View Full Version : Ruger American Rimfire

09-07-2014, 09:38 AM
Returned from the range today after taking my 12 year old grandson out with a couple of 22's. I forgot how much fun you can have with a bolt action 22.
Check out the Ruger American Rimfire. Modular stock will adjust for length and height, adjustable trigger, two different barrel lengths, uses 10/22 mags, all for well under $300. Add a nice scope and this gun will shoot under 1" groups at 50 yd. all day long. My grandson actually preferred it over my Volguartsen loaded Ruger 22 MKIII.


09-07-2014, 09:00 PM
Great pic from a great day! Congrats!

09-07-2014, 09:14 PM
Wow, what a great picture. I had to go research the Ruger American Rimfire..... seems like a nice rifle, with a nice set of features. I don't care if its a .2 inch group at 50 yards. It appears to be a fun gun for a whole family to use! My old Marlin bolt .22 was a good gun, none too accurate, but brought me hours and hours and miles and miles of enjoyment when I was a kid with the whole world as my playground (or at least the local twenty five thousand acres or so).

09-08-2014, 06:14 AM
Ain't nothin' more accurate than a good bolt gun. I own six of them from .22 to 30-06.

09-08-2014, 01:27 PM
u see those holes in the upper left and right of the target. That was ol jocko's shot group at 7 yards with his trusty PMJ9, aiming COM at tyhe bulleye. I am cool with that group. Just sayin

09-09-2014, 06:18 AM
u see those holes in the upper left and right of the target. That was ol jocko's shot group at 7 yards with his trusty PMJ9, aiming COM at tyhe bulleye. I am cool with that group. Just sayin

I'm cool with it too, Jocko. I now know that if you get teed off at anything I say about you that I have nothing to fear. :)

09-09-2014, 06:37 AM
Good job showing the guy something really great. Love that smile.