View Full Version : Oh those Crazy Moms....

10-08-2014, 05:30 AM
Moms Demand Action has adopted the tactic of attempting to isolate and bully individual companies into accepting their prohibitionist gun control philosophy. Their goal is to accomplish through bullying what they cannot establish through legislation: reducing the number of places that law-abiding citizens can exercise their basic human right to self-defense.
The republic’s largest supermarket chain is the latest target of Michael Bloomberg’s fake grassroots gun prohibitionist organization, and the chain has stood tall in defense of the common sense position that private companies best serve their customers by abiding by local, state and federal laws, not writing their own.
This has led Moms Demand to shift tactics from their normal social media bullying tactics, to sending paid staffers to deliver a photocopied stack of petition signatures to individual cameras as part of a photo-op campaign. Yes, they’re attempting to deliver the same photocopied stack of signatures to stores around the nation.
A Kroger manager refused to play that game yesterday, causing Moms Demand founder Shannon Watts to Tweet the following from her suburban mansion in ultra-white, ultra wealthy Zionsville, Indiana. (h/t Twitchy (http://twitchy.com/2014/10/06/good-for-her-kroger-manager-gives-moms-demand-action-the-brush-off-photo/))

If she was looking for support and sympathy, she largely failed.
I was also happy to let Shannon know my opinion on the matter.

On their Facebook page, Moms Demand confirms (https://www.facebook.com/MomsDemandAction/photos/a.300767940041133.70846.300719666712627/646202235497700/?type=1) that this Ohio store manager was not alone in rejecting their bullying, grandstanding tactics. Other Kroger store managers have refused to play their game, which is nothing more or less than a public relations campaign by a small number of paid activists and a social media campaign designed to make it look like their campaign has the popular support that it so clearly lacks.
It’s incredibly gratifying to see a nationwide chain like the Kroger family of stores stand up to bullying from extreme activist groups. Hopefully they will inspire other store chains to act in a similar regard.:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

by Taboola (http://www.taboola.com/en/popup?template=colorbox&taboola_utm_source=thn-bearingarms&taboola_utm_medium=bytaboola&taboola_utm_content=hybrid-thumbs-2r:below-article-thumbs:)
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Author: Bob Owens (http://bearingarms.com/author/bobowens-bearingarms/)Bob Owens is the Editor of BearingArms.com (http://bearingarms.com/). A long-time shooting enthusiast, he began blogging as a North Carolina native in New York at the politics-focused Confederate Yankee in 2004. In 2007 Bob began writing about firearms, gun rights, and crime at Pajamas Media, and added gun and gear reviews for Shooting Illustrated in 2010. He is a volunteer in the Appleseed Project, where he shares stories of our shared American heritage and teaches traditional rifle marksmanship. He is an alumni of Gunsite Academy (http://www.gunsite.com/main/) (250 Pistol). His personal blog is bob-owens.com (http://bob-owens.com/), and he can be found on Twitter at bob_owens (https://twitter.com/bob_owens).



10-08-2014, 05:48 AM
Proving once again that some of us still possess common sense. Way to go Kroger's manager. :Amflag2::cool:

Longitude Zero
10-08-2014, 10:51 AM
They also actively promote "SWAT'ing". What that is they see a person carrying either open or concealed. They call 911 and give that person(s) description to the dispatcher and say they are running around shooting up the place and then wait for the officers to arrive. Many departments and 911 call centers are getting wise to the ruse.

10-08-2014, 12:40 PM
I did write a letter to Kroger thanking them for their decision. Think it's good for them to know someone cares. I would say most people write to complain about something.

10-08-2014, 01:07 PM
Arguing with these gun-phobic people, or hard-hitting talks by Wayne LaPierre have not worked.

I think the solution to the "anti-gun" lobby is education.
If we can collectively come up with a comprehensive way to educate the frightened, we may have more success.

Over the past few decades, I have "converted" quite a few anti-gun and gun-phobic individuals by gently taking them to a local range, equipping them with excellent ear protection, crystal-clear eye protection and teaching them to shoot.
Every one of them came out thrilled with excitement, and with a new view of guns. Over half of them are now regulars at their local range.

So, any input for a comprehensive method to educate the frightened and the pure ignorant?

10-08-2014, 01:29 PM
I do the same thing. It does help. Sadly there are many that just will not educate. That's why we still have liberals and democrats. Kind of sad really when it's all crystal clear as your eye protection yet they still can't see.

Longitude Zero
10-09-2014, 10:47 AM
Agreed kenm. Sadly the vast majority of the anti's do not want to learn and actively resist efforts to be educated. They are responding emotionally and not intellectually.

10-09-2014, 05:13 PM
I still like this!

10-09-2014, 05:25 PM
Agreed kenm. Sadly the vast majority of the anti's do not want to learn and actively resist efforts to be educated. They are responding emotionally and not intellectually.

Don't know if they resist being educated or they just can't be..

10-11-2014, 12:12 PM
Video of Wild Bill talking about Mom's Demand Action and their calling 911 to make false reports about people open carrying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnDsdCK48Ow

I wonder if the NRA or someone could file a class action suit against them for making false reports, and endangering people open carrying.

10-11-2014, 12:44 PM
It won't be long before the dispatcher will be trained to ask the wench if she's a member of Mom's Demand Action member. If she says yes they'll dispatch the officers back to the coffee shop where they deserve a break.

Course we'll eventually experience the sky is falling syndrome and some nut case with a gun will actually be causing harm and nobody will respond thinking it's the violets demand action folks at work.