View Full Version : Hollywood Hypocrites.

09-04-2014, 03:52 PM
Demand a Plan they say, while raking in the big bucks with their movies featuring plenty of firearms. My plan is not to spend a dime on any of their films.



Longitude Zero
09-04-2014, 04:13 PM
I always laugh that many of the actors/actresses in the biggest shoot'em ups are the most rabid anti-gunners.

09-04-2014, 04:44 PM
Just typical, everyday left wing nut heads. Do as I say, not as I do. Especially if it will put a buck in my pocket. Hollywood hasn't gotten a dime from me for years and never will again. Most of them are weirdos who can't stand who they are so spend their lives trying to be someone else.

09-04-2014, 05:23 PM
I wouldn't mind being a movie star for 6 months or a year. Become an addict/alcoholic, go semi nut case, rack in 50 million or so and then retire and go back to being plain little ole me.

09-04-2014, 08:40 PM
Of course you would mind it. Thing of all those tough hours you would have to spend with those pretty little actresses, day and night. Hell on earth.

09-05-2014, 04:01 AM
Aren't these the folks are not paying their fair share?

09-05-2014, 11:42 AM
Well as long as "The Duke" is still alive and making movies I'm not totally giving up on Hollywood just yet......


09-05-2014, 01:53 PM
T-man, your new plan has been my plan for some time now. I quit wasting money on Hollywood movies a long time ago. I also stopped paying to support the first amendment rights of our local newspapers when they used my money to try to deny me my second amendment rights.

09-05-2014, 08:28 PM
Preach it muggsy...

hollywood is scum, literally... go there you'll see, so everything/one that comes out of there has no choice but to be a dirt bag :)

Though I support NRA and others that protect our 2A I'm really not that worried about there ever coming a time (in my lifetime) where they will take it away, they make far to much money on firearm sales to make sense of it...

Think about this..... If, and when they decide to act this out don't you think they would take/ban ammo manufactures first??

now your gun becomes a handheld kubiton of sorts, the ammo WILL be the first to go..... mark my words... there's nothing written in the 2A that says anything about ammo, so in essence they wouldn't be striping you of your 2A rights....

just another legal curve the scumbags could throw our way.......

and yet another reason I handload !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marshal kane
09-06-2014, 09:06 AM
I give Hollywood what I think they should make turning out movies. I either watch their movies on tv or occasionally rent a dvd. Hollywood is run by rich liberal/Democra$$s. If you're an actor, you either toe the line or don't get roles. I'm not sure there's a future in it for actors, everything now seems to be computer graphics. As time goes by they will need fewer and fewer actors. Actors can do a lot of damage saying what they think because they get a lot of press coverage. If you or I said the same thing, nobody would ever know. Just my dos centavos on Hollywood and hypocritical actors.

09-08-2014, 04:55 PM
About the only time I go to a movie, is on one of my daddy-daughter dates. We get a nice lunch someplace, then we used to go to a movie, but lately we've been skipping the movie, and just coming home and finding something free on Netflix. We like that much better than getting ripped off for a movie, and can get comfortable at home, pause or rewind the movie when needed, and no crowds and high dollar snacks. Most of the filth Hollywood comes out with isn't worth watching, or exposing my daughters too anyway. And with the TV and sound system I have, it's about like being at a theater anyway.

09-09-2014, 07:05 AM
Think again, TheLastDaze. They won't ban the manufacture of guns. They need guns to control us and defend themselves.

09-09-2014, 08:01 AM
I give Hollywood what I think they should make turning out movies. I either watch their movies on tv or occasionally rent a dvd. Hollywood is run by rich liberal/Democra$$s. If you're an actor, you either toe the line or don't get roles. I'm not sure there's a future in it for actors, everything now seems to be computer graphics. As time goes by they will need fewer and fewer actors. Actors can do a lot of damage saying what they think because they get a lot of press coverage. If you or I said the same thing, nobody would ever know. Just my dos centavos on Hollywood and hypocritical actors.

+1. You don't have to be too bright to be an actor, yet, because people pay them stupid sums of $$$, actors tend to think they know a lot about everything including politics. Then again you don't have to be real bright to be a politician either. I take everyone with a grain of salt (that includes you muggsy :)).

09-09-2014, 08:46 AM
If you look back at history, besides the star war type movies....................they have already been done, over, and over, and over................................

09-09-2014, 01:29 PM
Lots of nepotism also. Baldwins, Sheen, Affleck, Bridges, Wahlberg, ....... Whether they are worth a crap or not, the relatives get the roles as in Daniel Baldwin.

09-12-2014, 11:44 AM
How many variations of guy meets girl, guy loses girl, guy gets girl back, can they make? At least 20 a year or more. Or the hero is wronged some way, and get his vengeance. Science Fiction is about the only new type of plots they can come up with.

10-20-2014, 12:19 PM
I wouldn't mind being a movie star for 6 months or a year. Become an addict/alcoholic, go semi nut case, rack in 50 million or so and then retire and go back to being plain little ole me.

I think that you could make it as a porn star, Bawanna. Ask Jocko how he got his start in films. :)

10-20-2014, 01:03 PM
Now you're on to something Muggs, How about opinions on a Porn Name for the Colonel.......Sitting Bull, Joey Thruster or how about Bawanna Mamba....Whata ya think?

10-20-2014, 01:48 PM
Dead man rolling?

10-20-2014, 03:25 PM
Now you're on to something Muggs, How about opinions on a Porn Name for the Colonel.......Sitting Bull, Joey Thruster or how about Bawanna Mamba....Whata ya think?

I've always been partial to the name "Buck Naked", but I'm open to any and all suggestions. How 'bout, "Izzy Fureal?"

10-20-2014, 03:31 PM
To be serious, but just for a moment, I stopped watching Hollywood movies years ago. I think it had something to do with a woman named Jane Fonda. At any rate, the last two movies that I paid to see were directed and produced by Dinesh D'Sousa.