View Full Version : Expired CC permit

09-01-2014, 06:14 PM
Has anyone ever had their CC permit checked by law enforcement after it had expired because the new one hadn't been mailed by the state yet? Mine will expire the last of September and because we were traveling in May & June I didn't receive my renewal papers till first of July, which I mailed back immediately. Now we have left on our usual September/October vacation and didn't receive the new permit before we left. I know it's being processed, at least I hope it is, since the state charged my credit card almost immediately after the mailing of the application.

I know it's possible to do the renewal over the Internet but it requires sending new pictures over the Internet, which I had no idea how to get the pictures onto my computer then to transmit them to the state.

I'm carrying a copy of the application I submitted and my credit card statement where the state charged to cost of renewal. Do you think that will help me any if I should happen to get checked for any reason?

I was stopped for speeding (65 in a 55 Indian casino area) about 3 years ago and the patrolman saw my permit while I was digging through my billfold looking for my drivers license and asked if I was carrying at the time, which I wasn't cause we were headed for a doctor's appointment in a neighboring town. Now I wondering if that should happen after expiration while on vacation (and I do carry during that time in states that honor my state's CC permit) what might happen. Anyone ever run into this?

09-01-2014, 06:39 PM
what state are we talking about. If Kalifornia, I wouldn't carry without a valid permit.

09-01-2014, 06:40 PM
The officer should be able to check and see that your renewal permit is in the works. For certain in your own state, most likely in neighboring states. Having your renewal application and the CC statement should keep ya ok.

You don't carry a gun cause your going to see a doctor? Why?

09-01-2014, 07:12 PM
The officer should be able to check and see that your renewal permit is in the works. For certain in your own state, most likely in neighboring states. Having your renewal application and the CC statement should keep ya ok.

You don't carry a gun cause your going to see a doctor? Why?

Way back then I thought I only needed to carry when traveling after dark, which we did quite occasionally to visit relatives in Arkansas (we're from Oklahoma). Now I carry even going to Wal Mart. I'm trying to decide on an IWB carry holister after I see if my new hip will add any problems. Right now I can carry in my hip pocket pretty well, just hope I don't have to fast draw though.

09-01-2014, 07:18 PM
If you need to defend yourself, just advise the b/g that your permit will be arriving shortly, show him the paperwork, and give him a good stern rebuke.

Never carry your carry permit with your other papers, drivers licence, credit cards, etc. Never.

Do nothing, say nothing, when encountering LEO. Answer questions directly in a friendly manner. Add nothing else. Never.

09-01-2014, 07:25 PM
The officer should be able to check and see that your renewal permit is in the works. For certain in your own state, most likely in neighboring states. Having your renewal application and the CC statement should keep ya ok.

You don't carry a gun cause your going to see a doctor? Why?

I go to my docs and carry. Haven't had a problem. When I disrobe, my gun is holstered and in plain sight with my other stuff. I don't want to hide it because an assistant might try to move my clothes or ?? and I don't want the gun to be a "surprise". I think when people are surprised, they react poorly. So unless you are going to get some meds that make you coo coo, I wouldn't leave the gun at home to go to the doc. Now if the doc asks me to not carry in their office, I would respect that.

09-01-2014, 07:32 PM
.................................................. ...............
Do nothing, say nothing, when encountering LEO. Answer questions directly in a friendly manner. Add nothing else. Never.

That would be a mistake in Oklahoma:

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to identify the fact that the person is in actual possession of a
concealed or unconcealed handgun pursuant to the authority of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act when the
person first comes into contact with any law enforcement officer of this state or its political subdivisions or a
federal law enforcement officer during the course of any arrest, detainment, or routine traffic stop. Said
identification to the law enforcement officer shall be made at the first opportunity.

09-01-2014, 07:35 PM
kn, check out the Bianchi Pistol Pocket, it has been around for years and is extremely comfortable. http://bianchi-intl.com/model-3s-pistol-pocket-inside-waistband-holster

Longitude Zero
09-01-2014, 09:05 PM
That would be a mistake in Oklahoma:

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to identify the fact that the person is in actual possession of a
concealed or unconcealed handgun pursuant to the authority of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act when the
person first comes into contact with any law enforcement officer of this state or its political subdivisions or a
federal law enforcement officer during the course of any arrest, detainment, or routine traffic stop. Said
identification to the law enforcement officer shall be made at the first opportunity.

Absolutely as OK is a MANDATORY notice state. Truthfully advising total silence like this is pretty dumb and flat out bad advice if you are in a mandatory notice state. Know the regulations in every state you carry in. If you are in violation it is your bad and not the systems. Frankly outside of your home state I would not carry with an expired CCW permit. Here in OK the ability to check the status of a renewal does not exist. Once past the expiration date on the card you are in violation. In state folks would probably be given more leniency that out of state.

09-01-2014, 09:08 PM
Absolutely as OK is a MANDATORY notice state. Truthfully this is pretty dumb and flat out bad advice if you are in a mandatory notice state. Frankly outside of your home state I would not carry with an expired CCW permit. Here in OK the ability to check the status of a renewal does not exist. Once past the expiration date on the card you are in violation. In state folks would probably be given more leniency that out of state.

No way I'm carrying with an expired permit.

09-01-2014, 09:30 PM
If you need to defend yourself, just advise the b/g that your permit will be arriving shortly, show him the paperwork, and give him a good stern rebuke.

Never carry your carry permit with your other papers, drivers licence, credit cards, etc. Never.

Do nothing, say nothing, when encountering LEO. Answer questions directly in a friendly manner. Add nothing else. Never.

I've always heard the complete opposite... You don't say anything (i've got a gun) but when doing "business" with an LEO and if asked to see your license you casually hand him your permit as well...even as a passenger in the vehicle, nothing is said to officer in case driver doesn't know you're carrying concealed... Here in OK however you can now open carry... I've heard this from numerous instructors residing in varying states...

OP: I wouldn't chance it one bit, lets say for argument sake OSBI drops the ball or for some reason denies your permit, you are unlawfully carrying..

I'm eagerly checking my mailbox daily as I too am waiting...

09-01-2014, 09:36 PM
In Texas where I live, I have a CC but you can also carry without a permit in your car only.

Each state is quite different.

09-01-2014, 10:34 PM
Florida is not a "must inform" state. Weapons permits go thru the dept of agriculture, and there is no tag for LEO's that persons have a permit.

In florida - and in general - the less you say, the better you will be with any LEO encounter

09-01-2014, 10:51 PM
In florida - and in general - the less you say, the better you will be with any LEO encounter

I agree... and in the same breath will reiterate the importance of handing your CCL with the DL discretely, at least that's the way I've been informed and to me makes perfect sense (to me) so there are no "surprises" with a rookie and a happy trigger at worst. :D

09-02-2014, 01:12 AM
Each state is different. WA state law requires carrying your concealed pistol license when carrying concealed or having a loaded pistol in a vehicle. So I would not carry concealed with an expired license. Also, WA does not have a duty to inform a police officer that you are carrying, but if asked you must answer truthfully and provide your CP license. Note that if the officer has run a check on you he most likely already knows if you have a CP license.

09-02-2014, 01:26 AM
In Georgia they give you a temporary 90 day permit when you renew to allow for mailing delays, at lest they did when I renewed in April.

09-02-2014, 05:04 PM
An expired permit is no permit. May be able to talk your way out of it, but wouldn't count on it. Just sayin'......

09-02-2014, 05:16 PM
Just for conversation most officers that I've encountered as well as our own here who I've asked really don't care if your carrying or not. Unless you've already done something bad that puts you on their radar or something they want to investigate further which would mean getting out of your car if they don't see they don't care.

A friend was asked for his registration etc, it was in glove box with gun on top of it. He advised the officer and the officer said just put the gun on the seat and get the paperwork.
Another officer friend encountered the same situation but the driver didn't explain the situation but grabbed his gun, he ended up with a Sig stuffed in his ear with instructions to drop the gun on the floorboards forthwith or get his head blown off. So you see the situation dictates the response.

As usual be a jerk, your gonna be treated like one. Act human with appropriate and polite honest responses and everyone will go home happy happy happy.

09-02-2014, 05:51 PM

09-02-2014, 09:01 PM
Thanks for all the responses guys. Guess I'd better leave the Kahr in the motor home when taking a stroll through any town if we're vacationing out of state till my permit comes in. Course anytime we're out walking in the country I have always carried my .357 just in case we meet an unfriendly animal.

09-02-2014, 09:10 PM
No way I'm carrying with an expired permit.
