View Full Version : Using Plated Bullets for New Kahr CT40 Breakin?????

09-11-2014, 07:45 AM
I have some 180 grFMJ Federal bullets

Would these do the job of breaking in the barrel ?

mr surveyor
09-11-2014, 08:15 AM
I've had several new guns in the past, although neither of the two Kahrs I've bought new, that had fairly rough barrels .... burrs and all. Being mainly into revolvers myself, I really like to shoot cast bullets, but always run around a hundred or so jacketed bullets through to start smoothing off the burrs so as not to peel strings og lead off cast bullets. The plating on the plated bullets is obviously thin, and the bullet itself is generally pretty soft lead. If the new barrel has any machining burrs, you might have to do some extra cleaning.

Just my experiences.


09-11-2014, 08:25 AM
I think I'll just wait until my buddy shows up on next Thursday . He's bringing up some FMJ .

I'll just load a few more 223,then hot 556 and some 357 and 38 in the meantime.

09-11-2014, 03:37 PM
Probably can't hurt to try them out. Some say stick with factory loaded ammo. Kahr manual may even say that too. Check your manual just in case...just say'n. I started break in with White box Win. I always wondered if it really makes that much difference, but then again I load with FMJ's.

09-11-2014, 04:10 PM
The dies are on back order. I'll never be able to shoot reloads through my pistols now.

09-12-2014, 09:01 PM
I've been using Berry's plated bullets in both my CM9 and P380. You aren't going to get target pistol accuracy from a carry pistol anyway, so I wouldn't be concerned about breaking in the barrel. As Jocko would say, "Just shoot the fokker like you stole it."

09-14-2014, 12:04 AM
I've been using Berry's plated bullets in both my CM9 and P380. You aren't going to get target pistol accuracy from a carry pistol anyway, so I wouldn't be concerned about breaking in the barrel. As Jocko would say, "Just shoot the fokker like you stole it."

I've got to agree with Muggsy here. Barrel break in is not high on the list. The action needs smoothing to be reliable, and 200 rounds is recommended.

I've spent a lot of time and reloading components trying to find the combinations that will shoot as accurately as good carry ammo. Generally my reloads using plated bullets perform as well or slightly better than Federal maroon box FMJ or WWB FMJ's. Generally the plated hollowpoints from RMR or eXtreme shoot best for me. None of them shoot as well as a target gun, but you can do pretty well considering you are using a compact or subcompact pistol. I find the .40 and .45 shoot more accurately for me than the .380 or 9mm.

Good luck and please share your load data.

09-14-2014, 05:06 PM
I've got to agree with Muggsy here. Barrel break in is not high on the list. The action needs smoothing to be reliable, and 200 rounds is recommended.

I've spent a lot of time and reloading components trying to find the combinations that will shoot as accurately as good carry ammo. Generally my reloads using plated bullets perform as well or slightly better than Federal maroon box FMJ or WWB FMJ's. Generally the plated hollowpoints from RMR or eXtreme shoot best for me. None of them shoot as well as a target gun, but you can do pretty well considering you are using a compact or subcompact pistol. I find the .40 and .45 shoot more accurately for me than the .380 or 9mm.

Good luck and please share your load data.

4.3 grains WIN 231,124 gr Precision Delta JHP,forget the oal works good in the CM and CW9's

3.5 grains WIN 231, 124 gr Dardas LRN @ .357" diameter works well with little to no leading
Both Kahr barrel size out at .3555"

09-14-2014, 11:16 PM
Thanks! How did they shoot?

09-15-2014, 06:25 PM
Thanks! How did they shoot?
The above shoot well, in 9mm
I just prepped the CT40 and am waiting on the brass process to come to an end.
Playing on the confuser isn't helping.

09-16-2014, 10:26 AM
RMR 165 gr Plated Flat Point. Universal 5.2 grs,1.124" O.A.L. 15 for 15,soft shooting,a little low left,but we know what causes that don't we?

09-17-2014, 10:18 AM
Don't know if you have a preferred brand I like lee's 4 die set. Widners has them in stock-

You need a bulge buster for reloading ?? Redding G- Rx die #96040

I also prefer 155 and 165gr bullets. I start off with a few mags of what I plan to carry. Its got enough energy to cycle it quickly and aid break in then run a mid-upper level load. Bayou bullet is my choice right now . But Blue Bullet has better prices but no groove.
Current practice ammo is 155gr bayou with 5.2gr hp-38
Good carry ammo- http://www.underwoodammo.com/40sandw.aspx

09-17-2014, 11:47 AM
I only had 1 FTFeed when slingshotting the 1st cartridge from the mag

I just bought a like new Dillon carbide die set for $30 and I'm happy with them.