View Full Version : P45 Range Report

06-21-2010, 08:53 PM
Well I picked up my P45 today and went to the range with a 100 pack of WWB 230 grain ball.

I was amazed at the accuracy of this gun. I am a competent but not great shot and these guns bring out the best in me. The first 19 shots were all in the 9 ring or better at 15 yards. When I slowed down a little I could really group with the pistol.

Recoil was an issue compared to the PM9 but not all that bad.

All 100 rounds went down without a single hiccup!

I believe that I am going to carry 230 grain ball in this pistol. I'm convinced it will be 100% reliable and I think that ball ammo is a decent round in this gun.

Tomorrow I will make a holster and a mag pouch for it and will start carrying it after one more trip to the range.

At this point I am seriously considering letting my Taurus PT 1911, Kimber Aegis 9mm, and Beretta 92 go. I am not the kind of guy who has a carry rotation. If I can comfortably carry the P45 that will be my edc gun. If not I will stick to the PM9 and use the P45 when I can dress to conceal it and for home defense.

I may look at a trip to Magnaport for it as this baby does jump a little during rapid fire. For now I put a rubber sleeve on it and will see what that does.

Note: I did catch a casing or two in the face today. I routinely wear glasses so I'm not overly concerned. I am wondering if Kahr has a fix for this problem.

Take care,