View Full Version : Federal Classic Hi Shok the same as Fed. HST 147gr 9mm ??? reocommend a SD ammo?

10-08-2014, 06:45 PM
I have a couple old boxes of Federal Classic HI SHOK 147gr jhp and while I was doing a search of specs for the newer Federal HST 147gr it seems the specs match, exactly in fact..... 1000fps /326fp

Perhaps the JHP itself is different?? I've done some backyard water jug tests with these years ago as well as wet phone books, and the collected bullets expanded perfectly, while not accurate test results by any means they were still consistent nonetheless...

My question is, I'm looking for a good "new" SD round for my pm9 as well as g26..

Does anyone know if there is an actual difference in the booolit itself??

Or perhaps you can recommend a SD bullet?? I'm partial to 147gr but open to others as well...

10-09-2014, 07:39 AM
I'm going to buy a box of the HST 147gr for comparison to the Hi Shok classic, but can't find any.... If the bullet is the same we are talking a huge difference in price for the box, not the ammo.. They still sell the Classic in a white box, I'm hopeful someone can chime in...

in the mean time I think I'll pick up a box of gold dots ......

10-09-2014, 09:12 AM
I carry the 147 gr. HST's. I can't say whether they are the same or not..............don't really care.:o

Longitude Zero
10-09-2014, 11:45 AM
Good ammo. If it is more than one year old I would never carry it. For me it is Hornady Critical Defense of Critical Duty in every caliber for handguns.

10-09-2014, 12:45 PM
LZ, I have some .45 cal ball ammo that was manufactured in 1943 for the military. I don't think that you would want to stand between me and the target when I shoot it. Just sayin.

10-09-2014, 12:48 PM
Federal Hi Shok was good ammo when it was first issued and it's still good today. I do prefer the more modern HST projectile.

10-09-2014, 05:16 PM
You clearly don't get it - new is always better. Throw out those old crappy Hi Shoks and get some HST!

FWIW - I run HST standard pressure 124 grain in my CM9.

10-09-2014, 06:50 PM
Just to show you what a nice guy I am, I will be willing to dispose of any 1+ year old ammo you guys have free of charge!:biggrin1:

10-09-2014, 07:00 PM
Just to show you what a nice guy I am, I will be willing to dispose of any 1+ year old ammo you guys have free of charge!:biggrin1:

Yer my kinda man, Glockrocker.

10-09-2014, 07:44 PM
yeah its pretty old stuff but I don't see an expiration date on it and it goes bang everytime I pull the trigger :) My G26 is loaded with it now and has been for a loooong time, but now that I carry every single day I want to buy something modern, ammo has come a very long way for 9mm....

If anyone finds the HST please let me know... I'm turning up nothing

10-09-2014, 08:25 PM
yeah its pretty old stuff but I don't see an expiration date on it and it goes bang everytime I pull the trigger :) My G26 is loaded with it now and has been for a loooong time, but now that I carry every single day I want to buy something modern, ammo has come a very long way for 9mm....

If anyone finds the HST please let me know... I'm turning up nothing

SGammo.com usually has HST in 50 rd. boxes at good prices.

10-10-2014, 10:09 AM
Lucky Gunner has 124 gr................................................ ....................

Longitude Zero
10-10-2014, 10:30 AM
LZ, I have some .45 cal ball ammo that was manufactured in 1943 for the military. I don't think that you would want to stand between me and the target when I shoot it. Just sayin.

True but neither would I be silly enough to fire a gun with it either. I have seen too many issues with piss poor quality of ammo of that vintage.

Longitude Zero
10-10-2014, 10:32 AM
Federal Hi Shok was good ammo when it was first issued and it's still good today. I do prefer the more modern HST projectile.

It was marginal back in the day. Today I is okay but there is FAR BETTER ammo out there. No I would not want to be shot with it but Hydra Shocks would out-perform it by a mile or more.

10-10-2014, 12:57 PM
Nothing is a better test than the human body, but from what testing I have observed, HST is some of the best out there............................................

10-10-2014, 04:50 PM
Hi Shok is a dated design that often sold as a cheaper "conventional" alternative to Hydra Shock. Better than ball but not by much by today's standards.

10-10-2014, 11:49 PM
Seems like I read a few years ago the the HST stands for Hydro Shock Technology but not too sure. Also, recall a video that claimed the bullet notches are made to expand earlier than the older HS. May just be a re-label job and got it initially qualified as restricted to police forces, but it got me and I've been an HST guy since. Never had to use it so I can kinda claim it works for me. Maybe if I had a T-Shirt labeled "I Only Carry HST Ammo".....

10-14-2014, 07:25 AM
True but neither would I be silly enough to fire a gun with it either. I have seen too many issues with piss poor quality of ammo of that vintage.

That ammo was produced to help win WWII. The match grade ball ammo is still very good stuff if you can find if. We were still issuing it to the troops who fought in Vietnam twenty years later. Ammunition that is stored properly has a very long shelf life.


10-14-2014, 03:08 PM
Ammunition that is stored properly has a very long shelf life.


Earlier this year I fired a box of 38 Special FMJ that my dad bought around 1980. It had been kept in an air conditioned house in south Florida.


10-14-2014, 09:26 PM
When I was quite young my Dad took me out to shoot his very old western revolver from his collection. Thinking back on it was at least a 45 and the ammo looked as old as the gun. His first shot kinda went a soft bang and traveled about 50'. The next went fizz and stuck in the barrel. He swore a bit and drove it out with a screwdriver or similar tool. After a couple more like that he says "I guess that ammo is too old" and we went home. WWII ammo may or not be okay but I'd sure make darn sure it at least comes out of the barrel with each shot! That ammo then wasn't as old as WWII ammo is today for sure. He brought a gun, not a club.

10-21-2014, 07:47 PM
My rule is to never use ammunition older than I am. Unless they be reloads......