View Full Version : Gun Shopping Day

09-11-2014, 03:30 PM
Had a day of gun shopping with my wife today. I have not done this in a while. I focused on the micro's or sub compacts like my PM40 (Polymer Micro), because a family member recently purchased a Sig P938 and I wanted to compare. First of all, the P938 is a nice little gun, but I did not care for the exposed hammer, nor for the dual sided external safety - something protruding that would not get used and would only serve to dig in my side. Otherwise it is a nice gun and based on the video comparisons I've seen it compares favorably to the PM (although the P938 does not come in a 40 like the PM). Otherwise a nice gun. The family member was influenced to buy the Sig because a LEO trainer she learned under is a 1911 kind of guy. Nothing wrong with that.

I also got my hands on the M&P Shield....a much larger gun than the PM. Nice, but the size matters. I thought I might like the Shield because it was very much like my competition M&P PRO40 and my plinker - an M&P22. However, I had selected the PM40 because of its size and weight in a 40 cal. I like the M&P products very much (and own 2) but the Shield simply does not replace my compact, concealable, yet powerful PM40. I was disappointed in the Shield's size, but I am sure it is a good performer.

I also looked at Ruger, Springfield, Taurus, Beretta and several others,.... focusing heavily on the 40's. Honestly, I could not find anything that made me feel that I had made the wrong decision to buy a PM40. Nor did I find anything that compelled me to trade up with my PM. Everything else I looked at seemed to be a trade down....to me. But that's just me. The PM40 is still my favorite carry gun that packs some punch. I lucked out....It's a keeper.