View Full Version : Get in here KahrHeads and meet my new PM9 !!

08-30-2014, 05:47 PM
Mods if this would be better suited in P series pistols please move.... I jumped the gun and posted here

No its not just any Kahr but its my Kahr which makes it better than any other out there by default.. Plan on taking it to the range on Monday for 400 rounds of abuse !!!! Not sure it can hang but we'll see..... : ) Came with 7 mags so loading time wont be so bad...


This picture Im trying to show a little spot that appears bent back on the edge of the frame closest to the slide rail, is this normal??? it doesn't sit flush with the striker plate....


My first impressions of this gun are very pleasing, but I'm not so impressed with the case, reminds me of the old Walther (interarms) case, silly I know, and its a case nonetheless.. but the gun feels great in the hand as does the trigger...

08-30-2014, 06:38 PM
Congratulations! Hope the range trip goes well. It may be flawless but it may also have a few hiccups as it breaks in. I recommend you field strip it and clean it after every hundred rounds, at least during break in.

08-30-2014, 07:01 PM
It'll hang as long as you do. That's a lot of rounds for the shooter for these small packages but it will keep right on going.
My first trip with my PM45 went 350 rounds between me and my son. Would have gone even more but ran out of boolits.

08-30-2014, 07:13 PM
can anyone tell me if the part that appears bent in the second pic normal??

08-30-2014, 08:05 PM
We see that fairly frequently. It's just the tupperware just not quite flush.
I believe Greg took and kind of tapered off the edges a bit for a more finished look. Some are worse than yours for sure.

08-30-2014, 08:09 PM
can anyone tell me if the part that appears bent in the second pic normal??

Looking at my PM9, and my P9, the tab on the left side, if you're behind the pistol is flush with the sprng keeper on mine ..... (whatever you call that part) Not sure if that is the area you're talking about, but it looks like it is 'out' a bit. Don't let that ruin the deal for you , at least not until you find out if it is a problem.

08-30-2014, 08:10 PM
Good looking pup, looking forward to your range report.

08-30-2014, 08:18 PM
Looking at my PM9, and my P9, the tab on the left side, if you're behind the pistol is flush with the sprng keeper on mine ..... (whatever you call that part) Not sure if that is the area you're talking about, but it looks like it is 'out' a bit. Don't let that ruin the deal for you , at least not until you find out if it is a problem.

yes the left upper tab, definitely isn't flush with the plate, its way off... its one thing if they're made like that and another if they're not.. all my other guns are flush with plate, I have a cw380 heading my way and I'm curious to look at it for the same thing...

08-30-2014, 09:21 PM
can anyone tell me if the part that appears bent in the second pic normal??

Its normal.

If I see that pistol right its a pm9j which means if you have a problem the "J" version manual states "its a fokking shooter problem and not a gun problem".

Happy shooting.

08-30-2014, 10:09 PM
Lol.....man I just field striped and boy was it tough.. anyhow after looking at frame I think its just the mold... and discovered its got plastic rails !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For some reason I must have never read about this, Im really blown away, must be some tough stuff..talk about melting, no wonder there are no 33rd mags : )

08-30-2014, 10:24 PM
The rails it uses are the 2 metal rails in the front dust cover that go into the slots on the front of the slide and 2 metal rails at the rear of the frame. The plastic is only a guide for installing the slide. And the notch missing on the left front rail is supposed to be missing.

If you think that is not enough support dont look inside a glock or a fnx45. You'll be highly disappointed.

08-30-2014, 10:52 PM
I only looked at it for a minute as there are lots of distractions here at the minute and osu/fsu game... Im going to take down sgain tomorrow and clean it, going to try and hit the range tomorrow but dont think its going to happen,monday for sure... I will probably do a vid

08-30-2014, 11:10 PM
There are metal rails imbedded front an back. The plastic is just a guide.

08-31-2014, 07:05 AM
Bawanna, you and yqtszhj just ruined a fine opportunity to have some fun with this guy, but since he's an OSU fan I guess that I can let it slide. (Oh for the days when you could post a smiley face on this damn MB.)

08-31-2014, 02:33 PM
Bawanna, you and yqtszhj just ruined a fine opportunity to have some fun with this guy, but since he's an OSU fan I guess that I can let it slide. (Oh for the days when you could post a smiley face on this damn MB.)

Its a special polymer frame rail brought to earth by space aliens. Didn't you know that Kahrs CEO's last name is Moon?

Hows that mugs?

08-31-2014, 03:02 PM
Its a special polymer frame rail brought to earth by space aliens. Didn't you know that Kahrs CEO's last name is Moon?

Hows that mugs?

finally some sense comes from this thread, I was in denial before but now I can completely grasp the concept....

09-01-2014, 09:08 AM
Looks exactly like the back of my CM9. No problems here.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

09-01-2014, 05:13 PM
If you think that is not enough support dont look inside a glock or a fnx45. You'll be highly disappointed.

I have looked at the rails on my Glocks in fact have a 27 stripped in front of me and I think Glocks rails are far superior... They are thicker and molded not only into the polymer chassis but also installed and locked even tighter onto the frame.... One would think the slide road on top the frame by appearance but I've found no wear on the top frame in any of my glocks and some have seen thousands of rounds... I guess when a gun gets past a few thousand technically you really can't count any more and be TRUTHFULLY accurate, unless of course you're super anal and document such things... :D

I thoroughly cleaned (well just field stripped) my pm9 last night and looked everything over, clean and lubed it my way and I'm ready to hit the range tomorrow... Can't wait

09-02-2014, 02:41 PM
I have looked at the rails on my Glocks in fact have a 27 stripped in front of me and I think Glocks rails are far superior... They are thicker and molded not only into the polymer chassis but also installed and locked even tighter onto the frame.... One would think the slide road on top the frame by appearance but I've found no wear on the top frame in any of my glocks and some have seen thousands of rounds... I guess when a gun gets past a few thousand technically you really can't count any more and be TRUTHFULLY accurate, unless of course you're super anal and document such things... :D

I thoroughly cleaned (well just field stripped) my pm9 last night and looked everything over, clean and lubed it my way and I'm ready to hit the range tomorrow... Can't wait

Be careful with the slide lock pin. Apparently it is fairly easy to get it in wrong and have it foul up the little spring.

09-02-2014, 03:30 PM
I love my G19 but over the year Glock has chanted their frame rails also. Both do as designed. I have o doubt that some frame rails on glocks have broken also, de to not porr design but probably poor vbendeor quality control;. I would doubt if glock makes that part, as I am sure the one pease stainless front embedded steel rail in the kahrs are vendor suplies. It is not just two thin rails embeded into plastic on the kahr, it is one full peace. But sh!t happens to. Just syin

09-02-2014, 05:07 PM
Bawanna, you and yqtszhj just ruined a fine opportunity to have some fun with this guy, but since he's an OSU fan I guess that I can let it slide. (Oh for the days when you could post a smiley face on this damn MB.)
Might not want to let it slide too far. When the poster is from Tulsa, then OSU = Oklahoma State University.:cheer2:

09-02-2014, 06:33 PM
Its a special polymer frame rail brought to earth by space aliens. Didn't you know that Kahrs CEO's last name is Moon?

Hows that mugs?

Good un.

09-02-2014, 07:12 PM
I love my G19 but over the year Glock has chanted their frame rails also. Both do as designed. I have o doubt that some frame rails on glocks have broken also, de to not porr design but probably poor vbendeor quality control;. I would doubt if glock makes that part, as I am sure the one pease stainless front embedded steel rail in the kahrs are vendor suplies. It is not just two thin rails embeded into plastic on the kahr, it is one full peace. But sh!t happens to. Just syin

Yep, what he said...
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi155.photobucket.com%2F albums%2Fs296%2Fsailpac2002%2Fbroke.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.handgunforum.net%2Fgloc k%2F34337-my-brand-new-glock-19-gen-4-cracks-apart-after-10-rounds.html&h=509&w=778&tbnid=m2COc3jt6KaEWM%3A&zoom=1&docid=mDwzVC_E3upbRM&ei=JFwGVNWuIMWU8QG00ICIAQ&tbm=isch&client=tablet-android-samsung&ved=0CCUQMygHMAc&iact=rc&uact=3&page=1&start=0&ndsp=12