View Full Version : Has the gun control movement fizzled?

10-03-2014, 04:34 AM
Has the gun control movement fizzled?
Posted on October 3, 2014 (http://personalliberty.com/gun-control-movement-fizzled/) by Ben Bullard (http://personalliberty.com/author/benbullardpl/)
Progressive support for government’s effort to exert control via innovative interpretations of the 2nd Amendment isn’t likely to die off. But – at least for now – it appears to have slithered back into its dark hole.
Over the past year, an assortment of court rulings, state legislative measures, strong gun sales and highly publicized political meltdowns — especially the voter recall effort of pro-gun control lawmakers in Colorado — have left gun control proponents struggling to regain lost traction.
They’re not likely to retake lost ground anytime soon, according to OpenCarry.org’s John Pierce, who told Examiner this week that, for the time being, gun control “seems to have run out of steam entirely.”
That leaves everyone else on stronger footing to focus on correcting the many 2nd Amendment infringements that still criminalize full and free access to firearms.
From Examiner (http://www.examiner.com/article/anti-gun-movement-runs-out-of-steam-2014):

“All in all the anti-gun movement is appears going no-where fast,” claims OpenCarry.org’s Mr. Pierce. Looking ahead, Pierce predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually grant certiorari to a case “so as to resolve the split of authority as to whether the Second Amendment provides a fundamental right to carry guns outside the home.”
The right to bear arms in some states has suffered at the hands of state or local lawmakers who’ve passed legislation that forces residents to demonstrate to police that they “need” concealed carry permits — and only in self-defense situations.
Yet even those restrictions have faced tough sledding in the courts. A court decision recently forced the Washington, D.C. city council to revise an ordinance so that residents could apply to law enforcement for permission to carry concealed handguns. But that still leaves D.C. as a “may-issue” zone, where the burden of proof falls to the citizens to seek government’s permission to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.


Or did so many other issues that BHO created distract from the Gun Grabbers?

10-03-2014, 06:39 AM
NO! It has NOT fizzled.

10-03-2014, 08:42 AM
It's still going strong among the liberals. That's why we should shoot them. :)

Longitude Zero
10-03-2014, 09:48 AM
It may have slowed a wee little bit but that just means they have pulled back and are waiting upon a more opportune time. It is when they are quiet that they are at the most dangerous phase.

10-03-2014, 11:19 AM
Since Obama stole Hillary's thunder and destroyed the healthcare system with Socialized Obamacare she's really steamed that she didn't get to put her name on it...After the 2016 landslide election and the media's crowning and coronation of the new Queen her main motivation will be to reinstate Billy Bob's assault weapons ban and impose extraordinary taxes on new guns and a tax stamp or license for ammo purchases....Hillary wont stop until it's the USSA...Better buy um now boys and girls, things gonna change in 2017

10-03-2014, 12:10 PM
Hillary doesn't stand a chance. Who's going to vote for a grandmother to be president of the United States?

10-03-2014, 12:20 PM
The same stupid uninformed ignorant moochers who voted for an inexperienced community organizer in the last election....Women will elect Hillary in 2016

10-03-2014, 06:38 PM
I hate to say this, I am very much anti liberal, but she's gonna be the next president. She runs, she's gonna win

10-03-2014, 08:16 PM
I hate to say this, I am very much anti liberal, but she's gonna be the next president. She runs, she's gonna win
Bite your tongue.

I dont think it's fizzled but i think the liberal anti gunners grossly under estimated the resistance they would face. Interesting note i heard was NRA's largest membership growth after sandy hook was the northeast. For all practical purposes every gun and every round of ammo was bought up and i don't think that those that bought planned on turning them in if a law passed. That among other things probably is going to cost the dems the house too. Sad part is in 2 years everyone will forget what happened and they'll make the hildabeast into Cinderella.

Stock up on ammo now.


10-04-2014, 09:02 AM
The same stupid uninformed ignorant moochers who voted for an inexperienced community organizer in the last election....Women will elect Hillary in 2016

You got me there, Getsome. You'll get no dispute from me. :)

10-04-2014, 09:16 AM
Do you guys realize that Obama would not have been reelected president if conservatives hadn't sat out the election or voted for a third party candidates in the last election. Democrat party popularity is at an all time low thanks to Obama and his minions. The economy is in the tank, one third of our college graduates can't find a job and are living with their parents, real unemployment is around 16%, our national security is threatened by Islamic terrorists, our borders aren't secured and we're being threatened by deadly diseases. If the conservatives can't win this election then you might as well hand in your guns. Put a fork in us, we're done.

marshal kane
10-04-2014, 09:26 AM
Any gun control advocate holding office would face a lynch mob if they were to write a bill to confiscate guns. They know it so what they do is erode the 2nd a piece at a time with restrictions until only the "militia" have guns. Even though they may not be currently active in your neighborhood or State, let there be no doubt that they are still there and just waiting for another "Sandy Hook" to rear their ugly heads. The only reason why Washington hasn't taken up the cause lately is because of the upcoming election. Attacking the 2nd prior to the election amounts to political career suicide but a wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf and voters should research the voting records of the candidates carefully and vote wisely. Gun control advocates may look like you and me but they have something less than a six-pack between their ears and are thus dangerous. Never forget that.

10-04-2014, 05:30 PM
I have come to believe the Republican party is just plain stupid. In the last pres election they got up on the stage during the "debates" and sunk each others boats. The Dems just sat back and laughed at them. The Dems have already got their act together for 2016 and the Repubs are split 3 ways on nearly every major issue. Immigration, gay marriage, etc. Rhino's, Tea Party and Libertarians. Sheesh! Ovomit said on national tv he is going to wait untill after the election to use his "pen and phone" to legalize the illegal emigrants to save the Dems in the November election. Have the Repubs capitalized on the implications of this. NO! They are too busy fighting each other! Oh, well. We can hope people are fed up enough to ignore it.

10-30-2014, 12:42 PM
Since Obama stole Hillary's thunder and destroyed the healthcare system with Socialized Obamacare she's really steamed that she didn't get to put her name on it...After the 2016 landslide election and the media's crowning and coronation of the new Queen her main motivation will be to reinstate Billy Bob's assault weapons ban and impose extraordinary taxes on new guns and a tax stamp or license for ammo purchases....Hillary wont stop until it's the USSA...Better buy um now boys and girls, things gonna change in 2017

I agree with Getsome more often then not.. I am in Kalif so there is nothing here to buy---legally.

10-30-2014, 12:46 PM
I have come to believe the Republican party is just plain stupid. In the last pres election they got up on the stage during the "debates" and sunk each others boats. The Dems just sat back and laughed at them. The Dems have already got their act together for 2016 and the Repubs are split 3 ways on nearly every major issue. Immigration, gay marriage, etc. Rhino's, Tea Party and Libertarians. Sheesh! Ovomit said on national tv he is going to wait untill after the election to use his "pen and phone" to legalize the illegal emigrants to save the Dems in the November election. Have the Repubs capitalized on the implications of this. NO! They are too busy fighting each other! Oh, well. We can hope people are fed up enough to ignore it.

Yep the dems seem more coherent in their views and approach to governing. But their message is simple too.... Their platform is an easy one to install.

10-30-2014, 12:46 PM
It's still going strong among the liberals. That's why we should shoot them. :)

With silver boolits.......................blood suckers:p

Longitude Zero
10-30-2014, 04:13 PM
Just recall what happens to a disease when you show no symptoms. It festers and when it comes roaring back you can be overwhelmed. The anti's are still out there waiting in the wings.

10-30-2014, 06:32 PM
Exactly. If the Dems keep the senate, they will start immediately. None of them even want to be noticed before the election. Of course a lot depends on what happens in the House. If they gain ground there ?????????????

11-01-2014, 09:23 PM
They are quiet because it is election time. They do not want you to know they are anti-Constitution.

11-06-2014, 10:55 AM
The gun control folks will set back and regroup, and make new plans for when the political atmosphere is more in their favor. The will continue collecting money, and be back with a vengeance, when they get the chance.

Longitude Zero
11-06-2014, 12:11 PM
I have come to believe the Republican party is just plain stupid. In the last pres election they got up on the stage during the "debates" and sunk each others boats. The Dems just sat back and laughed at them. The Dems have already got their act together for 2016 and the Repubs are split 3 ways on nearly every major issue. Immigration, gay marriage, etc. Rhino's, Tea Party and Libertarians. Sheesh! Ovomit said on national tv he is going to wait untill after the election to use his "pen and phone" to legalize the illegal emigrants to save the Dems in the November election. Have the Repubs capitalized on the implications of this. NO! They are too busy fighting each other! Oh, well. We can hope people are fed up enough to ignore it.

Dems got there act together? Poppycock. The recent elections proves this to be an unbelievable falsehood. If they "had their act together" they would have kept the Senate, retaken the House. PUHLEEZE!!!

11-06-2014, 12:22 PM
not sure if was a victory because "they" have their act together or if people are tired of the status quo and had no where else to turn.

11-06-2014, 03:11 PM
This was much more of a parting shot from the voters at Harry Reid, and the current Potus. He used Reid as his puppet....................anything he didn't like, he just had Reid stop it, before it got anywhere. Just because the big R's got control, doesn't mean that they have a lock on the next Pres. election. Our current "leader" actually thinks that the voting public is pissed at Congress, but not him..........they are the one's that have kept things from getting accomplished. He IS that egotistical. He still believes that the general public agrees with all of his policies, and if it wasn't for that damn Congress, he could have had it all. He IS that narcissistic. He will continue to do what he always has, unfortunately, and the big R's have to stop it. Look for 2 more years of $#!+.

11-06-2014, 05:32 PM
Dems got there act together? Poppycock. The recent elections proves this to be an unbelievable falsehood. If they "had their act together" they would have kept the Senate, retaken the House. PUHLEEZE!!!

Yes, that is exactly what I said. Or do you not remember the last presidential election when the repub candidates got up on national tv and butchered each other while the dems sat and laughed at them. We won the senate because the dems have made such a mess of things, not because the repubs were organized or the people LOVE the repubs. Their approval rating is actually below the dems. The dems are much better at organizing and getting their message out. If the dems run Hitlary in 2016 and the repubs and tea party don't get it together they will do the same thing again.
Lets not gloat about this election quite yet. With "Crying" John and "Compromiser" McConnell running the show? PUHLEEZE!!! 2016 isn't far away. We'll see.

11-06-2014, 05:47 PM
...gives me two years to stock up on ammo. Just sayin'.

11-06-2014, 06:49 PM
They are already regrouping. They hope to replicate what they did in Washington:

If gun safety advocates use the experience in Washington as a template and begin moving ballot initiatives for background checks into other states, they will not only negate the lobbying power of the NRA at the legislative level, but can use the financial resources of their chief supporters to equalize or overcome the monies that the NRA doles out for political campaigns. In the I-594 contest the supporters spent (http://ballotpedia.org/Washington_Universal_Background_Checks_for_Gun_Pur chases_Initiative_%282014%29) nearly $8 million to gain what will probably be somewhere above 1 million votes, the measure's opponents spent slightly under half a million and vote-wise fell far short. Bloomberg kicked in $2.3 million, the Microsoft boys -- Gates & Ballmer -- threw in another $1.6 million and Paul Allen added half a mil. Gates, Ballmer and Allen are all residents of Washington, but if Mayor Mike decided to move his funding cavalcade to another state he'd no doubt dig up a few wealthy friends to help foot the bill.


11-06-2014, 07:26 PM
The gun control folks will set back and regroup, and make new plans for when the political atmosphere is more in their favor. The will continue collecting money, and be back with a vengeance, when they get the chance.

The country needs another mass shooting....

11-06-2014, 08:43 PM
They have not fizzled out at all - stay vigilant.
They are trying to lull some of us into a false sense of security.
If Kamala Harris can remain Attorney general in CA despite our hard work to unseat her, we are still in grave danger.

But please, no more mass shootings - I'm sure you were joking.

We may need to find something we can offer them to defuse their attacks.
What do forum members think about agreeing to a mental evaluation of gun buyers below the age of 40 or 35? Since the average age of mass shooters is 35 and a majority of them were mentally ill.
If this was agreed to, we would make it conditional upon them agreeing that they would have to allow the rest of us to buy whatever we want, whenever we want - a gun a day if need be - and No waiting period if you already own a hand gun.

11-06-2014, 08:53 PM
I think downtownnv was mimicking Buckshot Joe Biden. He did actually say it.

11-06-2014, 09:21 PM
They have not fizzled out at all - stay vigilant.
They are trying to lull some of us into a false sense of security.
If Kamala Harris can remain Attorney general in CA despite our hard work to unseat her, we are still in grave danger.

But please, no more mass shootings - I'm sure you were joking.

We may need to find something we can offer them to defuse their attacks.
What do forum members think about agreeing to a mental evaluation of gun buyers below the age of 40 or 35? Since the average age of mass shooters is 35 and a majority of them were mentally ill.
If this was agreed to, we would make it conditional upon them agreeing that they would have to allow the rest of us to buy whatever we want, whenever we want - a gun a day if need be - and No waiting period if you already own a hand gun.

I'm not agreein' to anything. How about we quit mainstreaming the mentally challenged and get them the special attention they need? How about we quit making excuses for poor Johnny and get him some help? How about we start making bullies accountable for their actions? How about we start addressing the real problems instead of the results?

11-06-2014, 11:24 PM
Yup. They'd controlled the shrinks and label us all whack jobs.

I think some of us are.

I give them nothing. Well they can have California if that helps.

11-07-2014, 09:16 AM
They have not fizzled out at all - stay vigilant.
They are trying to lull some of us into a false sense of security.
If Kamala Harris can remain Attorney general in CA despite our hard work to unseat her, we are still in grave danger.

But please, no more mass shootings - I'm sure you were joking.

We may need to find something we can offer them to defuse their attacks.
What do forum members think about agreeing to a mental evaluation of gun buyers below the age of 40 or 35? Since the average age of mass shooters is 35 and a majority of them were mentally ill.
If this was agreed to, we would make it conditional upon them agreeing that they would have to allow the rest of us to buy whatever we want, whenever we want - a gun a day if need be - and No waiting period if you already own a hand gun.

How about you be the first to volunteer..............you know, as a test case:p

11-07-2014, 02:25 PM
Huh BB ? ... volunteer for what ??

11-07-2014, 03:56 PM
Yup. They'd controlled the shrinks and label us all whack jobs.

I think some of us are.

I give them nothing. Well they can have California if that helps.

They can only have California if the Northstate is allowed to break off and form the State of Jefferson (it'll never happen though). How about we agree to round them up and let them all stay in LA and San Francisco? I'll even agree to stay out of those areas - I don't especially like being there anyway. Then the rest of the state can be enjoyed by the rest of us.

11-07-2014, 04:11 PM
I got a sneak peek at the Georgia Pre Firearm Purchase Psychological test....Goes something like this:

Q.... Have you ever felt like shooting someone?
A.... Oh yes

Q.... Have you ever felt like shooting your wife?
A.... F yes

Q... Have you ever wanted to shoot anyone in your immediate family?
A... You must know them so don't even get me started on that one

Q... Have you ever felt like shooting your Boss or anyone else at work?

Q... Have you ever had thoughts of shooting yourself
A... Only when I think about my wife and her family or my boss

Congratulations!!! you pass, sign and date this form and how much ammo do you want with your new pistol?

11-07-2014, 04:13 PM
I got a sneak peak at the Georgia Pre Firearm Purchase Psychological test....Goes something like this:

1. Q.... Have you ever felt like shooting someone?
A.... Oh yes

2. Q....Have you ever felt like shooting your wife?
A....F yes

3. Q...Have you ever wanted to shoot anyone in your immediate family?
A...You must know them so don't even get me started

3. Q...Have you ever felt like shooting your Boss or anyone else at work?

4. Q...Have you ever had thoughts of shooting yourself
A...Only when I think about my wife and her family or my boss

Congratulations!!! you pass, sign and date this form and how much ammo do you want with your new pistol?

...If you didn't answer yes to at least a couple of those, you MUST be crazy!