View Full Version : slide locked back. Slide stop stuck

10-07-2014, 12:00 AM
:o Embarrassed new P380 owner

Picked up my P380 today.
Loaded 7 snap caps in extended magazine.
First one went okay, ejected it.
Pulled slide back and it stayed open.
There is a snap cap loaded in the barrel - stuck there.
Squeezed trigger, tried pulling slide back.
Can't move the slide lock either.
Magazine will not release.

What a beginning - please, please help...

10-07-2014, 07:46 AM
Just to clarify :
So the slide is stuck in the locked back position?
The magazine wont drop?
There is a snap cap stuck in the barrel?

If the answer to the 3 questions above are yes im asking myself if maybe a 9mm snapcap got mixed in with your .380 ones. Not sure if its possible for them to go into the mag though. If not a 9mm snapcap try this:

One more question, can you lock the slide back with the slide release? If you can do that you should be able to get the mag out but you may have to work at it. Maybe the extractor didnt grab your snapcap well and then when you racked the slide it forced another round right in behind the one in the chamber causing the exact situation you described.

Welckme to kahrtalk by the way.

10-07-2014, 08:07 AM
:o Embarrassed new P380 owner

Pulled slide back and it stayed open.
Squeezed trigger, tried pulling slide back.

What a beginning - please, please help...

Is the slide open or closed? You can take a wooden dowel rod and push the from the muzzle end of the barrel to get the snap cap out.

Once you get the gun clear, I would recommend a good cleaning and lubrication. Then take it to the range and shoot it! Stop futzing around with the gun. If you want to dry fire the gun, snap caps are not needed.


10-07-2014, 08:55 AM
1st, mag stuck? try squeezing the mag into the mag well and press and hold the release, can the mag be pulled out? (may need to tug a bit)
If that doesn`t work you might need more drastic measure, you still have 5 snaps in mag? you can CAREFULLY undo the bottom of the mag to empty it (use a large bag/box to catch flying parts),repeat step one.
2nd. slide open or closed? open, use a pencil or dowell to remove stuck snap.(gentle tapping might be required)
slide closed? need to ponder a bit, will get back if needed
ps: I don`t have a 380, p or otherwise to experiment with, just using my cw45 for testing thoughts

10-07-2014, 09:29 AM
Thanks so much, folks,

Planning to slip away from work for a bit to try out your suggestions later this morning (PST)

I'll let you know the outcome.

marshal kane
10-07-2014, 09:58 AM
Is there a snap cap jammed under the one in the chamber and part way out of the magazine? If so, get a screwdriver and try to pry or push the snap cap fully back under the magazine lips. If you can do this, you should be able to release the magazine. If you can't then ditto the idea of removing the bottom of the magazine to empty it. The magazine spring tension is undoubtedly contributing to your problem. Get a punch and press it into the hole at the base of the magazine. Try to slide the magazine base off being sure to catch the parts that want to come flying out. Remove the magazine body along with the remaining snap caps from the magazine well. Make sure the magazine well is clear of any snap caps then drive the snap cap out of the barrel chamber with a wood dowel or similar tool. You can clear this jam just keep cool and work carefully.

10-07-2014, 10:55 AM
Thanks, thanks, thanks !!

Yes it worked!

I used a oencil to push from the muzzle exit, while pushing other snap cap into magazine with a small screwdriver as suggested.
Required 3 hands, but it worked.

Is there a trick to working the slide release after you pull and lock the slide back? - it seems to require a lot of force.
I must admit that after 2 years with my Glock 17, this tiny Kahr requires far more strength for everything except squeezing the trigger (the Kahr's lovely).

Thanks again, folks - I did not want to make the half hour trip to the store and provide their employees with great merriment at my expense :)

marshal kane
10-07-2014, 03:24 PM
Are you trying to operate the slide release with an empty magazine in the magazine well? Kahr expressly says NOT to do this. Remove the empty magazine first and the slide release should work with far less resistance. When you're firing the Kahr at the range, you're going to eject the empty magazine with the slide locked back anyway. When you replace with a loaded magazine, the magazine follower is no longer pushing up on the slide release hence, any easy release of the slide. Hope this cures your problem.

10-07-2014, 06:01 PM
Nice catch there Marshal. Good answer.

marshal kane
10-08-2014, 07:25 AM
Thanks Muggsy, I hope that is the cure for kenm's problem.

10-08-2014, 11:53 AM
Are you trying to operate the slide release with an empty magazine in the magazine well? Kahr expressly says NOT to do this. Remove the empty magazine first and the slide release should work with far less resistance. When you're firing the Kahr at the range, you're going to eject the empty magazine with the slide locked back anyway. When you replace with a loaded magazine, the magazine follower is no longer pushing up on the slide release hence, any easy release of the slide. Hope this cures your problem.

Thanks Marshal,

That did help a little, but its still pretty stiff, though definitely better. ... think I've been spoiled by my Glock 17.
Perhaps as I build callouses on my delicate thumb and fingers it'll get easier!

Just my luck that I'm down with a bad cold, so haven't been able to go to the range.

BTW, I saw a post where the person suggested leaving the gun with the slide locked back for a few days to "loosen" the spring - your thoughts on this?

marshal kane
10-08-2014, 01:58 PM
The more times you operate your slide stop the parts will break in and get smoother. I have a P9 with about 700 rounds through it and my slide stop is still a little stiff but I like it that way. It was very stiff when I got it but it's starting to break in.

I'm not one to leave the recoil spring compressed just to shorten the spring quickly for easier functioning. I prefer to shoot a gun a lot and let the spring shorten itself through use but then, this is just my choice. You may feel differently about this and do what the "person" recommends. Either method should produce about the same results but leaving the recoil spring compressed may do it faster.

Take care of that cold and I hope you have a fast recovery.