View Full Version : Anti-Gun Message sends the wrong message! Everytown screws up again!

08-30-2014, 05:06 PM
Picture this…
A violent and crazed man is trying to break into a house.
A panicked woman screams desperately to a 911 operator, begging for help to come.
Soon, the intruder is inside.
She, with nothing but a phone in her hand is totally defenseless…
You can guess the one thing that would have change this situation entirely, can’t you?
Ironically, the “anti-gun” video below produced by Everytown for Gun Safety does more to show the need for a gun than anything else.
Are anti-gun advocates really this stupid?



08-30-2014, 05:18 PM
Yes, Yes they are.... even if or when a CCW holder saves their behind, they would still say there was no need for a gun.. The madman would have never pulled the trigger on them, and if there were no guns to begin with the knife he held to his/her throat would have been to dull to cut them....

I know I throw some pretty stupid scenarios out there but you have to think on their level... : )

09-01-2014, 12:30 AM
So texting the word "safer" to whatever the number will get gun wielding individuals there to protect you anti-gun self quicker than 911?

Color me confused, dumb founded and discombobulated.

09-02-2014, 02:14 PM
Called 911 last Saturday night to report a tree down in a major roadway....Was on hold 18 minutes...Glad it wasn't a "Real" emergency

09-02-2014, 02:49 PM
Yep, what could be a better, more realistic scenario to illustrate the need for a self defense weapon? A woman at home alone, under attack, on the phone to 911, but he's in long before they can respond! I hope this is what Gates is spending his money on.