View Full Version : PM9 Slide Locking Back Before the Mag is Empty
09-27-2014, 10:32 AM
Hello Kahr owners,
I am very, very close to purchasing my first Kahr, a PM9. I live in California and am limited to only those handguns on the "Approved" roster. The PM9 is on the list while the CM9 is not.
I REALLY like the PM9. I have handled it multiple times at local gun shops. There is only one range in my area that offers the PM9 as a rental. I have rented the PM9, along with the M&P Shield on two occasions for a side to side shooting comparison.
On each of these two rental experiences the PM9 displayed the same malfunction. The slide locked back on the 2nd or 3rd round of a full magazine. This range gun used Kahr's 7 round extended mag.
Is this malfunction common to the PM/CM 9 model? Is it common to all Kahrs?
I have considered that this might be a limp wresting issue, although I really felt that I did have a firm two handed grip on the weapon. Would the slide lock back even be a symptom of limp wresting....I have also considered that my thumb may have pressed up agains the slide release/lock lever during the recoil (design flaw?).
The PM9 is very expensive. The best price I can find in my part of CA is $699, at that price I expect a quality product. I have spent hours and hours on the web researching sub-compact 9mm handguns. Initially the many negative comments about the CM/PM9 concerned me but I felt much better after discovering KahrTalk and reading through the post here, from statisfied owners. However, my two range rental experiences have renewed my concerns. The price point on the PM9 is just so darn high...
I would appreciate hearing from those of you who own or have a lot of experience with the PM/CM9 models.
I may also, now consider the CW9 (also on the CA roster). It is similar in size to the M&P Shield and costs much less than the PM9. I will post my questions about the CW9 on another thread.
Thank you.
09-27-2014, 03:25 PM
Premature slide lock sometimes occurs with Kahr pistols if the rounds move forward in the mag and they make contact with the slide lock mechanism. This has not been a problem with my CM9 (800 rounds through the gun). I actually had my first premature slide lock back with that gun the last time I fired it - could be that my thumb hit the lever. It's not something I would worry too much about as it can generally be fixed by sanding a tiny bit off the mechanism.
Sometimes, the choice of ammo along with the inevitable ammo tilt in the magazine gets that bullet ogive area just basically tapping the edge of the slide stop.
This can be solely ammo related, or require very slight mod of the slide stops contact area.
I won't say Kahr is prone to that, but it does happen once in a while. I've got three, a 9 and two 45's... no defects at all in that respect, or any other for that matter.
09-27-2014, 05:40 PM
Hard to tell what a range gun has went through or how it wasw maintainede even. so I would not put alot of crediability into that gun being bad, but maybe more abused and not properly service. Limp wristing has nadda to do with prematrue slide locking open. Go ahead and buy the PM9, it is the best aroond, do the kahr prep guide on this forum and the kahr lube guide on this forum and u will be fine. Give the gun a couple hundreed rounds to smooth things out. Shoot good new American ade ammo for breakin in. the p;ropper prepping guide is a real helpful prep. If u readit and check out all things ask of you, ur firse range trip will be successful. Don't assume nutting, check the things out that u can check out. We have seen magazine springs in backwards. u can eliminate that kby just checking the magazine out, aghain this has nadda to do with prematrue slide lock either, but it will effect reliability. Buy the gun, shoot it like u stole it andif u have any questions or little glitchs, come back here. These guys are sharp, they know kahrs..Just sayin I own two PMJ9 kahrs and none have ever given me one issue, but I did the pre prepp and made sure all things were working like theyt should before I fired that first round..
09-27-2014, 07:44 PM
During the initial break-in, I had a couple of occasions where the slide of my PM9 unexpectedly locked back after the second or third shot. Once or twice the slide also failed to stay open after the last shots. However, all of those slide stop issues completely worked themselves out after a couple hundred rounds without any special work or tweaking. My PM9's slide stop has been working perfectly for the last 2,100 rounds.
09-28-2014, 08:33 PM
Find a dealer that will perform SSE in California and then you can have practically any off roster firearm. Come January 2015, SSE goes away though. I'm planning on buying a CM9.
I have also considered that my thumb may have pressed up agains the slide release/lock lever during the recoil (design flaw?).
Probably this, if you keep a high thumb you can also prevent it from locking back on the last round.
No design flaw....just a byproduct of small pistols.
Joe A.
09-29-2014, 07:00 PM
I had a couple of premature slide lock backs after shooting some NATO rounds. While cleaning afterwards, I noticed the screw for the slide stop spring had backed off slightly. I snugged it up and have had no more problems with premature slide lock backs.
09-30-2014, 02:18 PM
There is a sticky on how to adjust the spring that holds the slide stop in the down position. Read it. It could answer all of your questions.
10-08-2014, 08:08 PM
I have posted this before, and I know that some here do not agree:
Degrease the inside of your magazines. ANY oil in the inside makes it that much easier for the rounds to slide forward on recoil.
This cured my PSL issues completely.
10-16-2014, 11:28 PM
While the ogive of the projectile striking the slide lock lever can cause a nose dive jamb, I don't think that it's the cause of premature slide lock back. While the top cartridge can move forward, when it does the nose of the projectile usually also moves downward. Either the slide stop spring is improperly adjusted, his thumb is contacting the slide stop, or the shooter is allowing too much muzzle flip. (Limp Wristing) Normally the nose of the projectile doesn't come into contact with the slide stop until the slide pushes the cartridge forward. The slide can't push the cartridge froward if it's locked back. At least those are my thoughts on the subject.
10-17-2014, 10:20 AM
range guns are abused beyondbelief, so IMO pay zero attention to what ever a range gun does...
10-17-2014, 01:43 PM
While the ogive of the projectile striking the slide lock lever can cause a nose dive jamb, I don't think that it's the cause of premature slide lock back. While the top cartridge can move forward, when it does the nose of the projectile usually also moves downward. Either the slide stop spring is improperly adjusted, his thumb is contacting the slide stop, or the shooter is allowing too much muzzle flip. (Limp Wristing) Normally the nose of the projectile doesn't come into contact with the slide stop until the slide pushes the cartridge forward. The slide can't push the cartridge froward if it's locked back. At least those are my thoughts on the subject.
I have to respectfully disagree. My P380 was certainly locking back early due to bullets contacting the lever. I was able to rule out the other causes you mention and was only able to get it to stop locking back early with some judicious filing on the slide stop. Granted, a P380 is not a PM9, but I think the same possibility remains.
10-17-2014, 01:54 PM
if any round in any gun or caliber interacts with the side stop u certinly can get pre-mature slide stoppage. Also u will get failure to feed if that bullit hits that slide stop lever on the inside and it just throws the round off a tad but that is enough. Filing down the little nut on the slide stop will normally take care of it and if in doubt email Jay at kahr and explain what thegun is doing and more than likely they will send u a new slide stop lever. The only thing that should touch that slide stop lever is the nub on the follower on the last round, everything else should slide right by that little ub. If the round moves forward in te magaine, it should still clear to. Just y thoughts on the subject. Muggsy is drinking to much of Lake erie water in cleveland and it has effected what brain he has left... Might be hearsay but I was told that Hoppe's #9 is 75% Lake erie.
10-17-2014, 08:35 PM
If that were the case then every bullet in the magazine would come into contact with the slide stop and the gun would lock back on every shot. When the Indians experienced a drought they would do a rain dance. Within a few days of dancing rain would fall. Did the dancing cause the drought to end? I don't think so. I don't think that removing metal from the slide stop caused the slide to stop from locking back either. Of course, my opinion may differ from yours.
BTW, Hoppes is made from pure maiden oil with just a dash of tobacco juice for coloring.
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