View Full Version : CLEARANCE: CW380 Only $239.99‏

09-04-2014, 09:13 AM
FYI guys. PSA still has this deal going... I tried to resist, but it was futile LOL :)

https://snt148.mail.live.com/Handlers/ImageProxy.mvc?bicild=&canary=WK7Kp6eMcYa06uYh4g5vyLXAhjtxlzy81nGMHuauDa4 %3d0&url=http%3a%2f%2fih.constantcontact.com%2ffs126%2f 1103622714441%2fimg%2f3046.jpg

http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/cw-380acp-2-barrel-black-cw380.html?utm_source=CLEARANCE%3A+Kahr+Arms+CW380 +Only+%24239.99&utm_campaign=Constant+Contact&utm_medium=email

09-04-2014, 09:46 AM
That's a great deal.

09-04-2014, 12:55 PM
I got the same email. Hmmmm..... if .380 wasnt so expensive. Cost as much as .45 almost.

09-04-2014, 02:34 PM
That sale is why I'm here now. :cool:

09-04-2014, 04:29 PM
Excellent deal.

Frayed Knot
09-04-2014, 04:52 PM
Wow. I guess I haven't been paying attention. Wish I had known last Saturday. Win some, you lose some.

09-04-2014, 09:40 PM
How much is the shipping?

09-05-2014, 04:56 AM
Wow. I guess I haven't been paying attention. Wish I had known last Saturday. Win some, you lose some.
Yup,I just bought mine a week and a half ago,I read the title of the post and said,"well there's my luck".

09-05-2014, 08:15 AM
How much is the shipping?

It was $17 for mine to PA.

09-05-2014, 02:15 PM
Sold out by last night. That didnt last long.

09-05-2014, 03:40 PM
Sold out by last night. That didnt last long.

Lasted a good bit longer than a lot of PSA's crazy deals. The sale started sometime Friday morning, the CM45 was sold out Saturday morning and the other models followed. The CW380 is the only one they had left after Sunday, IIRC.

Shipping was $17 for me too (from SC to GA, so not very far).

09-05-2014, 04:15 PM
FYI guys. PSA still has this deal going... I tried to resist, but it was futile LOL :)

https://snt148.mail.live.com/Handlers/ImageProxy.mvc?bicild=&canary=WK7Kp6eMcYa06uYh4g5vyLXAhjtxlzy81nGMHuauDa4 %3d0&url=http%3a%2f%2fih.constantcontact.com%2ffs126%2f 1103622714441%2fimg%2f3046.jpg

http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/cw-380acp-2-barrel-black-cw380.html?utm_source=CLEARANCE%3A+Kahr+Arms+CW380 +Only+%24239.99&utm_campaign=Constant+Contact&utm_medium=email

That's $100.00 less than I paid for mine a year ago from Davidson's! And I thought I got a good deal then... I guess I did. I'm happy with it. I love the gun, and the price was fair.

09-05-2014, 06:09 PM
Lasted a good bit longer than a lot of PSA's crazy deals. The sale started sometime Friday morning, the CM45 was sold out Saturday morning and the other models followed. The CW380 is the only one they had left after Sunday, IIRC.

Shipping was $17 for me too (from SC to GA, so not very far).

Yes I too was surprised it was still available at the Labor day sale price on Tues. when I checked on it and ordered one. It went out of stock Tues. night, but was back instock by Wed. night. I guess it is possible it may come back instock again???

09-05-2014, 06:31 PM
That's $100.00 less than I paid for mine a year ago from Davidson's! And I thought I got a good deal then... I guess I did. I'm happy with it. I love the gun, and the price was fair.

This was just a really amazingly good price, as most other places are still asking about $100+/- more for the CW380.

I Know what you mean though. I bought my first Kahr about 4-5 yrs ago, a CW9 for $400...Then a CM9 on the first day they came out for $417...Both those guns sell for less now, but I don't care as I am very happy with them, and have had them to use all this time. I also think those prices were fair...Some of the deals on Kahrs lately are just amazing. You are getting more gun then you are paying for IMO.

09-05-2014, 08:06 PM
Gone -- temporarily out of stock. :mad:

09-05-2014, 08:51 PM
FWIW, I paid $250 for my cw380 the same day PSA released the sale, I was tempted to renig on my purchase after seeing the sale but that's not what I'm about, though tempted... also I was afraid if I did karma would strike and I'd be one of many of the poor souls that wait for over a month for their order to come in...

Just got mine today and after being gouged $35 for shipping I'm only $25 in the hole compared to PSA price and $20 shipping... $295 in my hands after my FFL $10 transfer fee so all in all a great deal..... "IF" the gun performs.... we'll see tomorrow