View Full Version : CJB's drama today....

09-11-2014, 06:50 PM
As you may recall, I lost my PM9j and Ruger LCR to theivery. Same for my Seiko diver's watch.

Called cops. GF's boarder said it was his buddy who "fell off the face of the earth". She had me put locks on all the inside doors. Living in prison.

Next, she fell asleep on the couch, when I was away, and woke to find big dollars cash money missing. All $100 bills.

Next, she noticed jewelry missing. Dunno when it was gone.

Last weekend she noticed that $2000 was missing, in $100's.


Well, the boarder said he was sorry for the loss, since it was his buddy, and wanted to not have further trouble with law, since (news to us) he's on Probation in New Jersey! He wants to pay for my loss (right after mine was the only known loss).

Last Friday, he hands me $200 of the $1400 that my stuff was worth. I hand the $200 to my GF. She notices her handwriting - a customers number - on one of the bills! Well, she didn't know that I got the money from the boarder and just passed it thru, so she called cops on ME! We got that squared away real quick!

Well she called the cops yesterday on that, and reported the jewelry gone too.

Today, I told her to search his room. Lo! Her jewelry, and a load of heroin, and needles!

No guns and watches.

Cops called. Total impotence. I mean the response was, no we're not gonna arrest him, we want to question him. When will he home? (5:30pm). Sorry thats not the hours we keep, oh well. He'd be out tomorrow anyway, its not worth my time, and cop left.


I changed locks. Locked the creep out. Went to the neighbors, formed a coalition. And I waited, KSG handy but outta sight, and PM45 in my pocket.

He came - I kicked his ever lovin' butt out. He wanted his stuff. Told him cops was looking for him, confronted him with evidence, and I put his clothes and toothbrush out at the edge of the driveway in the road. Cops took the drugs (most of 'em). They let the GF keep the jewelry, but took pics. Neighbors are alerted to call cops with "burglary in progress" upon seeing him.

And thats my drama for today. No shots fired, no fists used. Just biker charm.

09-11-2014, 06:59 PM
wow WTF....
Glad you got it handled but you lost a lot of $$.
If this were Kalifornia, the douche could have your ass in a sling for booting him out without proper notification and protocol and blah blah blah....

Keep us apprised if anything changes.

09-11-2014, 07:11 PM
CJB, you need some new friends...........

09-11-2014, 07:19 PM
What I need is bourbon. Good bourbon. But I'm on guard duty.... so it aint gonna happen.

09-11-2014, 08:20 PM
Find yourself a nice homely girl too...just my humble recommendation.

09-11-2014, 08:30 PM
What an f'd up police department you have there....I would be making more calls perhaps to local paper about the worthless police response.

09-11-2014, 08:40 PM
They prove their lack of pay scale every day. Officers are always protesting the city hall - demanding better treatment, but can never quite get it. I cannot very well expect any level of professionalism out of a gang of disgruntled LEOs.

Douchbag got his crap off the street, or someone else took it. Price you pay I guess.

However, I have his probation officer's number, have left message. As much as I can his life will be hell.

09-11-2014, 10:10 PM
Most people make their own bad luck by making poor life decisions. Time for a little self-examination. Thank God that a few dollars is all that you lost. It could have been your life.

09-11-2014, 10:18 PM
Most people make their own bad luck by making poor life decisions. Time for a little self-examination. Thank God that a few dollars is all that you lost. It could have been your life.

I am confident that one of ours is well prepared in that department but Muggs does have a way of putting things in perspective

09-11-2014, 11:01 PM
Muggs ol' bean, luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

This was not a matter of luck, but a matter of criminality. You sound like the rancid donut eathing do nothing fat ass cop, who insisted that my GF's loss was all her fault. A matter of failure to protect herself.

As I reminded the wonderful man in blue - lack of protection does not excuse criminal actions, intent and lifestyle.

Those to say its the victems fault tend to be shallow individuals. I believe that has held true once again.

09-12-2014, 07:30 AM
Muggs ol' bean, luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

This was not a matter of luck, but a matter of criminality. You sound like the rancid donut eathing do nothing fat ass cop, who insisted that my GF's loss was all her fault. A matter of failure to protect herself.

As I reminded the wonderful man in blue - lack of protection does not excuse criminal actions, intent and lifestyle.

Those to say its the victems fault tend to be shallow individuals. I believe that has held true once again.

I don't think that's what he was saying at all, but decisions have consequences. Personally, I would never let anyone other than immediate family live in my house/apartment unless there was a separate entrance and the area was completely cordoned off/locked away from my living area. Nobody's saying it's all her (or your) fault, but to say you don't bear any responsibility just because the action was criminal is short-sighted, IMO.

Take it as a learning experience and move on with life. I had to do the same when our house was broken into a couple of months ago. Was it a criminal action? Sure. I am also partly responsible, though, as I had weak locks and no security system. In the end, I'm just glad all they got was an iPhone, a laptop and accessories. It could have been much worse! We have upgraded the locks on all doors, added a security system, and updated our practices as well. I learned from it.

I am truly sorry it happened to you guys.

09-12-2014, 08:00 AM
A junkie will always be a junkie. Sadly, sometimes, you never know who they are until it's too late!

09-12-2014, 08:52 AM
"A junkie will always be a junkie."
so why can't the junkie go to the clinic and get a prescription, go to the drug store and get it filled ($3-$5), then go get high?
I can go get a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 because they repealed the Volstead Act, sit on the porch and enjoy an OldFashioned(or several).
DEA isn't doing much for CJB, huh? take the profit motive out of drugs and the junkie doesn't have to steal.

09-12-2014, 09:24 AM
Sounds like your surrounded by people with no common sense, morals, or any other important human trait. Unload all of them, before you get your throat cut........................................no common sense can lead someone to these results. Good Luck..............

09-12-2014, 09:35 AM

09-12-2014, 09:46 AM
You sound like the rancid donut eathing do nothing fat ass cop, who insisted that my GF's loss was all her fault.


Wow are you taking lessons from LZ...great word smithing there?
Dude I understand your pain but I don't think Muggs was jabbing you. He just felt that this loser that stole $ could have slit your throat when you were sleeping or shot you when you walked through the door. He was giving you perspective of how bad it could have got which makes the money taken seem small.

09-12-2014, 09:52 AM
This is a critical less for a lot of folks.

09-12-2014, 10:50 AM
"A junkie will always be a junkie."
so why can't the junkie go to the clinic and get a prescription, go to the drug store and get it filled ($3-$5), then go get high?
I can go get a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 because they repealed the Volstead Act, sit on the porch and enjoy an OldFashioned(or several).
DEA isn't doing much for CJB, huh? take the profit motive out of drugs and the junkie doesn't have to steal.

They will still steal. They don't do anything productive like work or anything meaningful. They are perfect democrats living off the government teat. Give them free drugs and they'd want a free place to do em and food to eat on the rare occasions they aren't on a trip and never left the farm.

09-12-2014, 01:49 PM
"A junkie will always be a junkie."
so why can't the junkie go to the clinic and get a prescription, go to the drug store and get it filled ($3-$5), then go get high?
I can go get a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 because they repealed the Volstead Act, sit on the porch and enjoy an OldFashioned(or several).
DEA isn't doing much for CJB, huh? take the profit motive out of drugs and the junkie doesn't have to steal.

provocative post and one that expresses the incongruence of what is legal today and what is not and the illogical hypocrisy....... There are many "functioning" alcoholics but we don't talk about that nor can many people extrapolate this functional behavior pattern to other mind altering substances. Legalization would/could change the dynamic so that the drain on society is lessened. 30 BILLION dollars goes across the boarder every year due to narcotic trafficking. There are a lot of functioning users out there. Someone is paying for the drugs. Not all of that is stolen money.

09-12-2014, 02:23 PM
Legalizing the sh!t will create a huge drain on society. I'm anxiously awaiting the end result of legalized marijuana in our state. Most towns are banning weed dealers so at least there are some who still have morals and understand what life would be like with everyone walking around saying far out man, can I have a bite of your banana?

Gay marriage and Lebanese don't make it right neither long as I'm on my soap box.

09-12-2014, 02:32 PM
Ok if gay marrage and Lebanese don't cut it how about a Lebanese cross dresser???


Hope that doesn't violate my PC parole....:banplease:

09-12-2014, 02:32 PM
" They are perfect democrats living off the government teat."
hehehehe, never been to outstate Missouri or what they call, downstate Illinois have you? predominantly white trailer trash that lives on welfare and disability, maybe works a little off the books. these are registered Republicans and tea party fans. yeehaw! want to see who's working an make this country run? look at the map.
http://www.businessinsider.com/us-gdp-map-2014-2 23 metro areas do 50% and everybody else does the other 50%.
hate the black pres. but don't confuse that with politics.

09-12-2014, 05:09 PM
Wow did we ever get off track. I wish you the best CJB. Hope you can chalk it up to "water under the bridge" and go on to enjoying life. It will get better.

09-12-2014, 06:49 PM
Most people make their own bad luck by making poor life decisions. Time for a little self-examination. Thank God that a few dollars is all that you lost. It could have been your life.

Let me parse this.

"Most people make their own bad luck by making poor life deciisions"
This is exactly what they'd say to women who were raped. Your skirt was too short. You should have hid your ample boobs. Your hair is too perfect. How dare you walk down the street alone.

This is what they say to folks who got mugged. You didn't act boldly enough on the street, you looked tame and meek. Your clothing was too nice. You were on the edge of a bad part of town.

This is what they would say to someone who's home was robbed. Your house had decorative brick. Your windows didn't have bars. You didn't even have a fake alarm sticker out front.

"Time for a little self examination"

Sorry no. I will not blame the NAMBLA idiot ramming his wood up your son's keister becuse your son wore his skirts too short. I will not blame the drug additced sociopath who slit your grandmothers throat as she wheeled her groceries out to her car because she was an easy target. I will not blame the home invader who tied you up and forced you to watch him torture your kids before he robbed you, partially disemboweled you, and left your for dead because you acutally answered the doorbell after 7:30pm

No. The blame is the criminal for what he is, what he does, not because we choose to live our lives as freemen. Aways blame the criminal - its his fault. "You brought it upon yourself" is such a lame excuse, given by those who cower, shirk, and live their lives subject to captivity.

09-12-2014, 06:53 PM
100% agreed. Put the blame where it belongs.

09-12-2014, 10:41 PM
And Bawanna's last 2 post show why he's the Colonel. Well said.

09-13-2014, 09:55 AM
.....and understand what life would be like with everyone walking around saying far out man, can I have a bite of your banana?

Hilarious.......Far out man....can I have a bite of your banana....

09-13-2014, 10:00 AM

09-13-2014, 12:15 PM
Never tried the mind altering stuff myself but I hear it gives ya the munchies.

I'm high on life, I don't need to smoke weeds out of the garden.

09-13-2014, 12:26 PM
Wow did we ever get off track. I wish you the best CJB. Hope you can chalk it up to "water under the bridge" and go on to enjoying life. It will get better.

Thanks for the kind words. Like Foghorn Leghorn, fortunately I keep my feathers numbered for such occasions. Same with the water under my bridge. I'll let Jocko explain how the motorcycling community has a long long memory.

09-13-2014, 12:50 PM
^^^ Yeah, I never fully understood youse Harley guys. I rode a beemer. ;)

09-13-2014, 02:34 PM
Well, my ride was a Honda CT110, so I ain't got a clue.

09-13-2014, 04:44 PM
Its not about the ride. I just happen to like Harley's

09-13-2014, 04:45 PM
And.... police called earlier when I was charging the phone. Information regarding stolen property. Any luck we got a winner.

09-13-2014, 04:58 PM
Fingers crossed. This could be really good.

09-13-2014, 08:45 PM
" They are perfect democrats living off the government teat."
hehehehe, never been to outstate Missouri or what they call, downstate Illinois have you? predominantly white trailer trash that lives on welfare and disability, maybe works a little off the books. these are registered Republicans and tea party fans. yeehaw! want to see who's working an make this country run? look at the map.
http://www.businessinsider.com/us-gdp-map-2014-2 23 metro areas do 50% and everybody else does the other 50%.
hate the black pres. but don't confuse that with politics.

marc, why don't you bring your arrogant, self-inflated butt over here to southern Illinois. I work the counties of Jefferson, Franklin, Williamson, Massac and Pulaski as a Parole Agent. Most folks down here are decent, hard working folks. yeah we have the same problems with meth, break ins, etc as anywhere else, but having grown up on the south side of Chicago, I can tell you this is an area with good people overall.