View Full Version : jkar At The Range

09-05-2014, 08:16 PM
Took pictures of targets but can't post yet. The Khar CM9 gets better each trip. As I shared in an earlier report I was having some problems with the sight system on this pistol. Got some good advice and a lesson or two from a friend of mine and today's shoot was great. Caught on to the lollipop, changed to the weaver stance and got down to business. Used a B27 reduction target and shot 16 rounds at 7 and 10 yards. Put 3 rounds in the x ring, 2 in the next ring out, 6 in the nine ring and the rest in the eight and seven ring. I was shooting 115 gr. UMC and had no problem with the ammo. An earlier post I wrote about age and physical condition having taken me to a more self-defense mode in firearm type and use. I am not a bulls eye shooter. When I practice self-defensive shooting I usually use a 6 inch paper plate. Shoot for mass, that's the game and I figure if I can use several plates at different positions and distances It will help me improve my skills to a reasonable level. I am well aware that shooting at paper is in no way the defining judgement of your ability to defend yourself. What it does do is develop a bond between you and the weapon. You are familiar with the weapons operation, it becomes an almost natural reaction as to its use and you understand your and the weapons limitations. The Khar CM9 is an excellent weapon for carry and when used correctly it is quick to hand, accurate and totally dependable.


09-05-2014, 08:59 PM
Your preachin to the choir!

CONGRATS! You done good at the range!

If I could make my schedule and my FFL's schedule meet in the middle somehow, I'd have my new PM9 in hand!

Then for the "break in"....ugh.

09-06-2014, 01:56 AM
Glad you and your pistol are doing well. As for accuracy, mine took a quantum jump for the better after reading Massad Ayoob's article on pistol shooting:
Also doing some longer range practice (15-25 yds) helped improve accuracy at shorter ranges.

09-06-2014, 09:48 AM
Glad you and your pistol are doing well. As for accuracy, mine took a quantum jump for the better after reading Massad Ayoob's article on pistol shooting:
Also doing some longer range practice (15-25 yds) helped improve accuracy at shorter ranges.
Thanks for the URL. Will visit site and next time at the range will step out more.