to all the local media in WI and received no response.

AZ is the kidnapping capital os the US.

Hispanic in country legally kills cop.


Southern AZ humatarian rancher killed.

Cop shooting, 17 illegals caught in roundup.

Home invasions on rise.

Illegal's public school cost.

Healthcare costs due to illegal immigration and medicare cuts.

How long do we have to wait to realize we are losing our way of life. I think it started mostly with Clinton and NAFTA. I remember manufacturing jobs all being sent to Mexico. Clinton then singed free trace with China. We are now a country of retailers and purchasers. With the fed becoming GMotors and not trying to become the largest healthcare insurer what is left?

Sorry for the rant.

08-24-2010, 07:18 AM
The vast majority of "citizens " are fed up, hope it starts showing up in the voteing this fall. If it does'nt there's no telling what will happen English as a second language?

08-24-2010, 11:55 AM
This particular issue has been really frying my keester for quite a long time. Kahrseye...I've been a patriot all my life...so I'm with you.
It is time for all real Americans to take back our country....if necessary by force as prescribed in the Constitution. Time to man up and drop a nut! Run the bums out of office on a rail and institute a new more representative legislators...and yes for term limits. Place those blow hards on "Social Security" and no sweet deals for retirement. Again these one term retirement deals was put in place by them and nver voted on by the people! This too is unconstitutional. "Congress shall pass no laws which don't apply to both the people as well as them".
Tiem is now to clean house & kick some butT!!!!

Being a Libertarian The idea of term limits, or any other artificial limit, is repugnant to me. However, it is becoming apparent that the American voters, at least the producers in our society, are too ignorant or lazy to effect the necessary changes through the ballot box. On that basis, I would support some form of term limits on the Congress. Of course the obvious problem is that the very people on which the limit would be imposed, are the people who would have to ratify it. I don't see that happening unless the same ignorant, lazy voters drag them kicking and screaming to approve the limits - not likely.

BTW, there is nothing in the Constitution requiring equal "benefits" for elected officials and the people. The idea was brought up in the 28th amendment, but that has never been voted upon, and it is, for all intents purposes, dead.

08-24-2010, 12:06 PM
My only thought on term limits would be with my luck we'd get somebody really good in office (Think Reagan) and he wouldn't have enough time to clean up the mess. Everyone blames Bush for everything, I'd gladly take two more terms with him than 2 more weeks with what we got.
The downfall to senators and congressmen with their wonderful full pay retirement is term limits would just increase the money going out to those voted out or out of time, we need to eliminate that first and of course since they have to vote that super good deal out on themselves, I'm pretty sure that ain't gonna happen.
We need to focus on educating the welfare and government leeches and get them working or producing so the dems have no free votes.

08-24-2010, 12:33 PM
if i wasnt such an internet commando, i'd round up some friends and go to southern arizona on a hunting trip. after all, there is plenty of coyotes out there, open season all year around. a few thousand american varmint hunters active in the area and i'm sure those paramilitaries would find other ways getting their drugs into our country.

08-24-2010, 12:58 PM
You might be on to something. I'd even pay for a varmint license and a no limit varmint tag long as the money went to Arizona and not the federal money disposal site. A good way for AZ to make a little money for the state coffers. Sounds like a win win situation to me.
Lets make it legal to keep any good guns we may find in the varmint fields, sort of a war trophy item so to speak.
We'd want to come up with something to identify the local ranchers and good varmints, don't want no friendly fire casualties.

08-24-2010, 01:54 PM
My only thought on term limits would be with my luck we'd get somebody really good in office (Think Reagan) and he wouldn't have enough time to clean up the mess. Everyone blames Bush for everything, I'd gladly take two more terms with him than 2 more weeks with what we got.
The downfall to senators and congressmen with their wonderful full pay retirement is term limits would just increase the money going out to those voted out or out of time, we need to eliminate that first and of course since they have to vote that super good deal out on themselves, I'm pretty sure that ain't gonna happen.
We need to focus on educating the welfare and government leeches and get them working or producing so the dems have no free votes.

Good luck on educating the leeches, assuming they're even capable of learning. They're perfectly happy with the status quo, of taking from the producers, us, and giving it to them, the moochers. [see, I have read "Atlas Shrugged"]

That's another problem with term limits - we would throw out the baby with the bathwater. I haven't come up with an idea for selective term limits; wait a minute, that's what we have now. Unfortunately, as I said, the electorate is too ignorant or too lazy to make use of it.

08-30-2010, 10:28 PM
As some one who lives in a border state, and in TX, this is not only highly offensive, but downright disturbing.

+1 from Prescott, AZ. :mad: