09-07-2014, 09:38 AM
Returned from the range today after taking my 12 year old grandson out with a couple of 22's. I forgot how much fun you can have with a bolt action 22.
Check out the Ruger American Rimfire. Modular stock will adjust for length and height, adjustable trigger, two different barrel lengths, uses 10/22 mags, all for well under $300. Add a nice scope and this gun will shoot under 1" groups at 50 yd. all day long. My grandson actually preferred it over my Volguartsen loaded Ruger 22 MKIII.
Check out the Ruger American Rimfire. Modular stock will adjust for length and height, adjustable trigger, two different barrel lengths, uses 10/22 mags, all for well under $300. Add a nice scope and this gun will shoot under 1" groups at 50 yd. all day long. My grandson actually preferred it over my Volguartsen loaded Ruger 22 MKIII.