View Full Version : Shot The New Kahr Today

09-20-2014, 08:06 PM
I took the new MK9 out today and shot it. It shoots exactly like the P380. I was blasting cans and bottles all over the place. I would shoot them up the hill, and then blast them again as they rolled down. What a cool gun. :cool:

09-20-2014, 10:45 PM
Congratulations on the good day. Ive done that can thing too. What a blast.

Bill K
09-21-2014, 06:33 AM
That's great. Reads like you had a lot of fun.

09-21-2014, 10:41 AM
I took the new MK9 out today and shot it. It shoots exactly like the P380. :cool:

Would you elaborate on this statement? Do you mean shooting like a P380, compared to an P3AT for recoil and control-ability? Actually fun to shoot a sub compact 9mm? That is interesting if this is what you mean.... I have been looking at the MK9 after getting a CW380 as the shootability of the CW380 compared to a P3AT I had years ago makes it a practical pistol....plus it is accurate as all get out for something this size.

The idea of the CM9 looks great too, but there is a lot of physics scaled up between the 9mm and .380 in the recoil and recovery department. I had a KelTec P11 when they first came out, the only pistol I have ever owned that hurt to fire. Not one shot, or a mag full, but after a box of ammo, no thanks... My trigger finger was slapped so bad it hurt to close my hand... My first handgun was an SP101 in .357 and I loved shooting that with 158 grain .357 rounds, so I am not recoil shy. The difference is the recoil impulse, I believe the revolvers weight spread a greater recoil impulse out longer, resulting in less pain to use, the P11 did the opposite.... so after seeing what the CW380 did for the .380, I started looking at the MK9 over the PM/CM9 as the 9mm has some significant gains in recoil physics over the .380...

Sure, I wont be able to pocket carry as much, but that is what the CW380 is for, I like to shoot, so the MK9 seems more realistic for me.... As expensive as the MK's are, people often forget that 3000 rounds of 9mm will run you over $750 in today's market, so if you want to shoot over that many rounds, you may as well spend the money on a pistol you like to shoot.... I am not ruling out a CM9, but for now the MK9 is getting my attention.

Now if Kahr would consider an MK380, that would be a soft shooting little pocket pistol.... Unfortunately, it would compete against the MDE .380 so they would not.....

09-21-2014, 12:29 PM
Recoil seems the same. It's shooting a larger round but the gun is larger and heavier. Even though the guns are both very small, I hit what I am aiming for. Neither are painful and both are fun to shoot. My friend at work has a P3AT and says it hurts to shoot it and he can't hit anything with it. I keep telling him to get either of the Kahr 380s.

09-21-2014, 02:07 PM
I swapped my PM9 for an MK9. It is more pleasant (fun) to shoot...

09-21-2014, 02:20 PM
Thanks on the answer, that is what I was hoping for. I do like the CW380 exponentially more over the P3AT I had (sold now...) and was looking for something like this in 9mm. Once again, the weight penalty is there, but the CW380 can do fill in duty as well, there is no "one" gun for everything anyway... Now the hunt starts for an MK9, down here in the south it is a pricey and not too popular option, I know as all the LGS do not carry the metal framed K9/MK9's as I have been looking.

09-21-2014, 02:28 PM
One of my local stores had two MK9s, but Bud's was much cheaper.

09-21-2014, 03:32 PM
Yeah, between Buds and Gunbroker.... well, my wallet is sweating...

09-21-2014, 03:46 PM
It is a very shootable pistol and is excellent.

09-21-2014, 08:26 PM
I love my MK40 Elite.
The all stainless Kahr guns are outstanding.
I don't know about everyone else.
But I'm a visual guy.
A new gun thread without pics is just unacceptable - LOL!

Example: My MK40

09-21-2014, 09:03 PM
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f75/cowfishlover/KahrMK9_zps093e9b54.jpg (http://s45.photobucket.com/user/cowfishlover/media/KahrMK9_zps093e9b54.jpg.html)

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f75/cowfishlover/IMG_0539_zps47247afb.jpg (http://s45.photobucket.com/user/cowfishlover/media/IMG_0539_zps47247afb.jpg.html)

09-21-2014, 10:24 PM
That's more like it - LOL!

09-21-2014, 10:38 PM
I saw that the Elite features include a polished feed ramp. "The feed ramp on the barrel is polished to a high luster to insure reliable feeding with all types of ammo". The feed ramp on my non-Elite is so polished that you can see your face in it.

09-21-2014, 10:40 PM
I say everyone who posts in this thread should post pics of your MK9 if you have one.

09-22-2014, 12:01 PM
I say everyone who posts in this thread should post pics of your MK9 if you have one.

Love mine.......................

09-22-2014, 07:31 PM
Awwww, man, I am working on it... Wait? can I post this???? Give me a week.....

09-22-2014, 09:59 PM
If you buy one from Bud's, make them an offer. I offered them $15 less that the price of the gun and they took it. I started lower and worked my way up until they accepted.

09-22-2014, 10:10 PM
If you buy one from Bud's, make them an offer. I offered them $15 less that the price of the gun and they took it. I started lower and worked my way up until they accepted.

Dang I messed up. I bought an MK9 and bought from kygunco.com who usually beats Bud's on price. Oh well, too late now. Hopefully they ship it soon. That is my one beef with them. The MK9 said warehouse only, may take 5-7 additional days to ship. Sheesh, why in this day and age does it take a week to ship anything? FFL I had it sent to is already on file. I can't wait to get it! LOL!

At Bud's, I searched M9093N which is the MK9 night sights. At kygunco it came right up listed as that model #. At Bud's they have the model number as M9093NA. What is the A designation? I don't even see any such model on the Kahr web site.

09-22-2014, 10:26 PM
Mine is the M9093N. It was $685 with free shipping. Can you cancel your order?

09-22-2014, 10:35 PM
Mine is the M9093N. It was $685 with free shipping. Can you cancel your order?

Sadly, it would cost me the savings difference in restocking fees. I have to check around more from now on. I was surprised to see one in stock and just jumped on it. I have been considering buying one for a while now but every time I checked nobody had them. But it's not like I looked every day or even every week etc. I was really hoping Sig would come out with a P938HD but got tired of waiting so I bought the Kahr. My first one, from everything I've read I think I might be better off. If this one is all good and I like it, I may buy a K9 as well. :D

Cancelled Warehouse Item Orders Will Be Charged a 10% Restocking fee

09-22-2014, 11:46 PM
Oh well. You'll like it.

09-23-2014, 06:31 AM
I agree this is a very fun little pistol.

09-28-2014, 08:13 AM
My new-to-me MK9....Giggity
Always liked the concept of the Ashley Express Sights (Big Dot) and now I will have something to prove the concept to me. They came on the pistol...
Overall, very impressed prior to shooting. It had been about ten years since I had actually handled an MK Kahr, the impression it left was resilient, and now I have one.... I will have to get to the range this week and will report back....

Edit: Went to the range and WOW, nice shooting little beast.... I got about 200 mixed rounds through it, Ball in 115, 124 and 147 grain, some Speer Gold Dot +P, Rem JHP and a magazine of 15 year old Corbon 125gr +P I found.... I took a Glock 26 for a side by side, though the MK9 does carry 4 less rounds in the standard magazine, it is much more shootable for me. Don't get me wrong, I still shoot the G26 fine, but the combination of size and weight, trigger stroke and recoil is a great combination. Just putting 200+ rounds through it in less than an hour and not having a sore hand afterwards is enough for me. As for the XS Big dot sights... well I am going to have to take another couple of hundred rounds to get more precise with them, but they are fast on target....